In [1]: a = 100 In [2]: a
Out[2]: 100 #100<255,在堆内存下占用了一个字节,一个字节8位,可以存放的数值最大为255。 In [3]: b = "" In [4]: b
Out[4]: '' #对应ASCII码存放,一个字节存放任何的一个字符,因此字符串100对应3个字符即占用3个字节。字符串占用空间大。 In [5]: type(a)
Out[5]: int In [6]: type(b)
Out[6]: str
In [4]: b = ''
In [7]: c = ""
In [8]: b + c
Out[8]: ''
In [9]: d = "b+c=%s" %(b+c) In [10]: d
Out[10]: 'b+c=100200'
In [11]: e="abcefg%sgfgfgfg"%b In [12]: e
Out[12]: 'abcefg100gfgfgfg'
In [27]: name
Out[27]: 'abcdefghijk' In [28]: name[0]
Out[28]: 'a' In [29]: name[-1]
Out[29]: 'k' In [30]: len(name)
Out[30]: 11 In [32]: name[len(name)-1]
Out[32]: 'k' In [33]: name[-10]
Out[33]: 'b' In [34]: name[10]
Out[34]: 'k'
In [1]: name="abdfsdfsdf" In [2]: name[1:4]
Out[2]: 'bdf' In [3]: name[:]
Out[3]: 'abdfsdfsdf' In [4]: name[::2]
Out[4]: 'adsfd' In [5]: name[0:]
Out[5]: 'abdfsdfsdf' In [6]: name[:-1]
Out[6]: 'abdfsdfsd'
1 s=input("请输入一个字符串:")
2 i=len(s)
3 while i > 0 :
4 i -= 1
5 print("%s"%(s[i]),end="")
6 print("")
[root@localhost python]# python3
[root@localhost python]#
In [1]: name="asdsadsds" In [2]: name
Out[2]: 'asdsadsds' In [3]: name[-1::-1]
Out[3]: 'sdsdasdsa'
In [9]: name="love" In [10]: name. //按Tab键显示字符串的方法
name.capitalize name.encode name.format name.isalpha name.islower name.istitle name.lower
name.casefold name.endswith name.format_map name.isdecimal name.isnumeric name.isupper name.lstrip name.expandtabs name.index name.isdigit name.isprintable name.join name.maketrans >
name.count name.find name.isalnum name.isidentifier name.isspace name.ljust name.partition
In [10]: my_str="hello world zyj sl everyone in the world" In [11]: my_str.find("zyj")
Out[11]: 12 #目标字符串的第一个字符所在的下标位 In [12]: my_str.find("lw")
Out[12]: -1 #找不到时返回-1,当返回小于0时,即可判断没有找到。 In [13]: my_str.find("world")
Out[13]: 6 #默认从左边开始查找,并输出第一个找到的位置 In [14]: my_str.rfind("world")
Out[14]: 35 #.rfind方法从右边开始查找 In [15]: my_str.index("world")
Out[15]: 6 #index()默认从左边查找 In [17]: my_str.rindex("world")
Out[17]: 35 #rindex()从右边查找 In [16]: my_str.index("lw")
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-a951699b322b> in <module>()
----> 1 my_str.index("lw") ValueError: substring not found #查找不到时报错,与find()的区别
In [18]: my_str.count("world")#计算目标元素出现的次数。
Out[18]: 2 In [19]: my_str.count("lw")
Out[19]: 0 In [20]: my_str.count("zyj")
Out[20]: 1 In [21]: my_str.replace("hello","Hi")
Out[21]: 'Hi world zyj sl everyone in the world' In [22]: In [22]: my_str
Out[22]: 'hello world zyj sl everyone in the world' #原字符串没有改变 In [23]: my_str.replace("world","city")#默认替换所有查找到的目标元素
Out[23]: 'hello city zyj sl everyone in the city' In [24]: my_str.replace("world","city",1) #将查找到的第一个替换,指定count,则替换不超过count次。
Out[24]: 'hello city zyj sl everyone in the world'
In [25]: my_str
Out[25]: 'hello world zyj sl everyone in the world' In [26]: my_str.split(" ") #以空格作为分隔符
Out[26]: ['hello', 'world', 'zyj', 'sl', 'everyone', 'in', 'the', 'world'] In [29]: my_str.split() #默认以空格作为分隔符,返回的是列表
Out[29]: ['hello', 'world', 'zyj', 'sl', 'everyone', 'in', 'the', 'world'] In [27]: my_str.split(" ",2) #指定最多包含两个分隔符
Out[27]: ['hello', 'world', 'zyj sl everyone in the world'] In [28]: my_str.split("zyj")
Out[28]: ['hello world ', ' sl everyone in the world'] #结果中不显示“zyj”,把它当作分隔符了。 In [30]: my_str.partition("zyj")
