
Implement a queue with two stacks so that each queue operations takes a constant amortized number of stack operations.


 package week2;

 import java.util.Stack;

* Queue with two stacks. Implement a queue with two stacks so that each queue
* operations takes a constant amortized number of stack operations
* @author yangjingjing
public class QueueWith2Stacks<E>{
Stack<E> inStack = new Stack<E>();
Stack<E> outStack = new Stack<E>();
public boolean isEmpty(){
if(inStack.isEmpty() && outStack.isEmpty())
return true;
else return false;
public int size(){
return (inStack.size() + outStack.size());
public void enqueue(E item){
public E dequeue(){
if(inStack.isEmpty()) return null;
while(!inStack.isEmpty()) {
return outStack.pop();
return outStack.pop();
public static void main(String[] args) {
QueueWith2Stacks<Object> queue = new QueueWith2Stacks<Object>();
Object o = null;
while((o = queue.dequeue()) != null) {

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