关键字:QTP 自动化测试 专家
Would you like to know how to become QTP guru?
The recipe is simple. You should learn the following:
1. VBScript
QTP uses VBScript language. That's why strong knowledge of VBScript is 'must have'.
2. Software Testing Automation Frameworks
To write good automated tests, you should know how to write them.
There are different approaches and solution. There is not a silver bullet.
- Test Automation Frameworks
- Choosing a Test Automation Framework
- Totally Data-Driven Automated Testing
- Seven Steps to Test Automation Success
3. HP QuickTest Professional Tutorial
This QTP tutorial cames with QTP.
It's quite clean and informative. Its main goal is to show and explain basic concepts of QuickTest Professional. It provides knowledge on:
- creating a test
- working with Object Repository (OR)
- running and analyzing tests
- verifying tests
- parameterizing, etc
Sources: '\help\QTTutorial.pdf' or '\help\Tutorial.chm' in QTP Install folder.
4. HP QuickTest Professional User's Guide
As previous tutorial, the present User's Guide come with QTP install too.
This guide is intended for QuickTest Professional users at all levels. It gives a deeper knowledge on:
- working with QTP Object Repositoies
- designing tests
- enhancing tests (checkpoints, parameterizing, etc)
- maintaining anf debugging tests
- advanced testing features, etc
Sources: '\help\QTUsersGuide.pdf' or '\help\MainUsersGuide.chm' in QTP Install folder.
5. COM/DCOM Technologies
When working with QTP, you will be closely linked with such Microsoft's applications, as: Excel, Word, Outlook. So, I recommend to get familiar with COM, COM Technologies, and COM objects of:
6. SQL
SQL is so important in programming, that I strongly recommend to spend time to learn SQL:
- concepts of RDBM
- selecting/updating/deleting data
- SQL queries optimizations
- databases administration
Sources: - w3schools' SQL tutorial
- MS SQL Server - this and this
- Oracle DB
7. XML
XML is an extremely popular and useful format. I'm sure that нou will have to deal with data, stored in XML-files.
Since QuickTest Professional works perfectly with web applications, you should be expert in related fields - HTML, HTTP, DHTML, DOM, etc. They will simplify your future QTP script and make them more reliable and maintenable.
9. HP QTP Knowledge Base
It contains a lot of practical articles about QuickTest Professional.
You can find there QTP webinars, QTP FAQs, documentations, solutions of your problems or different ways how to improve your QTP automated tests.
- HP Self-solve Knowledge Search (requires an access to HP site)
10. Useful sites
Sure, it's impossible to know all information on QTP.
That's why I recommend to use these two sites to search answers to your QTP questions:
- QTP使用技巧
1QTP基本功能的使用 QTP的基本功能包括两大部分:一部分是提供给初级用户使用的关键字视图:另一部分是提供给熟悉VBScript脚本编写的自动化测试工程师使用的专家视图.但是,并没有严格的区分,在实 ...
- RegisterUserFunc为测试对象添加新方法或重写已有方法
QTP中为了提高扩展性,提供了一个为测试对象添加一个新的自定义方法,或者重写测试对象已有的方法的函数RegisterUserFunc,在此给大家分享一下. RegisterUserFunc:为测试对象 ...
- 自动化测试工具QTP和SilkTest横向PK(转)
转自:http://www.uml.org.cn/Test/201405212.asp?artid=1686 众所周知,自动化测试工具曾几何时三足鼎立,Mercury QTP/WinRunner系.I ...
- QTP常见问题解决方法(一)
1.对脚本的运行速度进行设置 TOOLS->OPTIONS->RUN->RUN MODE 设置就可以了:一般可以设置为500或者1000值,也就是毫秒: QTP 12.0版本: TO ...
- QTP自传之录制
录制,是一件吃力不讨好的活.很多人以为录制就是我的主要甚至全部的功能,这是大错特错的.不过,录制功能却是不熟悉我的人了解我的有效途径,是大家学习的有力武器.今天就先从录制功能说起吧. 说到录制,就不得 ...
- QTP描述性编程中往WebEdit控件输入文字问题
在网上查找到许多相关的描述性编程的案例,自己就想动手一试,于是在专家视图中输入如下代码: systemUtil.Run "http://www.baidu.com" wait(15 ...
- QTP的基本功能介绍
• QTP的基本功能介绍 HP QuickTest Professional 支持功能測试和回归測试自己主动化,用于每一个主要软件应用程序和环境.此解决方式使用keyword驱动的測试概念,简化了測试 ...
- 关于QTP
关于QTP,我也才接触,只是上来记录一下安装过程,免得以后忘记,又要查一堆资料. 简单介绍一下QTP: QTP的基本功能包括2个部分:一部分是提供给初级用户使用的关键字视图:另一部分是提供给熟悉VBS ...
- 转:透析QTP自动化测试框架SAFFRON
1.为什么要使用框架? 框架是一组自动化测试的规范.测试脚本的基础代码,以及测试思想.惯例的集合.可用于减少冗余代码.提高代码生产率.提高代码重用性和可维护性.例如QTestWare就是QTP自动化测 ...
- POJ 1511 Invitation Cards (ZOJ 2008) 使用优先队列的dijkstra
传送门: http://poj.org/problem?id=1511 http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemId=1008 ...
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linux中常见的两种压缩包文件的格式是.tar..gz和.tar.gz..tar仅仅是将文件简单地打包,文件的大小没有变化,也就是说.tar文件仅仅是一个包,没有被压缩:.tar.gz文件是打包后用 ...
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Swift2.3: //创建旋转动画 let anim = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform.rotation") //旋转角度 anim. ...
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原文 简书原文:https://www.jianshu.com/p/87677fd2ea34 相关文章: CSS负边距margin的应用:https://www.cnblogs.com/shcrk/p ...
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1.目的 实现採样率fs=50MHz,通带为5MHz~15MHz.阻带衰减60dB的IIR带通滤波器 2.方案 採取直接型 3.具体设计 (1)确定滤波器的系数,系数和滤波器输出量化位宽 先依据要求的 ...
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