
select * from emp
where sal > 2000
and job = 'MANAGER';


select * from emp
where (sal+nvl(comm , 0 ))*12 > 30000
and job != 'MANAGER';

--3.查询emp表, 显示薪水在1500到3000之间,工作类别以“M”开头的雇员信息

select * from emp
where sal between 1500 and 3000
and job like 'M%';


select * from emp
where comm is null
and deptno in ( 20 , 30 );


select * from emp
where comm is not null
or deptno = 20
order by sal desc ;


select * from emp
where (sal+nvl(comm , 0 ))*12 > 30000
and job != 'MANAGER'
and deptno
not in ( 10 , 40 )
order by ename ;

select e.ename , e.sal , e.deptno , d.dname , d.loc
from emp e , dept d
where e.deptno = d.deptno ;

select e.ename employeename,m.ename managername
from emp e,emp m
where e.mgr = m.empno;

--9.在上一题的基础上,思考下为什么输出结果没有KING的信息? 如果要输出KING的信息,如何修改?
select e.ename employeename,m.ename managername
from emp e,emp m
where e.mgr = m.empno(+);

--10.使用左连接查询员工部门,包括没有员工的部门信息,输出列:部门编号、部门名称、位置。 --(左表为dept表,emp为右表)
select e.deptno , d.dname , d.loc
from dept d left join emp e
on e.deptno = d.deptno ;

select deptno , avg(sal)
from emp
group by deptno
order by deptno desc ;

select job , avg(sal)
from emp
group by job
order by avg(sal) ;

select deptno , job , avg(sal)
from emp
group by deptno , job
order by deptno ,avg(sal) desc ;

select deptno
from dept
where deptno != all
(select deptno
from emp );

select ename , sal
from emp
where sal < all
(select avg(sal) de_sal
from emp
group by deptno) ;

select ename , sal
from emp
where sal < any
(select avg(sal) de_sal
from emp
group by deptno) ;

insert into emp
values (1111 , 'aa' , upper('salesman') , 7698 , sysdate , 8000 , 1000 , 40);

update emp
set deptno = '30'
where ename = 'SMITH';

delete from emp
where ename = 'JAMES';

--20.用户执行delete from emp;语句删除了EMP表的记录,但没有提交,请问有办法恢复EMP原来的数据吗?


select job , avg(sal)
from emp
group by job
having avg(sal)>2000;



create or replace view emp_sal
as select ename , sal ,deptno
from emp
where sal>2000;
select deptno,avg(sal) dept_sal
from emp_sal
group by deptno
having avg(sal)>2500;


select deptno , avg(sal) deptno
from emp
where sal >2000
group by deptno
having avg(sal)>2500;

select *
select d.deptno , d.dname , d.loc ,sum(sal)
from dept d , emp e
where e.deptno = d.deptno
group by d.deptno , d.dname , d.loc
order by sum(sal)
where rownum = 1 ;


select * from salgrade;

select deptno , avg(sal) dsal
from emp
group by deptno
having avg(sal) between 1201 and 1400;

select *
(select ename , dname , loc ,sal , rownum rn
select e.ename , d.dname , d.loc ,e.sal
from emp e , dept d
where e.deptno!=(30) and e.deptno = d.deptno
order by sal desc))
where rn between 3 and 5


select empno , ename , shouru
select a.ename , a.empno , a.sal+nvl(a.comm,0) shouru , b.sal+nvl(b.comm,0) shouru_2
from emp a , emp b
where b.empno = a.mgr
where shouru >shouru_2

