
ASP.NET Core the Unified Framework

ASP.NET Core的统一框架


New Solution Project


  • src folder: contains all projects that contain source code that make up your application.
  • Program.cs: this file contains the Main method of an ASP.NET Core RC2 app, which is responsible for configuring and running the app.
  • global.json: this is where you put solution-level settings and allows you to do project-to-project references.
  • wwwroot: is a folder in which all your static files will be placed. These are the assets that the web app will serve directly to the clients, including HTML, CSS, Image and JavaScript files.
  • project.json: contains project settings.
  • Startup.cs: this is where you put your startup and configuration code.
  • References: it contains the .NETCoreApp Version 1 runtime references.


Configure the Application Pipeline


public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app){
app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); app.UseMvc(m => {
name: "default",
template: "{controller}/{action}/{id?}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action="Index"});


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services){


Introducing Inject



using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MVCCoreDemo.Models
public class HeroStats
private HeroManager _manager = new HeroManager(); public async Task<int> GetHeroCount()
return await Task.FromResult(_manager.GetAll.Count());
} public async Task<int> GetHeroCountByType(string type)
return await Task.FromResult(_manager.GetHeroesByType(type).Count);


@model IEnumerable<MVCCoreDemo.Models.DOTAHero>
@inject MVCCoreDemo.Models.HeroStats Stats <h3>My Favorite DOTA Heroes</h3>
@foreach (var p in Model)
<li>@($"{p.Name} {p.Type}")</li>
</ul> <div>
<p>Number of Strength Heroes: @await Stats.GetHeroCountByType("strength")</p>
<p>Number of Agility Heroes: @await Stats.GetHeroCountByType("agility")</p>
<p>Number of Intelligence Heroes: @await Stats.GetHeroCountByType("intelligence")</p>
<p>Total Heroes Heroes: @await Stats.GetHeroCount()</p>


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services){


Introducing View Components

新特性View Components


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using MVCCoreDemo.Models; namespace MVCCoreDemo.ViewComponents
public class HeroListViewComponent: ViewComponent
public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(string type){
var heroes = await GetHeroesAsync(type);
return View(heroes);
} private Task<IEnumerable<DOTAHero>> GetHeroesAsync(string type){
return Task.FromResult(GetHeroes(type));
} private IEnumerable<DOTAHero> GetHeroes(string type){
HeroManager HM = new HeroManager();
return HM.GetHeroesByType(type);



@model IEnumerable<MVCCoreDemo.Models.DOTAHero>

<h3>@Model.First().Type Heroes</h3>
@foreach (var p in Model)


@await Component.InvokeAsync("HeroList", new { type = "agility" })


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