
关于装饰器相关的帖子记录在这里: 廖雪峰thy专栏, stackflow



def shout(word="yes"):
return word.capitalize()+"!" print shout()
# outputs : 'Yes!' # 作为一个对象,你可以讲函数赋值给另一个对象
scream = shout # 注意到这里我们并没有使用括号:我们不是调用函数,而是将函数'shout'赋给变量'scream'
# 这意味着,你可以通过'scream'调用'shout' print scream()
# outputs : 'Yes!' # 不仅如此,你可以删除老的名称'shout',但是通过'scream'依旧可以访问原有函数 del shout
print shout()
except NameError, e:
print e
#outputs: "name 'shout' is not defined" print scream()
# outputs: 'Yes!'


def talk():
# 你可以定义一个函数
def whisper(word="yes"):
return word.lower()+"..." # ... 并且立刻调用
print whisper() # 每次当你调用"talk", 都会定义"whisper"
# 并且在"talk"中被调用
# outputs:
# "yes..." #但是在"talk"外部,函数"whisper"不存在!
print whisper()
except NameError, e:
print e
#outputs : "name 'whisper' is not defined"*


  1. 函数可以赋值给一个变量
  2. 函数可以定义在另一个函数内部

即,这也意味着一个函数可以返回另一个函数, 让我们来看另一段代码:

def getTalk(type="shout"):

    # 定义函数
def shout(word="yes"):
return word.capitalize()+"!" def whisper(word="yes") :
return word.lower()+"..."; # 返回函数
if type == "shout":
# 没有使用"()", 并不是要调用函数,而是要返回函数对象
return shout
return whisper # 如何使用? # 将函数返回值赋值给一个变量
talk = getTalk() # 我们可以打印下这个函数对象
print talk
#outputs : <function shout at 0xb7ea817c> # 这个对象是函数的返回值
print talk()
#outputs : Yes! # 不仅如此,你还可以直接使用之
print getTalk("whisper")()
#outputs : yes...


def doSomethingBefore(func):
print "I do something before then I call the function you gave me"
print func() doSomethingBefore(scream)
#I do something before then I call the function you gave me




# 装饰器是一个以另一个函数为参数的函数
def my_shiny_new_decorator(a_function_to_decorate): # 在这里,装饰器定义一个函数: 包装器.
# 这个函数将原始函数进行包装,以达到在原始函数之前、之后执行代码的目的
def the_wrapper_around_the_original_function(): # 将你要在原始函数之前执行的代码放到这里
print "Before the function runs" # 调用原始函数(需要带括号)
a_function_to_decorate() # 将你要在原始函数之后执行的代码放到这里
print "After the function runs" # 代码到这里,函数‘a_function_to_decorate’还没有被执行
# 我们将返回刚才创建的这个包装函数
# 这个函数包含原始函数及要执行的附加代码,并且可以被使用
return the_wrapper_around_the_original_function # 创建一个函数
def a_stand_alone_function():
print "I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me" a_stand_alone_function()
#outputs: I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me # 好了,在这里你可以装饰这个函数,扩展其行为
# 将函数传递给装饰器,装饰器将动态地将其包装在任何你想执行的代码中,然后返回一个新的函数
a_stand_alone_function_decorated = my_shiny_new_decorator(a_stand_alone_function) # 调用新函数,可以看到装饰器的效果
#Before the function runs
#I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me
#After the function runs

到这里,或许你想每次调用a_stand_alone_function都使用a_stand_alone_function_decorated替代之 很简单,只需要将a_stand_alone_functionmy_shiny_new_decorator装饰返回

a_stand_alone_function = my_shiny_new_decorator(a_stand_alone_function)
#Before the function runs
#I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me
#After the function runs # 这就是装饰器做的事情!



def another_stand_alone_function():
print "Leave me alone" another_stand_alone_function()
#Before the function runs
#Leave me alone
#After the function runs

是的,就是这么简单. @decorator是下面代码的简写

nother_stand_alone_function = my_shiny_new_decorator(another_stand_alone_function)

