JQueryUI Chosen插件
Using Chosen is easy as can be.
- Download the plugin and copy the chosen files to your app.
- Activate the plugin on the select boxes of your choice:
$(".chosen-select").chosen() - Disco.
Chosen options属性设置
The following options are available to pass into Chosen on instantiation.
disable_search_threshold: 10,
no_results_text: "Oops, nothing found!",
width: "95%"
Option | Default | Description |
allow_single_deselect | false | When set to true on a single select, Chosen adds a UI element which selects the first element (if it is blank). |
disable_search | false | When set to true , Chosen will not display the search field (single selects only). |
disable_search_threshold | 0 | Hide the search input on single selects if there are n or fewer options. |
enable_split_word_search | true | By default, searching will match on any word within an option tag. Set this option tofalse if you want to only match on the entire text of an option tag. |
inherit_select_classes | false | When set to true , Chosen will grab any classes on the original select field and add them to Chosen’s container div. |
max_selected_options | Infinity | Limits how many options the user can select. When the limit is reached, the event is triggered. |
no_results_text | "No results match" | The text to be displayed when no matching results are found. The current search is shown at the end of the text (e.g., No results match "Bad Search"). |
placeholder_text_multiple | "Select Some Options" | The text to be displayed as a placeholder when no options are selected for a multiple select. |
placeholder_text_single | "Select an Option" | The text to be displayed as a placeholder when no options are selected for a single select. |
search_contains | false | By default, Chosen’s search matches starting at the beginning of a word. Setting this option totrue allows matches starting from anywhere within a word. This is especially usefulfor options that include a lot of special characters or phrases in ()s and []s. |
single_backstroke_delete | true | By default, pressing delete/backspace on multiple selects will remove a selected choice. Whenfalse , pressing delete/backspace will highlight the last choice, and a second pressdeselects it. |
width | Original select width. | The width of the Chosen select box. By default, Chosen attempts to match the width of the select box you are replacing. If your select is hidden when Chosen is instantiated, you must specify a width or the select will show up with a width of 0. |
display_disabled_options | true | By default, Chosen includes disabled options in search results with a special styling. Setting this option to false will hide disabled results and exclude them from searches. |
display_selected_options | true |
By default, Chosen includes selected options in search results with a special styling. Setting this option to false will hide selected results and exclude them from searches. Note: this is for multiple selects only. In single selects, the selected result will always be displayed. |
include_group_label_in_selected | false |
By default, Chosen only shows the text of a selected option. Setting this option to |
max_shown_results | Infinity |
Only show the first (n) matching options in the results. This can be used to increase performance for selects with very many options. |
case_sensitive_search | false |
By default Chosen's search is case-insensitive. Setting this option to |
Certain attributes placed on the select tag or its options can be used to configure Chosen.
<select class="my_select_box" data-placeholder="Select Your Options">
<option value="1">Option 1</option>
<option value="2" selected>Option 2</option>
<option value="3" disabled>Option 3</option>
Attribute | Description |
data-placeholder |
The text to be displayed as a placeholder when no options are selected for a select. Defaults to "Select an Option" for single selects or "Select Some Options" for multiple selects. Note:This attribute overrides anything set in the |
multiple | The attribute multiple on your select box dictates whether Chosen will render a multiple or single select. |
selected, disabled | Chosen automatically highlights selected options and disables disabled options. |
Classes placed on the select tag can be used to configure Chosen.
<select class="my_select_box chosen-rtl">
<option value="1">Option 1</option>
<option value="2">Option 2</option>
<option value="3">Option 3</option>
Classname | Description |
chosen-rtl |
Chosen supports right-to-left text in select boxes. Add the class Note: The |
Triggered Events
Chosen triggers a number of standard and custom events on the original select field.
$('.my_select_box').on('change', function(evt, params) {
do_something(evt, params);
Event | Description |
change |
Chosen triggers the standard DOM event whenever a selection is made (it also sends a Note: in order to use change in the Prototype version, you have to include theEvent.simulate |
chosen:ready | Triggered after Chosen has been fully instantiated. |
chosen:maxselected | Triggered if max_selected_options is set and that total is broken. |
chosen:showing_dropdown | Triggered when Chosen’s dropdown is opened. |
chosen:hiding_dropdown | Triggered when Chosen’s dropdown is closed. |
chosen:no_results | Triggered when a search returns no matching results. |
Note: all custom Chosen events (those that begin with
) also include the
object as a parameter.
Triggerable Events
You can trigger several events on the original select field to invoke a behavior in Chosen.
// tell Chosen that a select has changed
Event | Description |
chosen:updated | This event should be triggered whenever Chosen’s underlying select element changes (such as a change in selected options). |
chosen:activate | This is the equivalant of focusing a standard HTML select field. When activated, Chosen will capure keypress events as if you had clicked the field directly. |
chosen:open | This event activates Chosen and also displays the search results. |
chosen:close | This event deactivates Chosen and hides the search results. |
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