


Man: Is this the right room for an argument?
Other Man: I've told you once.
Man: No you haven't!
Other Man: Yes I have.
Man: When?
Other Man: Just now.
Man: No you didn't!
Other Man: Yes I did!
Man: You didn't!
Other Man: I'm telling you, I did!
Man: You did not!
Other Man: Oh I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?
Man: Ah! (taking out his wallet and paying) Just the five minutes.
Other Man: Just the five minutes. Thank you.
Other Man: Anyway, I did.
Man: You most certainly did not!
Other Man: Now let's get one thing quite clear: I most definitely told you!
Man: Oh no you didn't!
Other Man: Oh yes I did!
Man: Oh no you didn't!
Other Man: Oh yes I did!
Man: Oh look, this isn't an argument!
Other Man: Yes it is!
Man: No it isn't!
Man: It's just contradiction!
Other Man: No it isn't!
Man: It IS!
Other Man: It is NOT!
Man: You just contradicted me!
Other Man: No I didn't!
Man: You DID!
Other Man: No no no!
Man: You did just then!
Other Man: Nonsense!
Man: (exasperated) Oh, this is futile!!
Other Man: No it isn't!
Man: Yes it is!



# coding:utf-8
import os # 查看当前工作目录
# 切换为包含数据文件的文件夹
# 再次查看当前工作目录
print(os.getcwd()) # 打开文本
data = open('sketch.txt')
# 获取一个数据行,打印
print(data.readline(), end='')
# 再次获取一个数据行,打印
print(data.readline(), end='') # 回到文件原始位置
# data.tell() # 等价
for each_line in data:
# 当每一行都存在冒号时,执行if中的操作
if not each_line.find(':') == -1:
# 遇到冒号就切割字符串,返回一个字符串列表,赋至一个目变量元组,则称为多重赋值
# 由于一行字符串中可能有多个: 所以我们需要在使用split方法maxsplit参数
(role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(":", 1)
print(role, end='')
print(' said:', end='')
print(line_spoken, end='') # 关闭文件




# coding:utf-8

# 如果文件不存在,异常处理
data = open('sketch.txt')
for each_line in data:
(role, line_spoken) = each_line.split(":", 1)
print(role, end='')
print(' said:', end='')
print(line_spoken, end='')
# 如果出现异常,pass,继续执行代码
# 想要捕捉特性的异常,需要制定错误类型
except IOError:
print("the data file is missing!")
# 其他所有的异常
print("the data file is broken!")





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