--27.查找出职位和'MARTIN' 或者'SMITH'一样的员工的平均工资 */

select avg(sal)
from emp
where job = (select job from emp where ename = upper('smith'))
job = (select job from emp where ename = upper('martin'));


select ename
from emp
where deptno is null;


select dname ,loc
from (select *
from (select rownum rn , deptno
from(select deptno , count(*)
from emp
group by deptno
order by count(*) desc))
where rn between 2 and 5) a ,dept b
where a.deptno = b.deptno


select denum , a.deptno ,dname
(select count(deptno) denum ,deptno
from emp
where deptno =
(select deptno
from emp
where ename = 'KING')
group by deptno) a ,dept b
where a.deptno = b.deptno ;


select ename
select *
from emp
where deptno = (
select deptno
from emp
where ename = 'KING')
order by hiredate )
where rownum = 1


select a.deptno ,b.dname
(select sum(sal),deptno
from emp
group by deptno
order by sum(sal) desc) a , dept b
where a.deptno = b.deptno
and rownum = 1 ;


select ename , job , sal
from emp
order by job desc , sal desc;


select ename , to_char( hiredate , 'YYYY MM' )
from emp
order by to_char( hiredate , 'MM' ) ,to_char (hiredate , 'dd');


select ename , trunc(sal/30)
from emp ;


select ename
from emp
where to_char ( hiredate , 'mm' ) = 2 ;


select ename , ceil(to_number (to_char(sysdate - hiredate))) hireday
from emp ;


select ename
from emp
where ename like '%A%';


select ename , round(to_number (to_char(sysdate - hiredate))/365 ) year
from emp ;

select ename , round(to_number (to_char(sysdate - hiredate))/30 ) month
from emp ;

select ename , ceil(to_number (to_char(sysdate - hiredate)) ) month
from emp ;


select ename , hiredate
from emp
order by hiredate


假设order_status2 表结构如下:
Name Type Nullable Default Comments
------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------ ------------ --------
TESTB VARCHAR2(10) Y 'testb'


create table order_status3
ID INTEGER not null,
INITIALLY_CREATED DATE default sysdate not null ,
TESTB VARCHAR2(10) default 'testb');

--修改字段test, 使其不允许为空且给它赋予一个缺省的值testing;

alter table order_status2 modify(test default 'testing' not null);

--给order_status2表添加注释, 并为其每一个字段添加相应的注释.

comment on table order_status2 is '1';

comment on column order_status2.id is '1';
comment on column order_status2.status is '1';
comment on column order_status2.last_modified is '1';
comment on column order_status2.initially_created is '1';
comment on column order_status2.test is '1';
comment on column order_status2.testb is '1';
comment on column order_status2.MODIFIED_BY is '1';

--给order_status2表的status列添加一个check约束, 使其只允许输入Male和Female;

alter table order_status
add constraint order_status_check
check (status in ('male' , 'female'));

--为这个表的id列添加一个外键约束, 外键约束的表为employees, 对应的列为employee_id;

alter table order_status
add constraint order_status_f_id
foreign key (id) references employees(employee_id);


select ename , empno , sal+nvl(comm , 0) "月总收入"
from emp;

--44.使用连接符查询emp表中员工的姓名和工资,并以如下格式列出且字段名展示为 TOTAL INCOME:
--SMITH total income is XXXXX

select ename||' total income is'||sal as "TOTAL INCOME"
from emp ;


select distinct job from emp;

--46.从emp表中找出奖金高于 薪水60%的员工

select ename
from emp
where nvl(comm , 0 ) >nvl(comm , 0 )*0.6 ;


select *
from emp
where deptno = 10 and job ='MANAGER' or deptno = 20 and job = 'CLERK';


select e.empno , ename ,job , loc
from emp e , dept d
where e.deptno = d.deptno;


select sum(sal) ,deptno
from emp
group by deptno;


select *
from emp
where deptno = 10 and job ='MANAGER'
or deptno = 20 and job = 'CLERK'
or job <> all('MANAGER' , 'CLERK') and sal >= 2000;


select job , min(sal)
from emp
group by job;


select min(sal)
(select *
(select sal, job , deptno
from emp)
where job = 'MANAGER')
group by deptno

select ename , job , comm
(select *
from emp
where comm is not null);


select * from emp where comm is null or nvl(comm , 0)<300;


