GoJS是一个功能丰富的JS库,在Web浏览器和平台上可实现自定义交互图和复杂的可视化效果,它用自定义模板和布局组件简化了节点、链接和分组等复杂的JS图表,给用户交互提供了许多先进的功能,如拖拽、复制、粘贴、文本编辑、工具提示、上下文菜单、自动布局、模板、数据绑定和模型、事务状态和撤销管理、调色板、概述、事件处理程序、命令和自定义操作的扩展工具系统。无需切换服务器和插件,GoJS就能实现用户互动并在浏览器中完全运行,呈现HTML5 Canvas元素或SVG,也不用服务器端请求。 GoJS不依赖于任何JS库或框架(例如bootstrap、jquery等),可与任何HTML或JS框架配合工作,甚至可以不用框架。
复制代码 代码如下:
<script src="gojs/go-debug_ok.js"></script>
复制代码 代码如下:
<p id="myDiagramp" style="margin:auto;width:300px; height:300px; background-color:#ddd;"></p>
var objGo = go.GraphObject.make;
var myDiagram = objGo(go.Diagram, "myDiagramp",
initialContentAlignment: go.Spot.Center, //允许用户操作图表的时候使用Ctrl-Z撤销和Ctrl-Y重做快捷键
"undoManager.isEnabled": true, //不运行用户改变图表的规模
allowZoom: false, //画布上面是否出现网格
"grid.visible": true, //允许在画布上面双击的时候创建节点
"clickCreatingTool.archetypeNodeData": { text: "Node" }, //允许使用ctrl+c、ctrl+v复制粘贴
"commandHandler.copiesTree": true, //允许使用delete键删除节点
"commandHandler.deletesTree": true, // dragging for both move and copy
"draggingTool.dragsTree": true,
var myModel = objGo(go.Model);//创建Model对象
// model中的数据每一个js对象都代表着一个相应的模型图中的元素
myModel.nodeDataArray = [
{ key: "工厂" },
{ key: "车间" },
{ key: "工人" },
{ key: "岗位" },
myDiagram.model = myModel; //将模型数据绑定到画布图上
// 定义一个简单的节点模板
myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
objGo(go.Node, "Horizontal",//横向布局的面板
// 节点淡蓝色背景
{ background: "#44CCFF" },
"RoundedRectangle", //定义形状,这是圆角矩形
{ /* Shape的参数。宽高颜色等等*/figure: "Club", width: 40, height: 60, margin: 4, fill: 'red' },
// 绑定 Shape.figure属性为Node.data.fig的值,Model对象可以通过Node.data.fig 获取和设置Shape.figure(修改形状)
new go.Binding("figure", "fig"), new go.Binding('fill', 'fill2')),
"Default Text", // 默认文本
// 设置字体大小颜色以及边距
{ margin: 12, stroke: "white", font: "bold 16px sans-serif" },
//绑定TextBlock.text 属性为Node.data.name的值,Model对象可以通过Node.data.name获取和设置TextBlock.text
new go.Binding("text", "name"))
); var myModel = objGo(go.Model);//创建Model对象
// model中的数据每一个js对象都代表着一个相应的模型图中的元素
myModel.nodeDataArray = [
{ name: "工厂", fig: 'YinYang', fill2: 'blue' },
{ name: "车间", fig: 'Peace', fill2: 'red' },
{ name: "工人", fig: 'NotAllowed', fill2: 'green' },
{ name: "岗位", fig: 'Fragile', fill2: 'yellow' },
myDiagram.model = myModel; //将模型数据绑定到画布图上
代码释疑:以上我们给画布对象定义了两种节点模板,一种是文本节点,另一种是形状节点(Node)。在形状节点中,我们定义了数据模型的通用节点样式,就是这一段代码{ /* Shape的参数。宽高颜色等等*/figure: "Club", width: 40, height: 60, margin: 4, fill: 'red' },然后通过new go.Binding("figure", "fig")方法将模板里面的属性映射到数据实例中,比如这里模板里面的figure属性定义的是Club,如果在我们的数据里面定义fig属性,那么它就会覆盖模板里面的figure的默认值。同样,fill和fill2也是通过同样的原理去区别模板中的样式和实例中的实际样式的!
