Binary Tree Paths leetcode
Given a binary tree, return all root-to-leaf paths.
For example, given the following binary tree:
/ \
2 3
All root-to-leaf paths are:
["1->2->5", "1->3"]
Special thanks to for adding this problem and creating all test cases.
vector<string> binaryTreePaths(TreeNode* root) {
vector<string> out;
if (root == nullptr)
return out;
vector<TreeNode*> sta;
TreeNode* lastRoot = root;
while (!sta.empty())
root = sta.back();
if (lastRoot != root->right)
if (lastRoot != root->left) {
if (root->left != nullptr) {
if (root->right != nullptr) {
else if (root->left == nullptr)
string str(to_string(sta[]->val));
for (int i = ; i < sta.size(); ++i)
str.append("->" + to_string(sta[i]->val));
lastRoot = root;
return out;
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