select initcap(ename) from emp;


select ename from emp where length(ename) = 5;


select ename from emp where ename not like '%R%';


select ename ,sal
from emp
where sal >all (select sal from emp where deptno = 30 ) ;


select count(*) "员工人数" , avg(sal) "平均工资" ,avg (trunc(sysdate - hiredate)) "平均服务年限"
from emp
group by deptno ;


select a.ename , b.ename
from emp a , emp b
where a.job = b. job and a.deptno <> b.deptno ;

select ename
from emp
where sal > (select sal from emp where ename = 'SMITH');


select distinct deptno
from emp
where deptno in (select deptno from emp );


select ename , trunc(sysdate - hiredate) "天数" ,
trunc(sysdate - hiredate)/30 "月数" , trunc(sysdate - hiredate)/365 "年"
from emp;


select ename , trunc(sysdate - hiredate) "天数" ,
round(trunc(sysdate - hiredate)/30) "月数" , round(trunc(sysdate - hiredate)/365) "年"
from emp;


select ename
from emp
where to_char(hiredate,'mm') = 5 ;


select ename , round(sal/30) daysal
from emp;


select ename , to_char(hiredate,'yyyy mm')
from emp
order by hiredate ;

select sal
from emp
where empno = (select mgr
from emp
where ename = 'SMITH');


select sal ,loc
from emp e , dept d
where empno = (select mgr
from emp
where ename = 'SMITH')
and e.deptno = d.deptno;

--70.请查SMITH领导的薪水和所在的部门地址 以及领导的薪水等级

select a.* , grade
select sal , loc
from emp ,dept
where empno=(select mgr
from emp
where ename = 'SMITH') and dept.deptno=
(select deptno
from emp
where ename = 'SMITH')) a ,salgrade
where a.sal
between losal and hisal
select a.* , grade ,loc
(select b.sal
from emp a,emp b
where a.mgr=b.empno and a.ename ='SMITH') a ,
salgrade ,dept
where a.sal between losal and hisal
and deptno=(select b.deptno
from emp a,emp b
where a.mgr=b.empno and a.ename ='SMITH');


select grade
from salgrade ,emp
where ename ='SMITH'
and sal between losal and hisal;


select grade , loc
from dept d, salgrade ,emp e
where ename ='SMITH' and e.deptno = d.deptno
and sal between losal and hisal;


select max(sal)
from emp
group by job;


select max(sal),deptno , job
from emp
group by deptno ,job ;

select job
from emp
where sal>1000 and job <> 'MANAGER'
group by job
having avg(sal)>2000;


select sal , job
from emp
where ename = 'SMITH';


select ename , loc , comm , grade
from emp e , dept d ,salgrade
where ename = 'SMITH' and e.deptno = d.deptno
and e.sal between losal and hisal

select ename
from emp
where sal>(
select sal
from emp
where ename = 'SMITH');



select a.ename "直接上级", b.ename "员工姓名"
from emp a , emp b
where a.mgr = b.empno(+);


select a.ename "直接上级", b.ename "员工姓名"
from emp a left outer join emp b
on a.mgr = b.empno(+);


select ename
from emp
where deptno != 10 and job not like 'C%'
and sal>(select avg(sal) from emp );


select deptno
from dept
where deptno <>all
(select deptno
from emp);


select ename
from emp
where sal > (select sal from emp where ename = 'SMITH')
and deptno = (select deptno from emp where ename ='SCOTT');


select ename
from emp
where sal >all(select avg(sal) from emp
group by deptno, job );


select distinct deptno
from emp;


insert into emp(empno , ename , hiredate)
values(1111 , 'aaaa' , sysdate);


update emp
set job = (select job from emp where ename = 'SCOTT')
where ename = 'SMITH';

好久没有写博客了  最近工作比较忙,最近要查的数据挺多的  又回过头来 再练习一下以往的,大家可以把答案先删除掉  然后再做  这样效果会更好一些

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