
 Dim a As Integer

Dim b As Integer

Dim c As Integer

Dim d As Integer

Dim e As Integer

Dim f As Integer

Dim g As Integer

Dim h As Integer

Dim i As Integer

Dim j As Integer

Dim k As Integer

Dim l As Integer

Dim m As Integer

Dim n As Integer

Dim o As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click()


Me.Font.Size = 50

a = Int(Rnd * 1000)

b = Int(Rnd * 1000)

c = Int(Rnd * 1000)

d = Int(Rnd * 1000)

e = Int(Rnd * 1000)

f = Int(Rnd * 1000)

g = Int(Rnd * 1000)

h = Int(Rnd * 1000)

i = Int(Rnd * 1000)

j = Int(Rnd * 1000)

k = Int(Rnd * 1000)

l = Int(Rnd * 1000)

m = Int(Rnd * 1000)

n = Int(Rnd * 1000)

o = Int(Rnd * 1000)

If a < b Then

 Call swap(a, b)

End If

If a < c Then

 Call swap(a, c)

End If

If a < d Then

 Call swap(a, d)

End If

If a < e Then

 Call swap(a, e)

End If

If a < f Then

 Call swap(a, f)

End If

If a < g Then

Call swap(a, g)

End If

If a < h Then

Call swap(a, b)

End If

If a < i Then

Call swap(a, h)

End If

If a < j Then

Call swap(a, j)

End If

If a < k Then

Call swap(a, k)

End If

If a < l Then

Call swap(a, l)

End If

If a < m Then

Call swap(a, m)

End If

If a < n Then

Call swap(a, n)

End If

If a < o Then

Call swap(a, o)

End If

If b < c Then

Call swap(b, c)

End If

If b < d Then

Call swap(b, d)

End If

If b < e Then

Call swap(b, e)

End If

If b < f Then

Call swap(b, f)

End If

If b < g Then

Call swap(b, g)

End If

If b < h Then

Call swap(b, h)

End If

If b < i Then

Call swap(b, i)

End If

If b < j Then

Call swap(b, j)

End If

If b < k Then

Call swap(b, k)

End If

If b < l Then

Call swap(b, l)

End If

If b < m Then

Call swap(b, m)

End If

If b < n Then

Call swap(b, m)

End If

If b < o Then

Call swap(a, o)

End If

If c < d Then

Call swap(c, d)

End If

If c < e Then

Call swap(c, e)

End If

If c < f Then

Call swap(c, f)

End If

If c < g Then

Call swap(c, g)

End If

If c < h Then

Call swap(c, h)

End If

If c < i Then

Call swap(c, i)

End If

If c < j Then

Call swap(c, j)

End If

If c < k Then

Call swap(c, k)

End If

If c < l Then

Call swap(c, l)

End If

If c < m Then

Call swap(c, m)

End If

If c < n Then

Call swap(c, n)

End If

If c < o Then

Call swap(c, o)

End If

If d < e Then

Call swap(d, e)

End If

If d < f Then

Call swap(d, f)

End If

If d < g Then

Call swap(d, g)

End If

If d < h Then

Call swap(d, h)

End If

If d < i Then

Call swap(d, i)

End If

If d < j Then

Call swap(d, j)

End If

If d < k Then

Call swap(d, k)

End If

If d < l Then

Call swap(d, l)

End If

If d < m Then

Call swap(d, m)

End If

If d < n Then

Call swap(d, n)

End If

If d < o Then

Call swap(d, o)

End If

If e < f Then

Call swap(e, f)

End If

If e < g Then

Call swap(e, g)

End If

If e < h Then

Call swap(e, h)

End If

If e < i Then

Call swap(e, i)

End If

If e < j Then

Call swap(e, j)

End If

If e < k Then

Call swap(e, k)

End If

If e < l Then

Call swap(e, l)

End If

If e < m Then

Call swap(e, m)

End If

If e < n Then

Call swap(e, n)

End If

If e < o Then

Call swap(e, o)

End If

If f < g Then

Call swap(f, g)

End If

If f < h Then

Call swap(f, h)

End If

If f < i Then

Call swap(f, i)

End If

If f < j Then

Call swap(f, j)

End If

If f < k Then

Call swap(f, k)

End If

If f < l Then

Call swap(f, l)

End If

If f < m Then

Call swap(f, m)

End If

If f < n Then

Call swap(f, n)

End If

If f < o Then

Call swap(f, o)

End If

If g < h Then

Call swap(g, h)

End If

If g < i Then

Call swap(g, i)

End If

If g < j Then

Call swap(g, j)

End If

If g < k Then

Call swap(g, k)

End If

If g < l Then

Call swap(g, l)

End If

If g < m Then

Call swap(g, m)

End If

If g < n Then

Call swap(g, n)

End If

If g < o Then

Call swap(g, o)

End If

If h < i Then

Call swap(h, i)

End If

If h < j Then

Call swap(h, j)

End If

If h < k Then

Call swap(h, k)

End If

If h < l Then

Call swap(h, l)

End If

If h < m Then

Call swap(h, m)

End If

If h < n Then

Call swap(h, n)

End If

If h < o Then

Call swap(h, o)

End If

If i < j Then

Call swap(i, j)

End If

If i < k Then

Call swap(i, k)

End If

If i < l Then

Call swap(i, l)

End If

If i < m Then

Call swap(i, m)

End If

If i < n Then

Call swap(i, n)

End If

If i < o Then

Call swap(i, o)

End If

If j < k Then

Call swap(j, k)

End If

If j < l Then

Call swap(j, l)

End If

If j < m Then

Call swap(j, m)

End If

If j < n Then

Call swap(j, n)

End If

If j < o Then

Call swap(j, o)

End If

If k < l Then

Call swap(k, l)

End If

If k < m Then

Call swap(k, m)

End If

If k < n Then

Call swap(k, n)

End If

If k < o Then

Call swap(k, o)

End If

If l < m Then

Call swap(l, m)

End If

If l < n Then

Call swap(l, n)

End If

If l < o Then

Call swap(l, o)

End If

If m < o Then

Call swap(m, o)

End If

If m < n Then

Call swap(m, n)

End If

If m < o Then

Call swap(m, o)

End If

If n < o Then

Call swap(n, o)

End If

Print a & "," & b & "," & c & "," & d & ", " & e & "," & f & "," & g & "," & h & "," & i & "," & j & "," & k & "," & l & "," & m & ", " & n & "," & o

End Sub

Private Sub swap(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)

Dim temp As Integer

If x < y Then

temp = x

 x = y

 y = temp

 End If




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