Smiling & Weeping
---- 我渴望你的在场,又渴望你的缺席,你终究是我深藏的借口
第六章 GitFlow工作流实战
6.0 引言
6.1 深⼊理解Git-Flow⼯作流模型原理
6.1.1 Git-Flow流程图
6.1.2 Git-Flow各分⽀的说明
分⽀名称 | 作⽤ | ⽣命周期 | 提交or合并 | 起⽌点 |
Feature分⽀ | ⽤于某个功能的 | 临时分 ⽀、开发 阶段 | 可提交代码 | 由Develop分⽀产⽣, 最终合并到Develop 分⽀ |
Develop分⽀ | 记录历史开发功 能 | 贯穿整个 项⽬ | 不能提交,由Feature分 ⽀、Bugfix分⽀、Release 分⽀、Hotfix分⽀合并代码 | 整个项⽬ |
Release分⽀ | ⽤于本次Release 如⽂档、测试、 bug修复 | 临时分 ⽀、发版 阶段 | 可提交代码 | 由Develop分⽀产⽣, 最终合并到Develop 分⽀和Master分支 |
Hotfix分⽀ | ⽤于解决线上bug | 临时分 ⽀、紧急 修复阶段 | 可提交代码 | 由Master分⽀产⽣, 最终合并到Develop 分⽀和Master分支 |
Master(Production) 分⽀ | 记录历史发布版 本 | 贯穿整个 项⽬ | 不能提交,由Release、Hotfix分⽀合并代码 | 整个项⽬ |
6.1.3 不同⻆度理解各分⽀
开发阶段主要涉及Feature分⽀、Develop分⽀; 发布阶段 主要涉及Release分⽀、Production分⽀、Develop分⽀; 紧急修复阶段 主要涉及Hotfix分⽀、Production分⽀、Develop分⽀。
开发⼈员 关注Develop分⽀、Feature分⽀以及特殊阶段关注Hotfix、Release分⽀的bug修复; 测试⼈员 关注 Release分⽀、Hotfix分⽀的功能测试;项⽬经理 关注Production分⽀、Release分⽀。
6.2 命令行演示⼀个完整的Git-Flow流程
特此说明,以下shell命令是在win10环境下,‘/e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina’目录,使用git bash工具进行演示;‘$’ 符号所在行为演示命令,如有内容输出,会在‘$’ 符号所在行的下面输出。
6.2.1 初始化项⽬,创建Develop分⽀
Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina
$ pwd
/e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina
$ mkdir git-demo-workflow-project Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina
$ cd git-demo-workflow-project/ Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project
$ touch readme.md Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in E:/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project/.git/ Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (master)
$ git add . Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (master)
$ git commit -m "init"
[master (root-commit) 1ae2455] init
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 readme.md Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (master)
$ git checkout -b develop master
Switched to a new branch 'develop'
6.2.2 模拟开发阶段过程
Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (develop)
$ git checkout -b feature-login develop
Switched to a new branch 'feature-login' Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (feature-login)
$ touch LoginUser.html Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (feature-login)
$echo "hi, this is user html" > LoginUser.html Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (feature-login)
$ cat LoginUser.html
hi, this is user html Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (feature-login)
$ ls
LoginUser.html readme.md Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (feature-login)
$ git add .
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in LoginUser.html.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (feature-login)
$ git commit -m "feat: add LoginUser.html"
[feature-login 182444e] feat: add LoginUser.html
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 LoginUser.html Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (feature-login)
$ touch LoginUser.js Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (feature-login)
$ echo "hi, this is user js" > LoginUser.js Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (feature-login)
$ git add .
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in LoginUser.js.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (feature-login)
$ git commit -m "feat: add LoginUser.js"
[feature-login b0d494c] feat: add LoginUser.js
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 LoginUser.js Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (feature-login)
$ git status
On branch feature-login
nothing to commit, working tree clean Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (feature-login)
$ git checkout develop
Switched to branch 'develop' Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (develop)
$ git merge --no-ff feature-login
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
LoginUser.html | 1 +
LoginUser.js | 1 +
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 LoginUser.html
create mode 100644 LoginUser.js Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (develop)
$ git branch -d feature-login
Deleted branch feature-login (was b0d494c).
6.2.3 模拟Release阶段过程
Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (develop)
$ git checkout -b release-v0.1 develop
Switched to a new branch 'release-v0.1' Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (release-v0.1)
$ echo "bugifx LoginUser.html" >> LoginUser.html Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (release-v0.1)
$ git add .
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in LoginUser.html.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (release-v0.1)
$ git commit -m "fix: bugfix for LoginUser.html"
[release-v0.1 a37a88c] fix: bugfix for LoginUser.html
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (release-v0.1)
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master' Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (master)
$ git merge --no-ff release-v0.1
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
LoginUser.html | 2 ++
LoginUser.js | 1 +
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 LoginUser.html
create mode 100644 LoginUser.js Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (master)
$ git tag v0.1 Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (master)
$ git checkout develop
Switched to branch 'develop' Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (develop)
$ git merge --no-ff release-v0.1
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
LoginUser.html | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (develop)
$ git branch -d release-v0.1
Deleted branch release-v0.1 (was a37a88c).
6.2.4 模拟线上故障,创建Hotfix分⽀
Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (master)
$ git checkout -b hotfix-v0.1.1 master
Switched to a new branch 'hotfix-v0.1.1' Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (hotfix-v0.1.1)
$ git status
On branch hotfix-v0.1.1
nothing to commit, working tree clean Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (hotfix-v0.1.1)
$ echo "hotfix for LoginUser.html" >> LoginUser.html Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (hotfix-v0.1.1)
$ cat LoginUser.html
hi, this is user html
bugifx LoginUser.html
hotfix for LoginUser.html Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (hotfix-v0.1.1)
$ git add .
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in LoginUser.html.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (hotfix-v0.1.1)
$ git commit -m "hotfix: do something for LoginUser.html"
[hotfix-v0.1.1 bcb680e] hotfix: do something for LoginUser.html
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (hotfix-v0.1.1)
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master' Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (master)
$ git merge --no-ff hotfix-v0.1.1
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
LoginUser.html | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (master)
$ git tag v0.1.1 Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (master)
$ git checkout develop
Switched to branch 'develop' Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (develop)
$ git merge --no-ff hotfix-v0.1.1
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
LoginUser.html | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) Administrator@WIN MINGW64 /e/PycharmProjects/DatawhaleChina/git-demo-workflow-project (develop)
$ git branch -d hotfix-v0.1.1
Deleted branch hotfix-v0.1.1 (was bcb680e).
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