装饰器只是 装饰器模式的python实现



def bread(func):
def wrapper():
print "</''''''\>"
print "<\______/>"
return wrapper def ingredients(func):
def wrapper():
print "#tomatoes#"
print "~salad~"
return wrapper def sandwich(food="--ham--"):
print food sandwich()
#outputs: --ham-- #累加两个装饰器
sandwich = bread(ingredients(sandwich))
# #tomatoes#
# --ham--
# ~salad~


def sandwich(food="--ham--"):
print food sandwich()
# #tomatoes#
# --ham--
# ~salad~


def strange_sandwich(food="--ham--"):
print food strange_sandwich()
# --ham--
# ~salad~'


# bold装饰器
def makebold(fn):
def wrapper():
# 在前后加入标签
return "<b>" + fn() + "</b>"
return wrapper # italic装饰器
def makeitalic(fn):
def wrapper():
# 加入标签
return "<i>" + fn() + "</i>"
return wrapper @makebold
def say():
return "hello" print say()
#outputs: <b><i>hello</i></b> # 等价的代码
def say():
return "hello"
say = makebold(makeitalic(say)) print say()
#outputs: <b><i>hello</i></b>



# 这不是黑魔法,你只需要让包装传递参数:
def a_decorator_passing_arguments(function_to_decorate):
def a_wrapper_accepting_arguments(arg1, arg2):
print "I got args! Look:", arg1, arg2
function_to_decorate(arg1, arg2)
return a_wrapper_accepting_arguments
# 当你调用装饰器返回的函数,实际上是调用包装函数,所以给包装函数传递参数即可将参数传给装饰器函数
def print_full_name(first_name, last_name):
print "My name is", first_name, last_name print_full_name("Peter", "Venkman")
# outputs:
#I got args! Look: Peter Venkman
#My name is Peter Venkman



def method_friendly_decorator(method_to_decorate):
def wrapper(self, lie):
lie = lie - 3 # very friendly, decrease age even more :-)
return method_to_decorate(self, lie)
return wrapper class Lucy(object): def __init__(self):
self.age = 32 @method_friendly_decorator
def sayYourAge(self, lie):
print "I am %s, what did you think?" % (self.age + lie) l = Lucy()
#outputs: I am 26, what did you think?

当然,你可以构造一个更加通用的装饰器,可以作用在任何函数或对象方法上,而不必关系其参数 使用: *args, **kwargs

def a_decorator_passing_arbitrary_arguments(function_to_decorate):
# 包装函数可以接受任何参数
def a_wrapper_accepting_arbitrary_arguments(*args, **kwargs):
print "Do I have args?:"
print args
print kwargs
# 然后你可以解开参数, *args,**kwargs
# 如果你对此不是很熟悉,可以参考 http://www.saltycrane.com/blog/2008/01/how-to-use-args-and-kwargs-in-python/
function_to_decorate(*args, **kwargs)
return a_wrapper_accepting_arbitrary_arguments @a_decorator_passing_arbitrary_arguments
def function_with_no_argument():
print "Python is cool, no argument here." function_with_no_argument()
#Do I have args?:
#Python is cool, no argument here. @a_decorator_passing_arbitrary_arguments
def function_with_arguments(a, b, c):
print a, b, c function_with_arguments(1,2,3)
#Do I have args?:
#(1, 2, 3)
#1 2 3 @a_decorator_passing_arbitrary_arguments
def function_with_named_arguments(a, b, c, platypus="Why not ?"):
print "Do %s, %s and %s like platypus? %s" %\
(a, b, c, platypus) function_with_named_arguments("Bill", "Linus", "Steve", platypus="Indeed!")
#Do I have args ? :
#('Bill', 'Linus', 'Steve')
#{'platypus': 'Indeed!'}
#Do Bill, Linus and Steve like platypus? Indeed! class Mary(object):
def __init__(self):
self.age = 31 @a_decorator_passing_arbitrary_arguments
def sayYourAge(self, lie=-3): # You can now add a default value
print "I am %s, what did you think ?" % (self.age + lie) m = Mary()
# Do I have args?:
#(<__main__.Mary object at 0xb7d303ac>,)
#I am 28, what did you think?




