

随着innodb的普及,innobackup也成为了主流备份方式。物理备份对于新建slave,全库恢复的需求都能从容应对。 但当面临单表数据误删,或者单表误drop的情况,如果使用物理全备进行恢复呢? 下文将进行详细分析。 恢复过程中需要用到的工具,percona data recover tool PS:以下所有方案仅支持 innodb-file-per-table = 1 的情况 注意: 以下操作非文档推荐,切勿在没有测试的情况下直接在production环境使用!!!


这种情况可以用来自同一台机器的的最近一次物理备份中的ibd恢复覆盖,且备份后table没有被recreate过。 这种情况是最简单的,备份时的ibd文件(后称老ibd)中的space id和index id 与 新ibd的space id 和index id一致。 且和ibdata文件中的space id和index id一致。因此,物理文件可以直接覆盖做恢复。



Step pre 1: 物理备份

innobackupex --defaults-file=/usr/local/mysql3321/my.cnf --socket=/xfs/mysql3321/mysql.sock --user=root --password=password /xfs/backup/

Step pre 2 : 停止数据库对外服务

service mysqld restart #(起在另外一个端口上)

或者 停止所有业务连接并且set global innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct =0


Step 0 : apply log

innobackupex --apply-log --defaults-file=/usr/local/mysql3321/my.cnf  /xfs/backup/2012-10-17_11-29-20/

Step 1 : 备份现在的ibd文件(可选)

cp -a testibd.ibd testibd.bak

Step 2 : 舍弃现在ibd文件

mysql> alter table testibd discard tablespace

Step 3 : 复制备份ibd文件

shell> cp /xfs/backup/2012-10-17_11-29-20/test/testibd.ibd /xfs/mysql3321/test/
shell> chown mysql:mysql /xfs/mysql3321/test/testibd.ibd

Step 4 : 导入ibd文件

mysql> alter table testibd import tablespace

情况二:误删 table,表结构已经被drop了

这种情况稍复杂,不过恢复过程还是比较容易操作的。由于table被drop后的space id会留空因此备份文件的space id不会被占用。

我们只需要重建表结构,然后把ibdata中该表的space id还原,物理文件可以直接覆盖做恢复了。

Step 1 : 重建表

mysql> alter table testibd import tablespace

mysql> create table testibd (UserID int);

Step 2 : 关闭mysql服务(必须)

shell> service mysqld3321 stop

Step 3: 准备ibd文件 apply log

shell> innobackupex --apply-log --defaults-file=/usr/local/mysql3321/my.cnf  /xfs/backup/2012-10-17_11-29-20/

Step 4 : 备份现在的ibd文件(可选)

cp -a testibd.ibd testibd.bak

Step 5 : 复制备份ibd文件

shell> cp -a /xfs/backup/2012-10-17_11-29-20/test/testibd.ibd /xfs/mysql3321/test/
shell> chown mysql:mysql /xfs/mysql3321/test/testibd.ibd

Step 6 : 使用percona recovery tool 修改ibdata

shell> /root/install/percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5/ibdconnect -o /xfs/mysql3321/ibdata1 -f /xfs/mysql3321/test/testibd.ibd -d test -t testibd


