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{\LARGE\@title} % Increase the font size of the title \vspace{50pt} % Some vertical space between the title and author name {\large\@author} % Author name
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\title{\textbf{Symmetry Methods for Differential Equations:\\Exercise 1.4}}
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\author{\small{叶卢庆}\\{\small{杭州师范大学理学院,学号:}}\\{\small{Email:h5411167@gmail.com}}} % Institution
\renewcommand{\today}{\number\year. \number\month. \number\day}
\date{\today} % Date % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \maketitle % Print the title section % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \renewcommand{\abstractname}{摘要} % Uncomment to change the name of the abstract to something else % \begin{abstract} % \end{abstract} % \hspace*{,6mm}\textit{关键词:} % Keywords % \vspace{30pt} % Some vertical space between the abstract and first section % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Determine the value of $\alpha$ for which
is a symmetry of
for all $\va\in\mathbf{R}$.
The symmetry condition for the differential equation is
\frac{\frac{\pa g}{\pa x}+\frac{\pa g}{\pa y}w(x,y)}{\frac{\pa f}{\pa
x}+\frac{\pa f}{\pa y}w(x,y)}=w(f(x,y),g(x,y)).
$w(x,y)=y^2e^{-x}+y+e^x$,$f(x,y)=x+\va,g(x,y)=ye^{\alpha\va}$.So the
symmetry condition can be written as
So $\alpha=$.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \bibliographystyle{unsrt} \bibliography{sample} % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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