4  generate clock and control signals

 1 -- architecture
signal iscl_oen, isda_oen : std_logic; -- internal I2C lines
signal sda_chk : std_logic; -- check SDA status (multi-master arbitration)
signal dscl_oen : std_logic; -- delayed scl_oen signals
signal sSCL, sSDA : std_logic; -- synchronized SCL and SDA inputs
signal dSCL, dSDA : std_logic; -- delayed versions ofsSCL and sSDA
signal clk_en : std_logic; -- statemachine clock enable
signal scl_sync, slave_wait : std_logic; -- clock generation signals
signal ial : std_logic; -- internal arbitration lost signal
signal cnt : unsigned( downto ); -- clock divider counter (synthesis) 12 -- whenever the slave is not ready it can delay the cycle by pulling SCL low
13 -- delay scl_oen
process (clk, nRst)
if (nRst = '') then
dscl_oen <= '';
elsif (clk'event and clk = '') then
dscl_oen <= iscl_oen;
end if;
end process; 23 -- slave_wait is asserted when master wants to drive SCL high, but the slave pulls it low
24 -- slave_wait remains asserted until the slave releases SCL
process (clk, nRst)
if (nRst = '') then
slave_wait <= '';
elsif (clk'event and clk = '') then
slave_wait <= (iscl_oen and not dscl_oen and not sSCL) or (slave_wait and not sSCL);
end if;
end process; 34 -- master drives SCL high, but another master pulls it low
35 -- master start counting down its low cycle now (clock synchronization)
scl_sync <= dSCL and not sSCL and iscl_oen; 38 -- generate clk enable signal
gen_clken: process(clk, nRst)
if (nRst = '') then
cnt <= (others => '');
clk_en <= '';
elsif (clk'event and clk = '') then
if ((rst = '') or (cnt = ) or (ena = '') or (scl_sync = '')) then
cnt <= clk_cnt;
clk_en <= '';
elsif (slave_wait = '') then
cnt <= cnt;
clk_en <= '';
cnt <= cnt -;
clk_en <= '';
end if;
end if;
end process gen_clken;

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