# 装饰器是普通的方法
def my_decorator(func):
print "I am a ordinary function"
def wrapper():
print "I am function returned by the decorator"
return wrapper # 所以,你可以不通过@调用它 def lazy_function():
print "zzzzzzzz" decorated_function = my_decorator(lazy_function)
#outputs: I am a ordinary function # It outputs "I am a ordinary function", because that's just what you do: # 调用一个函数,没有什么特别
def lazy_function():
print "zzzzzzzz" #outputs: I am a ordinary function

上面两个形式本质上是相同的, "my_decorator" 被调用.所以当你使用"@my_decorator",告诉python一个函数被变量"my_decorator"标记 这十分重要,因为你提供的标签直接指向装饰器...或者不是,继续

# 声明一个用于创建装饰器的函数
def decorator_maker(): print "I make decorators! I am executed only once: "+\
"when you make me create a decorator." def my_decorator(func):
print "I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function." def wrapped():
print ("I am the wrapper around the decorated function. "
"I am called when you call the decorated function. "
"As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.")
return func() print "As the decorator, I return the wrapped function."
return wrapped print "As a decorator maker, I return a decorator"
return my_decorator # Let's create a decorator. It's just a new function after all.
# 创建一个装饰器,本质上只是一个函数
new_decorator = decorator_maker()
#I make decorators! I am executed only once: when you make me create a decorator.
#As a decorator maker, I return a decorator # 使用装饰器装饰函数 def decorated_function():
print "I am the decorated function." decorated_function = new_decorator(decorated_function)
#I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function.
#As the decorator, I return the wrapped function # 调用被装饰函数
#I am the wrapper around the decorated function. I am called when you call the decorated function.
#As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.
#I am the decorated function.


def decorated_function():
print "I am the decorated function."
decorated_function = decorator_maker()(decorated_function)
#I make decorators! I am executed only once: when you make me create a decorator.
#As a decorator maker, I return a decorator
#I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function.
#As the decorator, I return the wrapped function. # 最后:
#I am the wrapper around the decorated function. I am called when you call the decorated function.
#As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.
#I am the decorated function.


def decorated_function():
print "I am the decorated function."
#I make decorators! I am executed only once: when you make me create a decorator.
#As a decorator maker, I return a decorator
#I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function.
#As the decorator, I return the wrapped function. #最终:
#I am the wrapper around the decorated function. I am called when you call the decorated function.
#As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.
#I am the decorated function.



def decorator_maker_with_arguments(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2):

    print "I make decorators! And I accept arguments:", decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2

    def my_decorator(func):
# 这里能传递参数的能力,是闭包的特性
# 更多闭包的内容,参考 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13857/can-you-explain-closures-as-they-relate-to-python
print "I am the decorator. Somehow you passed me arguments:", decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2 # 不要搞混了装饰器参数和函数参数
def wrapped(function_arg1, function_arg2) :
print ("I am the wrapper around the decorated function.\n"
"I can access all the variables\n"
"\t- from the decorator: {0} {1}\n"
"\t- from the function call: {2} {3}\n"
"Then I can pass them to the decorated function"
.format(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2,
function_arg1, function_arg2))
return func(function_arg1, function_arg2) return wrapped return my_decorator @decorator_maker_with_arguments("Leonard", "Sheldon")
def decorated_function_with_arguments(function_arg1, function_arg2):
print ("I am the decorated function and only knows about my arguments: {0}"
" {1}".format(function_arg1, function_arg2)) decorated_function_with_arguments("Rajesh", "Howard")
#I make decorators! And I accept arguments: Leonard Sheldon
#I am the decorator. Somehow you passed me arguments: Leonard Sheldon
#I am the wrapper around the decorated function.
#I can access all the variables
# - from the decorator: Leonard Sheldon
# - from the function call: Rajesh Howard
#Then I can pass them to the decorated function
#I am the decorated function and only knows about my arguments: Rajesh Howard

好了,that's it.参数可以设置为变量

c1 = "Penny"
c2 = "Leslie" @decorator_maker_with_arguments("Leonard", c1)
def decorated_function_with_arguments(function_arg1, function_arg2):
print ("I am the decorated function and only knows about my arguments:"
" {0} {1}".format(function_arg1, function_arg2)) decorated_function_with_arguments(c2, "Howard")
#I make decorators! And I accept arguments: Leonard Penny
#I am the decorator. Somehow you passed me arguments: Leonard Penny
#I am the wrapper around the decorated function.
#I can access all the variables
# - from the decorator: Leonard Penny
# - from the function call: Leslie Howard
#Then I can pass them to the decorated function
#I am the decorated function and only knows about my arguments: Leslie Howard

你可以看到,你可以使用像其它函数一样使用这个方法向装饰器传递参数.如果你愿意你甚至可以使用 arg *kwargs.

