
TCP Proxy用到的一个主要的东西就是socket。proxy通过socket分别对localhost和remotehost做连接,然后可以对通过proxy的流量和数据进行分析。

 __author__ = 'seven'
import sys
import socket
import threading def hexdump(src, length=16):
result = []
digits = 4 if isinstance(src, unicode) else 2 for i in xrange(0, len(src), length):
s = src[i:i + length]
hexa = b' '.join(["%0*X" % (digits, ord(x)) for x in s])
text = b''.join([x if 0x20 <= ord(x) < 0x7F else b'.' for x in s])
result.append(b"%04X %-*s %s" % (i, length * (digits + 1), hexa, text)) print b'\n'.join(result) def receive_from(connection):
buffer = "" # We set a 2 second time out depending on your target this may need to be adjusted
connection.settimeout(2) try:
while True:
data = connection.recv(4096)
if not data:
buffer += data
pass return buffer def request_handler(buffer):
# perform packet mofifications
return buffer def response_handler(buffer):
# perform pakect modifications
return buffer def proxy_handler(client_socket, remote_host, remote_port, receive_first):
remote_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
remote_socket.connect((remote_host, remote_port)) if receive_first:
remote_buffer = receive_from(remote_socket)
remote_buffer = response_handler(remote_buffer)
if len(remote_buffer):
print "[<==] Sending %d bytes to localhost." % len(remote_buffer)
client_socket.send(remote_buffer) while True:
local_buffer = receive_from(client_socket)
if len(local_buffer):
print "[==>] Received %d bytes from localhost." % len(local_buffer)
local_buffer = request_handler(local_buffer)
print "[==>] Sent to remote."
remote_buffer = receive_from(remote_socket)
if len(remote_buffer):
print "[<==] Received %d bytes from remote." % len(remote_buffer)
remote_buffer = response_handler(remote_buffer)
print "[<==] Sent to localhost."
if not len(local_buffer) or not len(remote_buffer):
print "[*] No more data. Closing connections." break def server_loop(local_host, local_port, remote_host, remote_port, receive_first):
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server.bind((local_host, local_port))
print "[!!] Failed to listen on %s:%d" % (local_host, local_port)
print "[!!] Check for other listening sockets or correct permissions."
print "[*] Listening on %s:%d" % (local_host, local_port) server.listen(5) while True:
client_socket, addr = server.accept()
print "[==>] Received incoming connection from %s:%d" % (addr[0], addr[1])
proxy_thread = threading.Thread(target=proxy_handler,
args=(client_socket, remote_host, remote_port, receive_first))
proxy_thread.start() def main():
if len(sys.argv[1:]) != 5:
print "Usage: ./tcp proxy.py [localhost] [localport] [remotehost] [remoteport] [receive_first]"
print "Example: ./tcp proxy.py 9000 9000 True"
sys.exit(0) local_host = sys.argv[1]
local_port = int(sys.argv[2]) remote_host = sys.argv[3]
remote_port = int(sys.argv[4]) receive_first = sys.argv[5] if "True" in receive_first:
receive_first = True
receive_first = False server_loop(local_host, local_port, remote_host, remote_port, receive_first) main()



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