UVA 12161 Ironman Race in Treeland (树分治)
合并的时候用map组织有序表。和Defense Lines类似
using namespace std; const int maxn = 3e4+;
int n,m;
int hd[maxn], nx[maxn<<], to[maxn<<], dam[maxn<<], len[maxn<<], ec; inline void add(int u,int v,int D,int L)
to[ec] = v;
dam[ec] = D;
len[ec] = L;
nx[ec] = hd[u];
hd[u] = ec++;
} int root, best;
int ct[maxn];
//best = n
void GetBaryCenter(int u,int f)
ct[u] = ;
int Mx = ;
for(int i = hd[u]; ~i; i = nx[i]){
if(to[i] != f){
GetBaryCenter(to[i], u);
ct[u] += ct[to[i]];
Mx = max(Mx,ct[to[i]]);
Mx = max(Mx,n-ct[u]);
if(Mx < best){
best = Mx;
root = u;
} #define MP make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
int C[maxn], L[maxn]; map<int,int> mp;
map<int,int>::iterator it; int ans;
int path[maxn];
int pre[maxn], dfs_clk;
//dfs_clk = 0, ans = 0;
void dfs(int u = root,int f = )
path[dfs_clk] = u;
pre[u] = dfs_clk++;
C[u] = ; L[u] = ;
for(int i = hd[u]; ~i; i = nx[i]){
if(to[i] != f){
int v = to[i];
for(int j = pre[v]; j < dfs_clk ; j++){
int x = path[j];
C[x] += dam[i];
L[x] += len[i];
for(int i = hd[u]; ~i; i = nx[i]){
int nex = nx[i];
int lim = ~nex? pre[to[nex]] : dfs_clk;
if(to[i] != f){
int v = to[i];
for(int j = pre[v]; j < lim ; j++){
int x = path[j];
if(C[x] <= m){
ans = max(ans,L[x]);
it = mp.upper_bound(m-C[x]);//找到一个key <= C[x]
if(it != mp.begin()){
ans = max(ans,(--it)->second+L[x]);
for(int j = pre[v]; j < lim ; j++){
int x = path[j];
if(C[x] <= m){
it = mp.lower_bound(C[x]);
bool swc = false;
if(it == mp.begin() || (swc = true , L[x] > (--it)->se) ){
if(swc) it++;
while(it != mp.end() && it->se <= L[x]) mp.erase(it++);
if(it == mp.end() || it->fi > C[x]) {//lower_bound可能使得it指向key == C[x] 而 val >= L[x]
} //#define LOCAL
int main()
#ifdef LOCAL
int T, ks = ; cin>>T;
memset(hd+,-,sizeof(int)*n); ec = ;
for(int i = n; --i;){
int a,b,D,L; scanf("%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&D,&L);
add(a,b,D,L); add(b,a,D,L);
best = n+;
dfs_clk = ans = ;
printf("Case %d: %d\n",++ks,ans);
return ;
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