

1.数字从 0-9 变化;

2.字母从 A-Z、a-z 变化;



     /// <summary>
/// 字符串运算
/// </summary>
public class StringOperation
{ /// <summary>
/// 通过ASCII码值,对字符串自增1
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pStr">输入字符串</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string StringIncreaseOne(string pStr)
var vRetStr = pStr;
if ( == pStr.Length)
vRetStr = "";
// 将最后一个字符与之前的字符串分开
string vOtherStr = pStr.Substring(, pStr.Length - );
int vIntChar = (int)pStr[pStr.Length - ]; //转ASCII码值
if ( <= vIntChar && vIntChar <= ) //是数字(0 - 9)
vIntChar++; //自增1
if (vIntChar == ) // 进一位
vIntChar = ;
vOtherStr = StringIncreaseOne(vOtherStr);
else if ( <= vIntChar && vIntChar <= ) //是字母(A - Z)
vIntChar++; //自增1
if (vIntChar == )
vIntChar = ;
vOtherStr = StringIncreaseOne(vOtherStr);
else if ( <= vIntChar && vIntChar <= ) //是字母(a - z)
vIntChar++; //自增1
if (vIntChar == )
vIntChar = ;
vOtherStr = StringIncreaseOne(vOtherStr);
else // 其它字符 -> 跳过
vOtherStr = StringIncreaseOne(vOtherStr);
vRetStr = vOtherStr + (char)vIntChar;
return vRetStr;
} /// <summary>
/// 通过ASCII码值,对字符串自减1
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pStr">输入字符串</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string StringReducingOne(string pStr)
var vRetStr = pStr;
if ( == pStr.Length)
vRetStr = "";
string vOtherStr = pStr.Substring(, pStr.Length - );
int vIntChar = (int)pStr[pStr.Length - ]; //转ASCII码值
if ( <= vIntChar && vIntChar <= ) //是数字(0 - 9)
if (vIntChar == )
vIntChar = ;
vOtherStr = StringReducingOne(vOtherStr);
else if ( <= vIntChar && vIntChar <= ) //是数字(A - Z)
if (vIntChar == )
vIntChar = ;
vOtherStr = StringReducingOne(vOtherStr);
else if ( <= vIntChar && vIntChar <= ) //是数字(a - z)
if (vIntChar == )
vIntChar = ;
vOtherStr = StringReducingOne(vOtherStr);
else // 其它字符 -> 跳过
vOtherStr = StringReducingOne(vOtherStr);
vRetStr = vOtherStr + (char)vIntChar;
return vRetStr;
} /// <summary>
/// 通过ASCII码值,对字符串自增
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pStr">输入字符串</param>
/// <param name="pCount">自增个数</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string StringIncrease(string pStr, int pCount)
string vRetStr = pStr;
for (int i = ; i < pCount; i++)
vRetStr = StringIncreaseOne(vRetStr);
return vRetStr;
} /// <summary>
/// 通过ASCII码值,对字符串自减
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pStr">输入字符串</param>
/// <param name="pCount">自减个数</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string StringReducing(string pStr, int pCount)
string vRetStr = pStr;
for (int i = ; i < pCount; i++)
vRetStr = StringReducingOne(vRetStr);
return vRetStr;
} }


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