1: #NS2_有线部分\EndDelay.awk
  3: BEGIN {
  4:     #Initialize the variable
  5:     MaxID = 0;
  6:     i = 0;
  7: }
  9: {
 10: #Event Abbreviation Type Value
 11: #%g %d %d %s %d %s %d %d.%d %d.%d %d %d
 12: #Normal Event
 13:         #r: Receive
 14:         #d: Drop
 15:         #e: Error
 16:         #+: Enqueue
 17:         #-: Dequeue
 18: #double  Time
 19: #int  (Link-layer) Source Node
 20: #int  (Link-layer) Destination Node
 21: #string  Packet Name
 22: #int  Packet Size
 23: #string  Flags
 24: #int  Flow ID
 25: #int  (Network-layer) Source Address
 26: #int  Source Port
 27: #int  (Network-layer) Destination Address
 28: #int  Destination Port
 29: #int  Sequence Number
 30: #int  Unique Packet ID
 32:     #Evaluate the fields to new viariables
 33:     EVENT       = $1;
 34:     TIME        = $2;
 35:     SRCNODE     = $3
 36:     DSTNODE     = $4;
 37:     PKTNAME     = $5;
 38:     PKTSIZE     = $6;
 39:     FLAGS       = $7;
 40:     FLOWID      = $8;
 41:     SRCADDPORT  = $9;
 42:     DSTADDPORT  = $10;
 43:     SEQNO       = $11;
 44:     PKTID       = $12;
 46:     #Record the maxmum
 47:     if (PKTID > MaxID)
 48:         MaxID = PKTID;
 50:     #Record the transmitter time
 51:     if (StartTime[PKTID] == 0)
 52:         StartTime[PKTID] = TIME;
 55:     if (EVENT == "r" && FLOWID == 1)
 56:     {
 57: #        printf("after: %s\t%d\t%s\n", EVENT, FLOWID, TIME);
 58:         EndTime[PKTID] = TIME;
 59: #        printf("%g %d %d %s %d %s %d %d.%d %d.%d %d %d\n", EVENT, TIME, FLOWID, PKTID);
 60: #        printf("after: %s    %d    %s    %d\n", EVENT, FLOWID, EndTime[PKTID], PKTID);
 61: #        if (EVENT == "r")
 62: #        {
 63: #            EndTime[PKTID] = TIME;
 64: #        }
 66:     }
 67:     else
 68:     {
 69:         EndTime[PKTID] = -1;
 71:     }
 74: }
 76: END {
 77:     for (PKTID = 0; PKTID <= MaxID; PKTID ++)
 78:     {
 79:         Start = StartTime[PKTID];
 80:         End = EndTime[PKTID];
 81:         Delay = End - Start;
 82:         if (Delay >= 0)
 83:             printf("%f\t%f\n", Start, Delay);
 84: #        packet_duration = EndTime[PKTID] - StartTime[PKTID];
 86: #            printf("%f\t%f\n", start, packet_duration);
 87:     }
 88: }


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