原创文章,转载请注明出处:server非业余研究http://blog.csdn.net/erlib 作者Sunface


There’s a mechanism entirely similar to the one available through the JCL mode, although invoked in a different manner. The entire JCL mode sequence can by bypassed by starting the shell as follows for long names:


erl -name local@domain.name -remsh remote@domain.name
And as follows for short names:

erl -sname local@domain -remsh remote@domain
All other Erlang arguments (such as -hidden and -setcookie $COOKIE) are also valid.
The underlying mechanisms are the same as when using JCL mode, but the initial shell is started remotely instead of locally (JCL is still local). ˆG remains the safest way to exit the remote shell. 其他的Erlang參数(比方:-hidden -setcookie $COOKIE)在这里也都是能够使用的。


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