

The migration process needs to detect the correct version of Spring support used by a project. If the process fails to detect the version based on containers used by the project, it tries to read it from the .springBeans file. If the file is missing, the migration process is unable to continue.

You need to manually create the file in the root of the project, before invoking the Migration wizard. To do so, right-click the project, and select New>File from the menu. Enter .springBeans as the file name, and click Finish. The .springBeans file editor should open. Paste the following code into it, and save the file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Now you can rerun the migration process by selecting MyEclipse>Migrate Projects from theMyEclipsemenu, or run the process from the Project Migration view.

Note: The .springBeans file might not appear in the Package Explorer view; you will need to disable the.* resources filter to see it. To do so, click the white triangle (View menu) in the top-right corner of the Package Explorer view and select Filters. Next, deselect the .* resources filter, and click OK. You should now be able to see the .springBeans file.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



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