JavaScript with JSONPath
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<title>JavaScript JSONPath example | JSON tutorial | w3resource</title>
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<h1>This is an example of JavaScript with JSONPath</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
var json = { "MovieDatabase": {
"movie": [
{ "name":"The Change-Up",
"genre": "comedy",
"director": "David Dobkin",
"Facebook_like": 252
{ "name":"Rise of the Planet of the Apes",
"genre": "SciFi",
"director": "Rupert Wyatt",
"Facebook_like": 472
{ "name":"30 Minutes or Less",
"genre": "adventure",
"director": "Ruben Fleischer",
"Facebook_like": 114
{ "name":"Final Destination 5",
"genre": "Horror",
"director": "Steven Quale",
"Facebook_like": 241
result = "";
result += jsonPath(json, "$[*].director").toJSONString() + "<br />";
//find all directors
result += jsonPath(json, "$..director").toJSONString() + "<br />";
//find all directors
result += jsonPath(json, "$.MovieDatabase.*").toJSONString() + "<br />";
//find all movies
result += jsonPath(json, "$.MovieDatabase..Facebook_like").toJSONString() + "<br />";
//find all facebook lies of all the movies
result += jsonPath(json, "$[(@.length-1)]").toJSONString() + "<br />";
//the last movie in data
result += jsonPath(json, "$[-1:]").toJSONString() + "<br />";
//the last movie in data
result += jsonPath(json, "$[0,1]").toJSONString() + "<br />";
//first two movies
result += jsonPath(json, "$[:3]").toJSONString() + "<br />";
//first three movies
result += jsonPath(json, "$[?(@.genre)]").toJSONString() + "<br />";
//all movies with genre
result += jsonPath(json, "$[?(@.Facebook_like>200)]").toJSONString() + "<br />";
//movies with facebook like more that 200
result += jsonPath(json, "$..*").toJSONString() + "\n";
// all members in the JSON document
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