Meeting time:   2016.May.10 1:00~2:00

Chairperson:    Serg Melikyan, from Mirantis

Meeting summary:

1. murano contributors rules

  • Six usage rule: use it only when really necessary (for example if existing code will now work in Py3 at all. If it is a matter of performance only prefer readability
  • Do not import functions. Only module imports are accepted
  • Commit-names for murano-apps repository, i.e. [Apache] or [Kubernetes] in the 1st line
  • Follow pep8 and OpenStack OpenStack Style Guidelines
  • Preffer code readability over performance unless you can prove that the preformance panalty is going to be big
  • Make commits smaller, if it possible.(This one speed up review of the change) - I guess this also a part of major OpenStack Guideliness.
  • Write Py3-compatible code. If that's impossible leave comment
  • Use camelCase for MuranoPL functions/namespaces/variables/properties, PascalCase for class names
  • consider using $this instead of $ where appropriate in MuranoPL
  • Do not assign bugs to yourself if you are not planning to do something related with them during next one or two weeks

2.Enable convergence in murano ci like heat

Heat team is planning to switch to convergence enabled by default in this release cycle,

but we are not sure how it will reflect on Murano.

Murano team propose to switch our Murano CI to use heat with enabled convergence.

Action: Nikola Starodubtsev verify that Murano works with enabled convergence and switch our Murano CI to use this feature.

Murano Weekly Meeting 2016.05.10的更多相关文章

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  2. Murano Weekly Meeting 2016.05.24

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  3. Murano Weekly Meeting 2016.05.17

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  4. Murano Weekly Meeting 2016.07.19

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  5. Murano Weekly Meeting 2016.07.05

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  6. Murano Weekly Meeting 2016.08.23

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  7. Murano Weekly Meeting 2016.08.16

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  8. Murano Weekly Meeting 2016.08.09

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  9. Murano Weekly Meeting 2016.07.12

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