很多文件系统都自带iperf 命令,所以不用作多的移植工作。


Qt@aplex:~$ iperf -h

Usage: iperf [-s|-c host] [options]
iperf [-h|--help] [-v|--version] Client/Server:
-f, --format [kmKM] format to report: Kbits, Mbits, KBytes, MBytes
-i, --interval # seconds between periodic bandwidth reports
-l, --len #[KM] length of buffer to read or write (default 8 KB)
-m, --print_mss print TCP maximum segment size (MTU - TCP/IP header)
-o, --output <filename> output the report or error message to this specified file
-p, --port # server port to listen on/connect to
-u, --udp use UDP rather than TCP
-w, --window #[KM] TCP window size (socket buffer size)
-B, --bind <host> bind to <host>, an interface or multicast address
-C, --compatibility for use with older versions does not sent extra msgs
-M, --mss # set TCP maximum segment size (MTU - 40 bytes)
-N, --nodelay set TCP no delay, disabling Nagle's Algorithm
-V, --IPv6Version Set the domain to IPv6 Server specific:
-s, --server run in server mode
-U, --single_udp run in single threaded UDP mode
-D, --daemon run the server as a daemon Client specific:
-b, --bandwidth #[KM] for UDP, bandwidth to send at in bits/sec
(default 1 Mbit/sec, implies -u)
-c, --client <host> run in client mode, connecting to <host>
-d, --dualtest Do a bidirectional test simultaneously
-n, --num #[KM] number of bytes to transmit (instead of -t)
-r, --tradeoff Do a bidirectional test individually
-t, --time # time in seconds to transmit for (default 10 secs)
-F, --fileinput <name> input the data to be transmitted from a file
-I, --stdin input the data to be transmitted from stdin
-L, --listenport # port to receive bidirectional tests back on
-P, --parallel # number of parallel client threads to run
-T, --ttl # time-to-live, for multicast (default 1)
-Z, --linux-congestion <algo> set TCP congestion control algorithm (Linux only) Miscellaneous:
-x, --reportexclude [CDMSV] exclude C(connection) D(data) M(multicast) S(settings) V(server) reports
-y, --reportstyle C report as a Comma-Separated Values
-h, --help print this message and quit
-v, --version print version information and quit [KM] Indicates options that support a K or M suffix for kilo- or mega- The TCP window size option can be set by the environment variable
TCP_WINDOW_SIZE. Most other options can be set by an environment variable
IPERF_<long option name>, such as IPERF_BANDWIDTH. Report bugs to <iperf-users@lists.sourceforge.net>


iperf -s


iperf -c


测试会不会丢包可以直接用ping 进行测试。


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