poj3585 Accumulation Degree【树形DP】【最大流】
Time Limit: 5000MS | Memory Limit: 65536K | |
Total Submissions:3151 | Accepted: 783 |
Trees are an important component of the natural landscape because of their prevention of erosion and the provision of a specific ather-sheltered ecosystem in and under their foliage. Trees have also been found to play an important role in producing oxygen and reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as well as moderating ground temperatures. They are also significant elements in landscaping and agriculture, both for their aesthetic appeal and their orchard crops (such as apples). Wood from trees is a common building material.
Trees also play an intimate role in many of the world's mythologies. Many scholars are interested in finding peculiar properties about trees, such as the center of a tree, tree counting, tree coloring. A(x) is one of such properties.
A(x) (accumulation degree of node x) is defined as follows:
- Each edge of the tree has an positive capacity.
- The nodes with degree of one in the tree are named terminals.
- The flow of each edge can't exceed its capacity.
- A(x) is the maximal flow that node x can flow to other terminal nodes.
Since it may be hard to understand the definition, an example is showed below:
A(1)=11+5+8=24 | ||
Details: | 1->2 | 11 |
1->4->3 | 5 | |
1->4->5 | 8(since 1->4 has capacity of 13) | |
A(2)=5+6=11 | ||
Details: | 2->1->4->3 | 5 |
2->1->4->5 | 6 | |
A(3)=5 | ||
Details: | 3->4->5 | 5 |
A(4)=11+5+10=26 | ||
Details: | 4->1->2 | 11 |
4->3 | 5 | |
4->5 | 10 | |
A(5)=10 | ||
Details: | 5->4->1->2 | 10 |
The accumulation degree of a tree is the maximal accumulation degree among its nodes. Here your task is to find the accumulation degree of the given trees.
The first line of the input is an integer T which indicates the number of test cases. The first line of each test case is a positive integer n. Each of the following n - 1 lines contains three integers x, y, z separated by spaces, representing there is an edge between node x and node y, and the capacity of the edge is z. Nodes are numbered from 1 to n.
All the elements are nonnegative integers no more than 200000. You may assume that the test data are all tree metrics.
For each test case, output the result on a single line.
Sample Input
1 2 11
1 4 13
3 4 5
4 5 10
Sample Output
设f[x]表示把x作为源点,流向整个水系,流量的最大值。显然 f[root] = d[root]
当f[x]被求出时,考虑他的子节点y,f[y]包含两部分:1.从y流向以y为根的子树的流量,即d[y]中的值。 2.从y沿着父节点x的河道,进而流向水系中其他部分的流量。
x作为源点的总流量为f[x], 从x流向y的流量为min(d[y], c(x,y)),所以从x流向除y以外其他部分的流量就是二者之差。再与c(x,y)取最小值就可以得到以y作为源点,先流到x在流向其他部分的流量。那么得到f[y]就是把源点从x换成y之后,流量的计算结果。
//#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include<map> #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL; int n;
const int maxn = 2e5 + ;
int head[maxn], cnt = , d[maxn], deg[maxn], f[maxn];
struct edge{
int x, y;
int nxt;
int c;
}edge[maxn * ]; void init()
memset(head, -, sizeof(head));
cnt = ;
memset(d, , sizeof(d));
memset(deg, , sizeof(deg));
} void addedge(int x, int y, int w)
edge[cnt].x = x;
edge[cnt].y = y;
edge[cnt].c = w;
edge[cnt].nxt = head[x];
head[x] = cnt++;
edge[cnt].x = y;
edge[cnt].y = x;
edge[cnt].c = w;
edge[cnt].nxt = head[y];
head[y] = cnt++;
} void dfs(int rt, int fa)
int ans = ;
for(int i = head[rt]; i != -; i = edge[i].nxt){
int y = edge[i].y;
if(y == fa){
if(deg[y] == ){
ans += edge[i].c;
dfs(y, rt);
ans += min(d[y], edge[i].c);
d[rt] = ans;
return ;
} void dp(int x, int fa)
for(int i = head[x]; i != -; i = edge[i].nxt){
int y = edge[i].y;
if(edge[i].y == fa)continue;
if(deg[x] == ){
f[y] = d[y] + edge[i].c;
f[y] = d[y] + min(f[x] - min(d[y], edge[i].c), edge[i].c);
dp(y, x);
} int main()
int t;
scanf("%d", &t);
scanf("%d", &n);
for(int i = ; i < n - ; i++){
int x, y, w;
scanf("%d%d%d", &x, &y, &w);
addedge(x, y, w);
} int s = ;
dfs(s, );
f[s] = d[s];
dp(s, );
int ans = ;
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++){
ans = max(ans, f[i]);
printf("%d\n", ans); }
return ;
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