但是记住,装饰器仅在Python代码导入时被调用一次,之后你不能动态地改变参数.当你使用"import x",函数已经被装饰,所以你不能改变什么


作为奖励,我将展示创建可以处理任何参数的装饰器代码片段. 毕竟,为了接收参数,必须使用另一个函数来创建装饰器


# 装饰 装饰器 的装饰器 (好绕.....)
def decorator_with_args(decorator_to_enhance):
""" # 同样的技巧传递参数
def decorator_maker(*args, **kwargs): # 创建一个只接收函数的装饰器
# 但是这里保存了从创建者传递过来的的参数
def decorator_wrapper(func): # 我们返回原始装饰器的结果
# 这是一个普通的函数,返回值是另一个函数
# 陷阱:装饰器必须有这个特殊的签名,否则不会生效
return decorator_to_enhance(func, *args, **kwargs) return decorator_wrapper return decorator_maker


# 你创建这个函数是作为一个装饰器,但是给它附加了一个装饰器
# 别忘了,函数签名是: "decorator(func, *args, **kwargs)"
def decorated_decorator(func, *args, **kwargs):
def wrapper(function_arg1, function_arg2):
print "Decorated with", args, kwargs
return func(function_arg1, function_arg2)
return wrapper # 然后,使用这个装饰器(your brand new decorated decorator) @decorated_decorator(42, 404, 1024)
def decorated_function(function_arg1, function_arg2):
print "Hello", function_arg1, function_arg2 decorated_function("Universe and", "everything")
#Decorated with (42, 404, 1024) {}
#Hello Universe and everything # Whoooot!



  • 这是Python2.4的新特性,所以确保你的代码在2.4及之上的版本运行
  • 装饰器降低了函数调用的性能,记住这点
  • You can not un-decorate a function. There are hacks to create

    decorators that can be removed but nobody uses them. So once a

    function is decorated, it's done. For all the code.
  • 装饰器包装函数,所以很难debug


# 调试,打印函数的名字
def foo():
print "foo" print foo.__name__
#outputs: foo # 但当你使用装饰器,这一切变得混乱
def bar(func):
def wrapper():
print "bar"
return func()
return wrapper @bar
def foo():
print "foo" print foo.__name__
#outputs: wrapper # "functools" 可以改变这点
import functools def bar(func):
# 我们所说的 "wrapper", 封装 "func"
def wrapper():
print "bar"
return func()
return wrapper @bar
def foo():
print "foo" # 得到的是原始的名称, 而不是封装器的名称
print foo.__name__
#outputs: foo



def benchmark(func):
import time
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
t = time.clock()
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
print func.__name__, time.clock()-t
return res
return wrapper def logging(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
print func.__name__, args, kwargs
return res
return wrapper def counter(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
wrapper.count = wrapper.count + 1
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
print "{0} has been used: {1}x".format(func.__name__, wrapper.count)
return res
wrapper.count = 0
return wrapper @counter
def reverse_string(string):
return str(reversed(string)) print reverse_string("Able was I ere I saw Elba")
print reverse_string("A man, a plan, a canoe, pasta, heros, rajahs, a coloratura, maps, snipe, percale, macaroni, a gag, a banana bag, a tan, a tag, a banana bag again (or a camel), a crepe, pins, Spam, a rut, a Rolo, cash, a jar, sore hats, a peon, a canal: Panama!") #outputs:
#reverse_string ('Able was I ere I saw Elba',) {}
#wrapper 0.0
#wrapper has been used: 1x
#ablE was I ere I saw elbA
#reverse_string ('A man, a plan, a canoe, pasta, heros, rajahs, a coloratura, maps, snipe, percale, macaroni, a gag, a banana bag, a tan, a tag, a banana bag again (or a camel), a crepe, pins, Spam, a rut, a Rolo, cash, a jar, sore hats, a peon, a canal: Panama!',) {}
#wrapper 0.0
#wrapper has been used: 2x
#!amanaP :lanac a ,noep a ,stah eros ,raj a ,hsac ,oloR a ,tur a ,mapS ,snip ,eperc a ,)lemac a ro( niaga gab ananab a ,gat a ,nat a ,gab ananab a ,gag a ,inoracam ,elacrep ,epins ,spam ,arutaroloc a ,shajar ,soreh ,atsap ,eonac a ,nalp a ,nam A


