- 1.用time模块里的localtime()方法获取时间
- >>> class A():
- def __str__(self):
- return "我在学习python"
- >>> a = A()
- >>> print(a)
- 我在学习python
- >>> a
- <__main__.A object at 0x0000000002F6AB70>
- >>> class B():
- def __repr__(self):
- return "python要一起学习的"
- >>> b = B()
- >>> b
- python要一起学习的
- >>> print(b)
- python要一起学习的
- >>> import time as t
- >>> class MyTimer():
- def start(self):
- self.start = t.localtime()
- print("计时开始。。。")
- def stop(self):
- self.stop = t.localtime()
- self.__calc()
- print("结束计时。。。")
- def __calc(self):
- self.lasted = []
- self.prompt ="总共运行了"
- for index in range(6):
- self.lasted.append(self.stop[index] - self.start[index])
- self.prompt += str(self.lasted[index])
- print(self.prompt)
- >>> t1 = MyTimer()
- >>> t1.start()
- 计时开始。。。
- >>> t1.stop()
- 总共运行了000008
- 结束计时。。。
- def __str__(self):
- return self.prompt
- __repr__ = __str__
- >>> import time as t
- >>> class MyTimer():
- def start(self):
- self.start = t.localtime()
- print("计时开始。。。")
- def stop(self):
- self.stop = t.localtime()
- self.__calc()
- print("结束计时。。。")
- def __calc(self):
- self.lasted = []
- self.prompt ="总共运行了"
- for index in range(6):
- self.lasted.append(self.stop[index] - self.start[index])
- self.prompt += str(self.lasted[index])
- print(self.prompt)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.prompt
- __repr__ = __str__
- >>> t1 = MyTimer()
- >>> t1.start()
- 计时开始。。。
- >>> t1.stop()
- 总共运行了000007
- 结束计时。。。
- >>> t1
- 总共运行了000007
- >>> t1 = MyTimer()
- >>> t1
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "<pyshell#57>", line 1, in <module>
- t1
- File "C:\Python36\lib\idlelib\", line 617, in displayhook
- text = repr(value)
- File "<pyshell#51>", line 17, in __str__
- return self.prompt
- AttributeError: 'MyTimer' object has no attribute 'prompt'
- >>> import time as t
- >>> class MyTimer():
- def __init__(self):
- self.prompt = '未开始计时'
- self.lasted = 0
- self.start = 0
- self.stop = 0
- def start(self):
- self.start = t.localtime()
- print("计时开始。。。")
- def stop(self):
- self.stop = t.localtime()
- self.__calc()
- print("结束计时。。。")
- def __calc(self):
- self.lasted = []
- self.prompt ="总共运行了"
- for index in range(6):
- self.lasted.append(self.stop[index] - self.start[index])
- self.prompt += str(self.lasted[index])
- print(self.prompt)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.prompt
- __repr__ = __str__
- >>> t1 = MyTimer()
- >>> t1
- 未开始计时
- >>> t1.start()
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "<pyshell#71>", line 1, in <module>
- t1.start()
- TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
- TypeError: 'int' object is not callable。在调用start()方法的时候报错,看一下是不是在__init__()方法里定义的self.start的变量和类中的方法名属性同名,属性会被覆盖方法。所以这就是问题所在,那就修改过来吧,吧self.start和self.stop改成self.begin和self.end,这样程序就没有问题了,但是现实时间为000007这样还是不太人性化,然后我们需要哪找年月日,值为0时不显示的原则,让人看着舒服
- >>> import time as t
- >>> class MyTimer():
- def __init__(self):
- self.unit =['年','月','天','小时','分钟','秒']
- self.prompt = '未开始计时'
- self.lasted = []
- self.begin = 0
- self.end = 0
- def start(self):
- self.begin = t.localtime()
- print("计时开始。。。")
- def stop(self):
- self.end= t.localtime()
- self.__calc()
- print("结束计时。。。")
- def __calc(self):
- self.lasted = []
- self.prompt ="总共运行了"
- for index in range(6):
- self.lasted.append(self.end[index] - self.begin[index])
- self.prompt += (str(self.lasted[index]) + self.unit[index])
- print(self.prompt)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.prompt
- __repr__ = __str__
- >>> t1 = MyTimer()
- >>> t1.start()
- 计时开始。。。
- >>> t1.stop()
- 总共运行了0年0月0天0小时0分钟5秒
- 结束计时。。。
- import time as t
- class MyTimer():
- def __init__(self):
- self.unit =['年','月','天','小时','分钟','秒']
- self.prompt = '未开始计时'
- self.lasted = []
- self.begin = 0
- self.end = 0
- #开始计时
- def start(self):
- self.begin = t.localtime()
- self.prompt = "提示;请先调用stop()结束计时"
- print("计时开始。。。")
- #停止计时
- def stop(self):
- if not self.begin:
- print("提示:请先调用start()开始计时")
- else:
- self.end = t.localtime()
- self.__calc()
- print("结束计时。。。")
- #计算运行时间
- def __calc(self):
- self.lasted = []
- self.prompt ="总共运行了"
- for index in range(6):
- self.lasted.append(self.end[index] - self.begin[index])
- if self.lasted[index]:
- self.prompt += (str(self.lasted[index]) + self.unit[index])
- #为下一计算初始化变量
- self.begin = 0
- self.end = 0
- print(self.prompt)
- def __add__(self,other):
- prompt = "总共运行了"
- result = []
- for index in range(6):
- result.append(self.lasted[index]+other.lasted[index])
- if result[index]:
- prompt += (str(self.lasted[index]) + self.unit[index])
- return prompt
- def __str__(self):
- return self.prompt
- __repr__ = __str__
- >>> t1 = MyTimer()
- >>> t1
- 未开始计时
- >>> t1.stop()
- 提示:请先调用start()开始计时
- >>> t1.start()
- 计时开始。。。
- >>> t1
- 提示;请先调用stop()结束计时
- >>> t1.stop
- <bound method MyTimer.stop of 提示;请先调用stop()结束计时>
- >>> t1.stop()
- 总共运行了1分钟
- 结束计时。。。
- >>> t1
- 总共运行了1分钟>>> t2 = MyTimer()
- >>> t2.start()
- 计时开始。。。
- >>> t2.stop()
- 总共运行了5秒
- 结束计时。。。
- >>> t2
- 总共运行了5秒
- >>> t1+t2
- '总共运行了1分钟'
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