;; example: (write (A-Z :start (+ 65 1) :end 87))
(defmacro A-Z (&key (start 65) (end 90))
(let* ((s-start (gensym))
(s-end (gensym))
(s-start start)
(s-end end))
`(loop for i from ,s-start to ,s-end
collect (code-char i)))) (defmacro A-Z (&key (start 65) (end 90))
(let ((s-start (gensym))
(s-end (gensym)))
`(let ((,s-start ,start)
(,s-end ,end))
(loop for i from ,s-start to ,s-end
collect (code-char i))))) (defun prime-p (n)
(when (> n 1)
(do ((i 2 (1+ i)))
((= i n) t)
(when (zerop (mod n i))
(return nil))))) (defun typeof (obj)
"return the type of OBJ"
(typecase obj
(list 'list)
(number 'number)
(array 'array)
(function 'function)
(string 'string))) (defun our-filter (lst fn)
;; 这个过滤器感觉更 remove差不多
(let ((res nil))
(dolist (el lst)
(let ((is (funcall fn el)))
(if (not is) (push el res))))
(nreverse res))) (defun _sort (lst)
;;; 这是一个默认从小到大的排序函数
;;; > (setf a '(1 3 2))
;;; (1 3 2)
;;; > (_sort a)
;;; (1 2 3)
;;; > a
;;; (1 2 3)
(let ((len (length lst)))
(do ( (i 0 (+ i 1)) ) ( (not (< i len)) )
(do ( (j 0 (+ j 1)) ) ( (not (< j (- len 1 i))) )
(let (
(a (nth j lst))
(b (nth (+ j 1) lst))
(and (> a b)
(setf (nth (+ j 1) lst) a
(nth j lst) b
)))))) lst) (defun distinct (lst)
;;; 去除重复数据
;;; > (distinct '(1 2 3 2 1 6))
;;; (1 2 3 6)
(let ((res '()))
(dolist (el lst)
(if (not (member el res))
(setf res (append res (cons el nil)))
res)) (defun our-push (lst &rest addData)
;; 返回新的lst
;; > (our-push '(1 23) 'name "hello" '(a bc))
;; (1 23 NAME "hello" (A BC))
(dolist (el addData)
(setf lst (append lst (cons el nil))))
lst) (defun our-length (lst)
;;; 这个函数返回一个lst的长度
(if (null lst)
(+ 1 (our-length (cdr lst)))
)) (defun our-qa ()
;;; 一个询问1+1等于几的函数
(format t "1+1= ")
(let ((a (read)))
(if (and (numberp a) (= a 2))
)) (defun null-list (lst)
;;; 若果是空表返回 t
(if (and (listp lst) (null lst))
t)) (defun our+ (numberlist)
;;; 这个函数会对 一个全是数字的列表进行求和
;;;> (our+ '(1 2 3 "233"))
(let ( (firstNumber (car numberlist)) )
(if (or (null numberlist) (null (numberp firstNumber)))
(+ firstNumber (our+ (cdr numberlist)))


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