GraphLinksModel :高级点的动态连线图
GraphLinksModel中为model.nodeDataArray提供model.linkDataArray为node节点连线保存数据模型信息,其实也是的一个JSON数组对象,每个线条都有两个属性 “to” 和 “from” 即Node节点的“key”值,两个属性代表两个key表示两个节点间的连线。
var myModel = objGo(go.GraphLinksModel);
myModel.nodeDataArray =
{ key: "aaa" ,name: "工厂" },
{ key: "bbb" ,name: "车间"},
{ key: "ccc" ,name: "车间" }
myModel.linkDataArray =
{ from: "aaa", to: "bbb" },
{ from: "bbb", to: "ccc" }
myDiagram.model = myModel;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Draggable Link</title>
<meta name="description" content="Drag a link to reconnect it. Nodes have custom Adornments for selection, resizing, and reshaping." />
<!-- Copyright 1998-2017 by Northwoods Software Corporation. -->
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="../../gojs/go-debug.js"></script>
<script id="code">
function init() {
if (window.goSamples) goSamples(); // init for these samples -- you don't need to call this
var objGo = go.GraphObject.make; // for conciseness in defining templates myDiagram =
objGo(go.Diagram, "myDiagramp", // must name or refer to the p HTML element
grid: objGo(go.Panel, "Grid",
objGo(go.Shape, "LineH", { stroke: "lightgray", strokeWidth: 0.5 }),
objGo(go.Shape, "LineH", { stroke: "gray", strokeWidth: 0.5, interval: 10 }),
objGo(go.Shape, "LineV", { stroke: "lightgray", strokeWidth: 0.5 }),
objGo(go.Shape, "LineV", { stroke: "gray", strokeWidth: 0.5, interval: 10 })
allowDrop: true, // must be true to accept drops from the Palette
"draggingTool.dragsLink": true,
"draggingTool.isGridSnapEnabled": true,
"linkingTool.isUnconnectedLinkValid": true,
"linkingTool.portGravity": 20,
"relinkingTool.isUnconnectedLinkValid": true,
"relinkingTool.portGravity": 20,
objGo(go.Shape, "Diamond", { segmentIndex: 0, cursor: "pointer", desiredSize: new go.Size(8, 8), fill: "tomato", stroke: "darkred" }),
objGo(go.Shape, "Diamond", { segmentIndex: -1, cursor: "pointer", desiredSize: new go.Size(8, 8), fill: "darkred", stroke: "tomato" }),
objGo(go.Shape, "Diamond", { desiredSize: new go.Size(7, 7), fill: "lightblue", stroke: "deepskyblue" }),
rotatingTool: objGo(TopRotatingTool), // defined below
"rotatingTool.snapAngleMultiple": 15,
"rotatingTool.snapAngleEpsilon": 15,
"undoManager.isEnabled": true
}); // when the document is modified, add a "*" to the title and enable the "Save" button
myDiagram.addDiagramListener("Modified", function(e) {
var button = document.getElementById("SaveButton");
if (button) button.disabled = !myDiagram.isModified;
var idx = document.title.indexOf("*");
if (myDiagram.isModified) {
if (idx < 0) document.title += "*";
} else {
if (idx >= 0) document.title = document.title.substr(0, idx);
}); // Define a function for creating a "port" that is normally transparent.
// The "name" is used as the GraphObject.portId, the "spot" is used to control how links connect
// and where the port is positioned on the node, and the boolean "output" and "input" arguments
// control whether the user can draw links from or to the port.
