Lab 2 Working with packages

Goal: To gain working experience with package management

System Setup: A working install of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 connected to the classroom network

Situation: You have been asked to connect a system to your company's private yum repository to install and update software.

Sequence 1: Using RPM


1. Change to /net/server1/var/ftp/pub. In the Server directory, use rpm -i to install the x3270-x11 RPM. This should fail. Correct the problem.

# cd /net/server1/var/ftp/pub
# cd Server
# rpm -ivh x3270-x11*
warning: x3270-x11-3.3.4p73.el5.1.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA ...
error: Failed dependencies:
x3270 = 3.3.4p7 is needed by x3270-x11-3.3.4p73.el5.1.i386

The RPM is indicating it can not install until you resolve the dependencies. Install the x3270 RPM, then attempt x3270-x11 again.

# rpm -ivh x3270-3.3.4p7*
warning: x3270-3.3.4p73.el5.1.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA ...
Preparing... ############################ [100%]
1:x3270 ############################ [100%]

# rpm -ivh x3270x11*
warning: x3270-x11-3.3.4p73.el5.1.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA ...
Preparing... ############################ [100%]
1:x3270-x11 ############################ [100%]

2. In the errata directory, use rpm -i to install the autofs RPM. This should fail. Correct the problem.

a. [root@stationX]# cd ../errata

b. [root@stationX]# rpm -ivh autofs*
warning: autofs...
Preparing... ############################ [100%]
file /usr/lib/autofs/ from install of
autofs-5.0.10.rc2.43.0.2 conflicts with file from package
... output truncated ...

c. The install failed, since another version of the RPM is already installed. This time, attempt an upgrade instead of an install.

d. [root@stationX]# rpm -Uvh autofs*
warning: autofs...
Preparing... ############################ [100%]
1:autofs ############################ [100%]

3. Use rpm queries to answer the following questions. In the blank spaces, write in the command used to find the answers.

What files are in the initscripts package?

[root@stationX]# rpm -ql initscripts

On what host was the bash RPM built, and what is its installed size?

[root@stationX]# rpm -qi bash

Has the pam package changed since it was installed?

[root@stationX]# rpm -V pam

Which installed packages have "gnome" in their names?

[root@stationX]# rpm -qa | grep gnome

Which RPM provides /etc/inittab?

[root@stationX]# rpm -qf /etc/inittab

Which RPM provides /etc/hosts? Why?

[root@stationX]# rpm -qf /etc/hosts

No RPM provides /etc/hosts because this file is created by Anaconda during installation.

4. RPM signatures

Practice checking the signature and integrity of an RPM package file of your choosing from your CD-ROM or from server1.

Import Red Hat's GPG key to RPM's system-wide keyring. The key can be found on first CD or /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release.

[root@stationX]# rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release

Check the signature of some original RPMs from the server.

[root@stationX]# cd /net/server1/var/ft/pub/Server
[root@stationX]# rpm -K mutt-version.i386.rpm

Create a corrupted RPM, and then verify it. Start by copying an RPM file to /tmp, then use the cat command to append some extraneous data to the end of the file.

[root@stationX]# cp /net/server1/var/ftp/pub/Server/mutt-version.i386.rpm /tmp
[root@stationX]# cat /bin/date >> /tmp/mutt-version.i386.rpm
[root@stationX]# rpm -K /tmp/mutt-version.i386.rpm

This command should fail.

Sequence 2: Connecting to a private repository

Scenario: You are asked to connect your system to the private repository located on server1.

Deliverable: A system configured to use the repository located on server1


1. Create a file /etc/yum.repos.d/server1.repo pointing to a repository with the name GLS located at the URL Make sure you enable the repository.

Create the file /etc/yum.repos.d/server1.repo with the following content:

name=Private classroom repository

Make sure you have configured the repository correctly by issuing the command: yum list rhce-ts.

Sequence 3: Installing new packages using yum


1. Use yum to list all packages containing 'rhce-ts' in their name.

To list all packages containing 'rhce-ts' in their name you could issue the command: yum list '*rhce-ts*'

2. Install the package you just found in the previous step.

To install the package rhce-ts you could issue the command yum install rhce-ts When yum asks for confirmation enter y.

Sequence 4: Updating software using yum


1. Use yum to check if there are updates available for your system.

Replace your existing /etc/yum.repos.d/server1.repo file by downloading an updated copy from the URL This will point yum to additional repositories containing the base Red Hat Enterprise Linux packages and available updates to those packages.

a. [root@stationX]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d

b. [root@stationX]# mv server1.repo /tmp/

c. [root@stationX]# wget

d. To find out if there are updates available for your system use the command: yum check-update

2. Select one package from the previous step and update it.

a. To update only a specific package you can use yum update package-name

b. Install the kernel package:

[root@stationX]# yum update kernel

3. Now install all available updates for your system.

a. To install all available updates for your system issue the command: yum update

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