def get_random_futurama_quote():
import httplib
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("slashdot.org:80")
conn.request("HEAD", "/index.html")
for key, value in conn.getresponse().getheaders():
if key.startswith("x-b") or key.startswith("x-f"):
return value
return "No, I'm ... doesn't!" print get_random_futurama_quote()
print get_random_futurama_quote() #outputs:
#get_random_futurama_quote () {}
#wrapper 0.02
#wrapper has been used: 1x
#The laws of science be a harsh mistress.
#get_random_futurama_quote () {}
#wrapper 0.01
#wrapper has been used: 2x
#Curse you, merciful Poseidon!



  1. python装饰器理解

    1.装饰器的作用 在不修改被装饰对象的源代码以及调用方式的前提下为被装饰对象添加新功能 原则: 1.不修改被装饰对象的源代码2.不修改被装饰对象的调用方式 目标: 为被装饰对象添加新功能 2.装饰器的 ...

  2. python 装饰器理解

    简介 装饰器可以在不修改原有代码的基础上添加新的功能,可以将重复重用的代码抽取出来,进一步解耦,方便维护,一般适用于插入日志.性能测试.事务处理.缓存等 装饰器的前提 闭包 一般来说,当一个函数嵌套另 ...

  3. 关于python装饰器(Decorators)最底层理解的一句话

    一个decorator只是一个带有一个函数作为参数并返回一个替换函数的闭包. http://www.xxx.com/html/2016/pythonhexinbiancheng_0718/1044.h ...

  4. 如何理解Python装饰器

    如何理解Python装饰器?很多学员对此都有疑问,那么上海尚学堂python培训这篇文章就给予答复. 一.预备知识 首先要理解装饰器,首先要先理解在 Python 中很重要的一个概念就是:“函数是 F ...

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  8. Python装饰器的通俗理解

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  9. (一)Python装饰器的通俗理解

    在学习Python的过程中,我相信有很多人和我一样,对Python的装饰器一直觉得很困惑,我也是困惑了好久,并通过思考和查阅才能略有领悟,我希望以下的内容会对你有帮助,我也努力通过通俗的方式使得对Py ...


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    一.声明式事务管理的概括 声明式事务(declarative transaction management)是Spring提供的对程序事务管理的方式之一. Spring的声明式事务顾名思义就是采用声明 ...

  4. 微服务—ELK分布式日志框架

    在微服务架构下,微服务被拆分成多个微小的服务,每个微小的服务都部署在不同的服务器实例上,当我们定位问题,检索日志的时候需要依次登录每台服务器进行检索. 这样是不是感觉很繁琐和效率低下.所以我们还需要一 ...

  5. Maven 中央仓库搭建

    Maven中央仓库搭建 搭建系统:Linux Centos 7.4 x64 安装环境:JDK1.8.maven3.5.4.nexus-3.13 下载:nexus-3.13.0-01-unix.tar. ...

  6. Thinkphp5.0实战开发二------自动生成目录结构

    序言 ThinkPHP5.0 具备自动创建功能,可以用来自动生成需要的模块及目录结构和文件等,自动生成主要调用\think\Build 类库.ThinkPHP5.0中模块文件夹在application ...

  7. Object类包含方法

    9个方法: 1. clone() 2. equals() 3. finalize() 4. getClass() 5. notify() 6. notifyAll() 备注:5.6多归于一个 7. h ...

  8. [HAOI2017模拟]百步穿杨

    今天的考试题. 考试的时候因为以前做过还写过题解,然后就以为模型已经很清楚了,然后就开始直接推.最后因为蜜汁自信一定能推出来,然后模型搞错了,只能交个暴力上去,于是这场考试GG. 第一次碰上这道题是在 ...

  9. springmvc.xml和applicationContext.xml配置的特点

    1:springmvc.xml配置要点 一般它主要配置Controller的组件扫描器和视图解析器 下为:springmvc.xml文件 <?xml version="1.0" ...

  10. 浅谈web应用的负载均衡、集群、高可用(HA)解决方案

    http://aokunsang.iteye.com/blog/2053719   声明:以下仅为个人的一些总结和随写,如有不对之处,还请看到的网友指出,以免误导. (详细的配置方案请google,这 ...