function makePort(name, spot, output, input) {
// the port is basically just a small transparent square
return objGo(go.Shape, "Circle",
fill: null, // not seen, by default; set to a translucent gray by showSmallPorts, defined below
stroke: null,
desiredSize: new go.Size(7, 7),
alignment: spot, // align the port on the main Shape
alignmentFocus: spot, // just inside the Shape
portId: name, // declare this object to be a "port"
fromSpot: spot, toSpot: spot, // declare where links may connect at this port
fromLinkable: output, toLinkable: input, // declare whether the user may draw links to/from here
cursor: "pointer" // show a different cursor to indicate potential link point
} var nodeSelectionAdornmentTemplate =
objGo(go.Adornment, "Auto",
objGo(go.Shape, { fill: null, stroke: "deepskyblue", strokeWidth: 1.5, strokeDashArray: [4, 2] }),
); var nodeResizeAdornmentTemplate =
objGo(go.Adornment, "Spot",
{ locationSpot: go.Spot.Right },
objGo(go.Shape, { alignment: go.Spot.TopLeft, cursor: "nw-resize", desiredSize: new go.Size(6, 6), fill: "lightblue", stroke: "deepskyblue" }),
objGo(go.Shape, { alignment: go.Spot.Top, cursor: "n-resize", desiredSize: new go.Size(6, 6), fill: "lightblue", stroke: "deepskyblue" }),
objGo(go.Shape, { alignment: go.Spot.TopRight, cursor: "ne-resize", desiredSize: new go.Size(6, 6), fill: "lightblue", stroke: "deepskyblue" }), objGo(go.Shape, { alignment: go.Spot.Left, cursor: "w-resize", desiredSize: new go.Size(6, 6), fill: "lightblue", stroke: "deepskyblue" }),
objGo(go.Shape, { alignment: go.Spot.Right, cursor: "e-resize", desiredSize: new go.Size(6, 6), fill: "lightblue", stroke: "deepskyblue" }), objGo(go.Shape, { alignment: go.Spot.BottomLeft, cursor: "se-resize", desiredSize: new go.Size(6, 6), fill: "lightblue", stroke: "deepskyblue" }),
objGo(go.Shape, { alignment: go.Spot.Bottom, cursor: "s-resize", desiredSize: new go.Size(6, 6), fill: "lightblue", stroke: "deepskyblue" }),
objGo(go.Shape, { alignment: go.Spot.BottomRight, cursor: "sw-resize", desiredSize: new go.Size(6, 6), fill: "lightblue", stroke: "deepskyblue" })
); var nodeRotateAdornmentTemplate =
{ locationSpot: go.Spot.Center, locationObjectName: "CIRCLE" },
objGo(go.Shape, "Circle", { name: "CIRCLE", cursor: "pointer", desiredSize: new go.Size(7, 7), fill: "lightblue", stroke: "deepskyblue" }),
objGo(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M3.5 7 L3.5 30", isGeometryPositioned: true, stroke: "deepskyblue", strokeWidth: 1.5, strokeDashArray: [4, 2] })
); myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
objGo(go.Node, "Spot",
{ locationSpot: go.Spot.Center },
new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Point.stringify),
{ selectable: true, selectionAdornmentTemplate: nodeSelectionAdornmentTemplate },
{ resizable: true, resizeObjectName: "PANEL", resizeAdornmentTemplate: nodeResizeAdornmentTemplate },
{ rotatable: true, rotateAdornmentTemplate: nodeRotateAdornmentTemplate },
new go.Binding("angle").makeTwoWay(),
// the main object is a Panel that surrounds a TextBlock with a Shape
objGo(go.Panel, "Auto",
{ name: "PANEL" },
new go.Binding("desiredSize", "size", go.Size.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Size.stringify),
objGo(go.Shape, "Rectangle", // default figure
portId: "", // the default port: if no spot on link data, use closest side
fromLinkable: true, toLinkable: true, cursor: "pointer",
fill: "white", // default color
strokeWidth: 2
new go.Binding("figure"),
new go.Binding("fill")),
font: "bold 11pt Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
margin: 8,
maxSize: new go.Size(160, NaN),
wrap: go.TextBlock.WrapFit,
editable: true
new go.Binding("text").makeTwoWay())
// four small named ports, one on each side:
makePort("T", go.Spot.Top, false, true),
makePort("L", go.Spot.Left, true, true),
makePort("R", go.Spot.Right, true, true),
makePort("B", go.Spot.Bottom, true, false),
{ // handle mouse enter/leave events to show/hide the ports
mouseEnter: function(e, node) { showSmallPorts(node, true); },
mouseLeave: function(e, node) { showSmallPorts(node, false); }
); function showSmallPorts(node, show) {
node.ports.each(function(port) {
if (port.portId !== "") { // don't change the default port, which is the big shape
