DiskPart.exe and managing Virtual Hard Disks (VHDs) in Windows 7
coreygoOctober 7, 2009
In Windows 7, new commands have been added in DiskPart to allow for the creation and management of Virtual Hard Disks (.vhd files). The DiskPart VHD management commands have been provided below in 2 sections – commonly used commands with examples and other commands. It is assumed in each of the examples that DiskPart.exe has already been launched in an elevated command prompt.
- Creating a VHD
The example below creates
a 20GB dynamically expanding VHD called "test.vhd" and places it in the
root of the C: drive. Note that the type parameter is optional and the default type is fixed.
create vdisk file=c:\test.vhd maximum=20000 type=expandable
- Attaching a VHD
The following example
shows how to select and attach the VHD. It also provides steps for
partitioning, formatting and assigning a drive letter to the attached
VHD.select vdisk file=c:\test.vhd
attach vdisk
create partition primary
format fs=ntfs label="Test VHD" quick
assign letter=v - Detaching the VHD
To detach (i.e. unmount) the VHD, use the following example:select vdisk file=c:\test.vhd
detach vdisk
Note: All 3 of these VHD actions can also be performed in the Disk Management Console of Windows 7.
In addition, below are some other DiskPart commands that can be used to manage VHDs:
- create vdisk file=c:\testdiff.vhd parent=c:\test.vhd – This
will create a differencing "child" VHD (testdiff.vhd) so that the
existing parent VHD (test.vhd) is not modified. Useful when you have an
image on the parent VHD that you don’t want modified. When needing to
go back to the default image, only the differencing VHD would need to be
replaced. The differencing VHD typically starts out very small –
usually less than a megabyte. As a result, it is easy to back up and
replace. - expand vdisk maximum=<size in mb> –
This expands the maximum size on a VHD. For this to work, the virtual
disk must already be selected, detached and be a non-differencing VHD.
In addition, if you do have a differencing VHD and expand the parent
VHD, you will need to create a new differencing VHD. Otherwise you will
encounter a VHD corruption error when trying to select/manage the
differencing VHD. - merge vdisk depth=1 – Merges a child VHD
with its parent. This command can be used to merge one or more
differencing ("child") VHDs with its corresponding parent VHD. - compact vdisk – Compacts a selected VHD to reduce the physical size. Can only be used on VHDs that are type expandable and are either detached, or attached as read only.
- Virtual Hard Disk Getting Started Guide: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=d2afacbb-5af6-45c2-b275-932116e27b0b
- DiskPart.exe command line help
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