Cleaner ITweenPath Source
[pyg language="csharp" s="monokai" ]
//Slight additions for a cleaner interface by Jacob Pennock
//source by Bob Berkebile : Pixelplacement : using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic; public enum iTweenPathCap {Default, Sphere, Cube, Dot, Circle,Square} public class iTweenPath : MonoBehaviour
public string pathName =””;
public Color pathColor = Color.cyan;
public iTweenPathCap capType;
public float capSize;
public List nodes = new List(){,};
public int nodeCount;
public static Dictionary paths = new Dictionary();
public bool initialized = false;
public string initialName = “”; void OnEnable(){
paths.Add(pathName.ToLower(), this);
} void OnDrawGizmosSelected(){
if(enabled) { // dkoontz
if(nodes.Count > ){
iTween.DrawPath(nodes.ToArray(), pathColor);
} // dkoontz
} public static Vector3[] GetPath(string requestedName){
requestedName = requestedName.ToLower();
return paths[requestedName].nodes.ToArray();
Debug.Log(“No path with that name exists! Are you sure you wrote it correctly?”);
return null;
[/pyg] iTweenPathEditor.cs
[pyg language="csharp" s="monokai" ]
//Slight additions for a cleaner interface by Jacob Pennock
//source by Bob Berkebile : Pixelplacement : using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections; [CustomEditor(typeof(iTweenPath))]
public class iTweenPathEditor : Editor
iTweenPath _target;
GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();
public static int count = ; void OnEnable(){
//i like bold handle labels since I’m getting old:
style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
style.normal.textColor = Color.white;
_target = (iTweenPath)target; //lock in a default path name:
_target.initialized = true;
_target.pathName = “New Path ” + ++count;
_target.initialName = _target.pathName;
} public override void OnInspectorGUI(){
//path name:
EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(“Path Name”);
_target.pathName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(_target.pathName);
EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if(_target.pathName == “”){
_target.pathName = _target.initialName;
} //path color:
EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(“Path Color”);
_target.pathColor = EditorGUILayout.ColorField(_target.pathColor);
EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //Node Type
_target.capType = (iTweenPathCap)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(“Node Type”,_target.capType); //Node size
if(_target.capType != iTweenPathCap.Default)
_target.capSize = EditorGUILayout.Slider(“Node Size”,_target.capSize, 0.5f, 5.0f);
} //exploration segment count control:
EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(“Node Count”);
_target.nodeCount = Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(_target.nodeCount, , ), ,);
EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //add node?
if(_target.nodeCount > _target.nodes.Count){
for (int i = ; i < _target.nodeCount - _target.nodes.Count; i++) {
} //remove node?
if(_target.nodeCount < _target.nodes.Count){
if(EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Remove path node?","Shortening the node list will permantently destory parts of your path. This operation cannot be undone.", "OK", "Cancel")){
int removeCount = _target.nodes.Count - _target.nodeCount;
_target.nodeCount = _target.nodes.Count;
} //node display:
EditorGUI.indentLevel = ;
for (int i = ; i < _target.nodes.Count; i++) {
_target.nodes[i] = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Node " + (i+), _target.nodes[i]);
} //update and redraw:
} void OnSceneGUI(){
if(_target.enabled) { // dkoontz
if(_target.nodes.Count > ){
//allow path adjustment undo:
Undo.SetSnapshotTarget(_target,”Adjust iTween Path”); //path begin and end labels:
Handles.Label(_target.nodes[], “‘” + _target.pathName + “‘ Begin”, style);
Handles.Label(_target.nodes[_target.nodes.Count-], “‘” + _target.pathName + “‘ End”, style); //node handle display:
} // dkoontz
} void DrawPathCaps()
case iTweenPathCap.Default:
for (int i = ; i < _target.nodes.Count; i++)
_target.nodes[i] = Handles.PositionHandle(_target.nodes[i], Quaternion.identity);
case iTweenPathCap.Sphere:
Handles.color = _target.pathColor;
for (int i = ; i < _target.nodes.Count; i++)
_target.nodes[i] = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(_target.nodes[i],Quaternion.identity,_target.capSize,,Handles.SphereCap);
case iTweenPathCap.Cube:
Handles.color = _target.pathColor;
for (int i = ; i < _target.nodes.Count; i++)
_target.nodes[i] = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(_target.nodes[i],Quaternion.identity,_target.capSize,,Handles.CubeCap);
case iTweenPathCap.Dot:
Handles.color = _target.pathColor;
for (int i = ; i < _target.nodes.Count; i++)
_target.nodes[i] = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(_target.nodes[i],Quaternion.identity,_target.capSize,,Handles.DotCap);
case iTweenPathCap.Circle:
Handles.color = _target.pathColor;
for (int i = ; i < _target.nodes.Count; i++)
_target.nodes[i] = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(_target.nodes[i],Quaternion.identity,_target.capSize,,Handles.CircleCap);
case iTweenPathCap.Square:
Handles.color = _target.pathColor;
for (int i = ; i < _target.nodes.Count; i++)
_target.nodes[i] = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(_target.nodes[i],Quaternion.identity,_target.capSize,,Handles.RectangleCap);
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