Initializing table definitions...
Processing table: SYS_TABLES
- total fields: 10
- nullable fields: 6
- minimum header size: 5
- minimum rec size: 21
- maximum rec size: 555 Processing table: SYS_INDEXES
- total fields: 9
- nullable fields: 5
- minimum header size: 5
- minimum rec size: 29
- maximum rec size: 165 Setting SPACE=1 in SYS_TABLE for `test`.`testibd`
Check if space id 1 is already used
Page_id: 8, next page_id: 4294967295
Record position: 65
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_TABLES): OFFSETS: 16 8 50 3 2 0 0 0 0 0
Db/table: infimum
Space id: 1768842857 (0x696E6669)
Next record at offset: 8D
Record position: 8D
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_TABLES): OFFSETS: 16 11 17 24 32 36 40 48 52 52
Space id: 0 (0x0)
Next record at offset: D5
Record position: D5
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_TABLES): OFFSETS: 16 16 22 29 37 41 45 53 57 57
Space id: 0 (0x0)
Next record at offset: 122
Record position: 122
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_TABLES): OFFSETS: 16 12 18 25 33 37 41 49 53 53
Db/table: test/testibd
Space id: 2 (0x2)
Next record at offset: 74
Space id 1 is not used in any of the records in SYS_TABLES
Page_id: 8, next page_id: 4294967295
Record position: 65
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_TABLES): OFFSETS: 16 8 50 3 2 0 0 0 0 0
Db/table: infimum
Space id: 1768842857 (0x696E6669)
Next record at offset: 8D
Record position: 8D
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_TABLES): OFFSETS: 16 11 17 24 32 36 40 48 52 52
Space id: 0 (0x0)
Next record at offset: D5
Record position: D5
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_TABLES): OFFSETS: 16 16 22 29 37 41 45 53 57 57
Space id: 0 (0x0)
Next record at offset: 122
Record position: 122
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_TABLES): OFFSETS: 16 12 18 25 33 37 41 49 53 53
Db/table: test/testibd
Space id: 2 (0x2)
Updating test/testibd (table_id 17) with id 0x01000000
SYS_TABLES is updated successfully
Initializing table definitions...
Processing table: SYS_TABLES
- total fields: 10
- nullable fields: 6
- minimum header size: 5
- minimum rec size: 21
- maximum rec size: 555 Processing table: SYS_INDEXES
- total fields: 9
- nullable fields: 5
- minimum header size: 5
- minimum rec size: 29
- maximum rec size: 165 Setting SPACE=1 in SYS_INDEXES for TABLE_ID = 17
Page_id: 11, next page_id: 4294967295
Record position: 65
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_INDEXES): OFFSETS: 15 8 50 7 2 0 0 0 0
TABLE_ID: 3798561113125514496
SPACE: 1768842857
Next record at offset: 8C
Record position: 8C
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_INDEXES): OFFSETS: 15 8 16 22 29 35 39 43 47
Next record at offset: CE
Record position: CE
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_INDEXES): OFFSETS: 15 8 16 22 29 36 40 44 48
Next record at offset: 111
Record position: 111
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_INDEXES): OFFSETS: 15 8 16 22 29 36 40 44 48
Next record at offset: 154
Record position: 154
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_INDEXES): OFFSETS: 15 8 16 22 29 35 39 43 47
Next record at offset: 22C
Record position: 22C
Checking field lengths for a row (SYS_INDEXES): OFFSETS: 15 8 16 22 29 44 48 52 56
Updating SPACE(0x00000001 , 0x01000000) for TABLE_ID: 17
Next record at offset: 74
SYS_INDEXES is updated successfully

Step 7 : 使用percona recovery tool 重新checksum ibdata


shell> /root/install/percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5/innochecksum -f /xfs/mysql3321/ibdata1


page 8 invalid (fails old style checksum)
page 8: old style: calculated = 0xF4AD74CB; recorded = 0xEECB309D
fixing old checksum of page 8
page 8 invalid (fails new style checksum)
page 8: new style: calculated = 0x6F0C29B4; recorded = 0x3D02308C
fixing new checksum of page 8
page 11 invalid (fails old style checksum)
page 11: old style: calculated = 0x3908087C; recorded = 0xF9E8D30C
fixing old checksum of page 11
page 11 invalid (fails new style checksum)
page 11: new style: calculated = 0xB26CFD77; recorded = 0xDB25D39D
fixing new checksum of page 11

Step 8 : 启动mysql服务

shell> service mysqld3321 start






来源: http://cenalulu.github.io/mysql/innodb-single-tablespace-recovery/


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