




is the same as [j,j+1,...,k], or empty when j > k.


is the same as [j,j+i,j+2i, ...,j+m*i], where m = fix((k-j)/i), for integer values. For information on the definition of j:i:k with floating-point values, see Technical Solution 1-4FLI96. This syntax returns an empty matrix when i == 0i > 0 and j > k, or i < 0 and j < k.

如果你指定单标量阵列,MATLAB将j:i:k 解释为 j(1):i(1):k(1).

You can use the colon to create a vector of indices to select rows, columns, or elements of arrays, where:


is the jth column of A.


is the ith row of A.


is the equivalent two-dimensional array. For matrices this is the same as A.


is A(:,j), A(:,j+1),...,A(:,k).


is the kth page of three-dimensional array A.


is a vector in four-dimensional array A. The vector includes A(i,j,k,1)A(i,j,k,2)A(i,j,k,3), and so on.


is all the elements of A, regarded as a single column. On the left side of an assignment statement,A(:) fills A, preserving its shape from before. In this case, the right side must contain the same number of elements as A.


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