initial value:必须初始化、不影响观察者

Classes and structures must set all of their stored properties to an appropriate initial value by the time an instance of that class or structure is created. Stored properties cannot be left in an indeterminate state.

You can set an initial value for a stored property within an initializer, or by assigning a default property value as part of the property’s definition. These actions are described in the following sections.

When you assign a default value to a stored property, or set its initial value within an initializer, the value of that property is set directly, without calling any property observers.

Default Property Values:另一种初始化方式;

Parameter Names and Argument Labels

As with function and method parameters, initialization parameters can have both a parameter name for use within the initializer’s body and an argument label for use when calling the initializer.

Optional Property Types

Properties of optional type are automatically initialized with a value of nil,

Assigning Constant Properties During Initialization


Default Initializers


Memberwise Initializers for Structure Types


Initializer Delegation for Value Types:初始化代理




For value types, you use self.init to refer to other initializers from the same value type when writing your own custom initializers. You can call self.init only from within an initializer.

Class Inheritance and Initialization

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