Out[30]: ('hello world ', 'zyj', ' sl everyone in the world') #将本身也作为一个元素,与split()的区别,包含隔开符。
In [25]: my_str
Out[25]: 'hello world zyj sl everyone in the world' In [36]: my_str.partition() #不支持这种写法,必须指定分隔标志。
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-36-c027286912d6> in <module>()
----> 1 my_str.partition() TypeError: partition() takes exactly one argument (0 given) In [37]: my_str.partition(" ") #以空格作为分隔符,遇到的第一个空格作为分隔符,自身也是分隔元素
Out[37]: ('hello', ' ', 'world zyj sl everyone in the world') In [38]: my_str.partition(' ',3) #不支持设置最大分隔数
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-38-86d354aca67f> in <module>()
----> 1 my_str.partition(' ',3) TypeError: partition() takes exactly one argument (2 given)
In [41]: my_str.capitalize()
Out[41]: 'Hello world zyj sl everyone in the world' In [42]: my_str.title()
Out[42]: 'Hello World Zyj Sl Everyone In The World'
In [43]: my_str.startswith("hello")
Out[43]: True In [44]: my_str.startswith("Hello")
Out[44]: False In [45]: my_str.endswith("wor")
Out[45]: False In [46]: my_str.endswith("world")
Out[46]: True #使用场景
In [50]: file_name="XXX.txt" In [52]: if file_name.endswith(".txt"):
...: print("文本文件")
In [53]:
In [57]: my_str
Out[57]: 'Hello WEWER dsfsdf dfsdf' In [58]: my_str.upper()
Out[58]: 'HELLO WEWER DSFSDF DFSDF' In [59]: my_str.lower()
Out[59]: 'hello wewer dsfsdf dfsdf' #应用场景,验证码不区分大小写,用户输入的进行转换。
In [61]: str="ABC" #目标字符串 In [62]: user_str="Abc" #用户输入字符串 In [63]: user_str.upper() #对用户输入的进行转换后比较
Out[63]: 'ABC'
排列对齐操作:ljust() rjust() center()
In [66]: name
Out[66]: 'ddsfsdfsdfdfdsf' In [67]: name.ljust(50) #50代表长度,返回一个使用空格填充至长度的新字符串
Out[67]: 'ddsfsdfsdfdfdsf ' In [68]: In [68]: name.rjust(50)
Out[68]: ' ddsfsdfsdfdfdsf' In [69]:
Out[69]: ' ddsfsdfsdfdfdsf ' In [70]:
删除空白字符:lstrip() rstrip() strip()
In [70]: name=" abc " In [71]: name.lstrip() #删除左边的空白符
Out[71]: 'abc ' In [72]: name.rstrip() #删除右边的空白符
Out[72]: ' abc' In [73]: name.strip() #删除左右两侧空白符 strip()=trim() java中使用trim()
Out[73]: 'abc' In [74]:
In [76]: lines="anbc\ndfsdfdf\ndfsdfdf\ndfdf" In [77]: lines.splitlines()
Out[77]: ['anbc', 'dfsdfdf', 'dfsdfdf', 'dfdf'] In [78]: lines.split("\n")
Out[78]: ['anbc', 'dfsdfdf', 'dfsdfdf', 'dfdf'] In [79]:
字符串中只包含数字、字母、数字或字母、空格的操作,返回布尔值 isalnum() isalpha() isdigit() isspace()
In [1]: test="122323dsfdfsdfsdf" In [2]: test.isalnum()
Out[2]: True In [3]: test.isalpha()
Out[3]: False In [4]: test.isdigit()
Out[4]: False In [5]: test.isspace()
Out[5]: False In [6]: In [6]: test1=" " In [7]: test1.isspace()
Out[7]: True
In [8]: names=["","",""] In [9]: names
Out[9]: ['', '', ''] In [10]: "".join(names)
Out[10]: '' In [11]: "-".join(names)
Out[11]: '100-200-300'
In [16]: test="122323dsfdfsdfsdf"
In [14]: help(test.find) find(...) method of builtins.str instance
S.find(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found,
such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional
arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return -1 on failure.
(面试题)给定一个字符串,返回使用空格或者\r \t分割后的倒数第二个字串。
In [1]: name="hel eewrje\twrjwer\twerwer ew\nrewr" In [6]: help(name.split) In [7]: name.split() #会将字符串中的空格以及特殊意义的符号作为分隔符。
Out[7]: ['hel', 'eewrje', 'wrjwer', 'werwer', 'ew', 'rewr'] In [8]: name.split()[-2] #返回的是列表。列表支持下标操作。
Out[8]: 'ew'
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