vconfig 作用: (802.1q)VLAN配置程序

root@hbg:/# vconfig --help
BusyBox v1.22.1 (2016-02-24 11:41:04 CST) multi-call binary.

Usage: vconfig COMMAND [OPTIONS]

Create and remove virtual ethernet devices

        add             IFACE VLAN_ID                                        // 增加vlan接口
        rem             VLAN_NAME               // 删除vlan接口
        set_flag        IFACE 0|1 VLAN_QOS
        set_egress_map  VLAN_NAME SKB_PRIO VLAN_QOS
        set_ingress_map VLAN_NAME SKB_PRIO VLAN_QOS
        set_name_type   NAME_TYPE


使用方法:vconfig  add [interface-name] [vlan-id]

root@hbg:/# vconfig add eth0 20                           
root@hbg:/# ifconfig -a | grep eth0
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 78:C2:C0:E3:00:4D 
eth0.20   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 78:C2:C0:E3:00:4D


使用方法: vconfig rem [vlan-device]

root@hbg:/# vconfig rem eth0.20
root@hbg:/# ifconfig -a | grep eth0
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 78:C2:C0:E3:00:4D



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