




use warnings;
use strict;
no strict "refs"; sub testLogToStd{
print "Test stdout : \n";
open LOG,"> 2.txt";
select LOG;
print "just a test\n";
#recover STDOUT
select STDOUT;
print "just a test2\n";
close LOG;
} sub testFun{
print "From testFun\n";
print STDERR "From TestFun Error\n";
sub testFun2{
my $arg1 = shift;
my $arg2 = shift;
print "From testFun2\n";
print $arg1."\n";
print $arg2."\n";
} my $log_root = "log" if(! $ ||$ == "");
my $ret = system("mkdir $log_root") if(! -e $log_root);
my $report_log = "$log_root/report.log";
open my $REPORTLOG,">",$report_log or die "cannot not open log file report.log\n"; sub logWrapper{
my $log_root = shift;
my $REPORTLOG = shift;
my $fun = shift;
my @parameters = @_;
*old_stdout = *STDOUT;
*old_stderr = *STDERR;
open LOG, ">","$log_root/$fun.log" or die "annot open log file $fun.\n";
my $start = time;
my $ret = &$fun(@parameters);
my $end = time;
*STDOUT = *old_stdout;
*STDERR = *old_stderr;
close LOG; my $duration = $end - $start;
print $REPORTLOG "$fun\n";
print $REPORTLOG "start:".localtime($start)."\n";
print $REPORTLOG "end:".localtime($end)."\n";
print $REPORTLOG "duration:".formatTimeDuration($duration)."\n";
print $REPORTLOG "result:$ret\n";
print $REPORTLOG "\n";
print $REPORTLOG "\n";
} sub formatTimeDuration($){
my $t = shift;
my $hrs = int($t/);
my $mins = int($t%/);
my $secs = int($t%%);
return "$hrs:$mins:$secs";
} &logWrapper($log_root,$REPORTLOG,"testFun");

print "thanks\n";


 use strict;
use warnings; # run external commands
# redirect stdout and stderr
sub run_cmd{
my $cmd = shift;
my $pid = open(PH, "$cmd 2>&1 |");
while (<PH>) {print $_; }
} open(FH, ">", "perl-test.log");
*old_stdout = *STDOUT;
*old_stderr = *STDERR;
my $ret = undef;
$ret = readpipe("cp a b ");
$ret = system("cp a b");
$ret = `cp a b`;
run_cmd("cp a b");
print "AA";
print STDERR "BB";
*STDOUT = *old_stdout;
*STDERR = *old_stderr;


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