
  1. 使用rman执行recover database 的时候出现RMAN-06054的错误提示:
  2. RMAN> recover database;
  4. Starting recover at -OCT-
  5. using channel ORA_DISK_1
  7. starting media recovery
  9. archived log for thread with sequence is already on disk as file /u01/app/archivelog/dest2/1_1_861389770.dbf
  10. archived log for thread with sequence is already on disk as file /u01/app/archivelog/dest1/1_2_861389770.dbf
  11. archived log for thread with sequence is already on disk as file /u01/app/archivelog/dest1/1_3_861389770.dbf
  12. archived log for thread with sequence is already on disk as file /u01/app/archivelog/dest1/1_4_861389770.dbf
  13. archived log for thread with sequence is already on disk as file /u01/app/archivelog2/dest1/1_5_861389770.dbf
  14. archived log for thread with sequence is already on disk as file /u01/app/archivelog2/dest1/1_6_861389770.dbf
  15. archived log file name=/u01/app/archivelog/dest2/1_1_861389770.dbf thread= sequence=
  16. archived log file name=/u01/app/archivelog/dest1/1_2_861389770.dbf thread= sequence=
  17. archived log file name=/u01/app/archivelog/dest1/1_3_861389770.dbf thread= sequence=
  18. archived log file name=/u01/app/archivelog/dest1/1_4_861389770.dbf thread= sequence=
  19. archived log file name=/u01/app/archivelog2/dest1/1_5_861389770.dbf thread= sequence=
  20. archived log file name=/u01/app/archivelog2/dest1/1_6_861389770.dbf thread= sequence=
  21. unable to find archived log
  22. archived log thread= sequence=
  23. RMAN-: ===========================================================
  24. RMAN-: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
  25. RMAN-: ===========================================================
  26. RMAN-: failure of recover command at // ::
  27. RMAN-: media recovery requesting unknown archived log for thread with sequence and starting SCN of
  29. 11g官方文档error messages中对错误描述如下:
  30. RMAN-: media recovery requesting unknown archived log for thread string with sequence string and starting SCN of string
  31. Cause: Media recovery is requesting a log whose existence is not recorded in the recovery catalog or target database control file.
  32. Action: If a copy of the log is available, then add it to the recovery catalog and/or control file via a CATALOG command and then retry the RECOVER command. If not, then a point-in-time recovery up to the missing log is the only alternative and database can be opened using ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS command.
  34. 可见,出先此错误的原因是恢复需要的日志记录在控制文件或恢复目录中找不到。解决方法分两种情况:
  35. .如果相关的日志存在且可用的话,就将此日志记录添加到控制文件或恢复目录中。
  36. .如果相关的日志已经被删除了或不可用了,那么就按照错误的提示scn将数据库恢复到此scn,本案例是2292709。也就是说此时数据库只能进行不完全恢复了,在打开数据库时得使用resetlogs打开。
  38. RMAN> recover database until scn ;
  40. Starting recover at -OCT-
  41. using channel ORA_DISK_1
  43. starting media recovery
  44. media recovery complete, elapsed time: ::
  46. Finished recover at -OCT-

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