port.fill = show ? "rgba(0,0,0,.3)" : null;
} var linkSelectionAdornmentTemplate =
objGo(go.Adornment, "Link",
// isPanelMain declares that this Shape shares the Link.geometry
{ isPanelMain: true, fill: null, stroke: "deepskyblue", strokeWidth: 0 }) // use selection object's strokeWidth
); myDiagram.linkTemplate =
objGo(go.Link, // the whole link panel
{ selectable: true, selectionAdornmentTemplate: linkSelectionAdornmentTemplate },
{ relinkableFrom: true, relinkableTo: true, reshapable: true },
routing: go.Link.AvoidsNodes,
curve: go.Link.JumpOver,
corner: 5,
toShortLength: 4
new go.Binding("points").makeTwoWay(),
objGo(go.Shape, // the link path shape
{ isPanelMain: true, strokeWidth: 2 }),
objGo(go.Shape, // the arrowhead
{ toArrow: "Standard", stroke: null }),
objGo(go.Panel, "Auto",
new go.Binding("visible", "isSelected").ofObject(),
objGo(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", // the link shape
{ fill: "#F8F8F8", stroke: null }),
textAlign: "center",
font: "10pt helvetica, arial, sans-serif",
stroke: "#919191",
margin: 2,
minSize: new go.Size(10, NaN),
editable: true
new go.Binding("text").makeTwoWay())
); load(); // load an initial diagram from some JSON text // initialize the Palette that is on the left side of the page
myPalette =
objGo(go.Palette, "myPalettep", // must name or refer to the p HTML element
maxSelectionCount: 1,
nodeTemplateMap: myDiagram.nodeTemplateMap, // share the templates used by myDiagram
linkTemplate: // simplify the link template, just in this Palette
{ // because the GridLayout.alignment is Location and the nodes have locationSpot == Spot.Center,
// to line up the Link in the same manner we have to pretend the Link has the same location spot
locationSpot: go.Spot.Center,
objGo(go.Adornment, "Link",
{ locationSpot: go.Spot.Center },
{ isPanelMain: true, fill: null, stroke: "deepskyblue", strokeWidth: 0 }),
objGo(go.Shape, // the arrowhead
{ toArrow: "Standard", stroke: null })
routing: go.Link.AvoidsNodes,
curve: go.Link.JumpOver,
corner: 5,
toShortLength: 4
new go.Binding("points"),
objGo(go.Shape, // the link path shape
{ isPanelMain: true, strokeWidth: 2 }),
objGo(go.Shape, // the arrowhead
{ toArrow: "Standard", stroke: null })
model: new go.GraphLinksModel([ // specify the contents of the Palette
{ text: "Start", figure: "Circle", fill: "#00AD5F" },
{ text: "Step" },
{ text: "DB", figure: "Database", fill: "lightgray" },
{ text: "???", figure: "Diamond", fill: "lightskyblue" },
{ text: "End", figure: "Circle", fill: "#CE0620" },
{ text: "Comment", figure: "RoundedRectangle", fill: "lightyellow" }
], [
// the Palette also has a disconnected Link, which the user can drag-and-drop
{ points: new go.List(go.Point).addAll([new go.Point(0, 0), new go.Point(30, 0), new go.Point(30, 40), new go.Point(60, 40)]) }
} function TopRotatingTool() {
go.Diagram.inherit(TopRotatingTool, go.RotatingTool); /** @override */
TopRotatingTool.prototype.updateAdornments = function(part) {
go.RotatingTool.prototype.updateAdornments.call(this, part);
var adornment = part.findAdornment("Rotating");
if (adornment !== null) {
adornment.location = part.rotateObject.getDocumentPoint(new go.Spot(0.5, 0, 0, -30)); // above middle top
}; /** @override */
TopRotatingTool.prototype.rotate = function(newangle) {
go.RotatingTool.prototype.rotate.call(this, newangle + 90);
// end of TopRotatingTool class // Show the diagram's model in JSON format that the user may edit
function save() {
saveDiagramProperties(); // do this first, before writing to JSON
document.getElementById("mySavedModel").value = myDiagram.model.toJson();
myDiagram.isModified = false;
function load() {
myDiagram.model = go.Model.fromJson(document.getElementById("mySavedModel").value);
loadDiagramProperties(); // do this after the Model.modelData has been brought into memory
} function saveDiagramProperties() {
myDiagram.model.modelData.position = go.Point.stringify(myDiagram.position);
function loadDiagramProperties(e) {
// set Diagram.initialPosition, not Diagram.position, to handle initialization side-effects
var pos = myDiagram.model.modelData.position;
if (pos) myDiagram.initialPosition = go.Point.parse(pos);
<body onload="init()">
<p id="sample">
<p style="width:100%; white-space:nowrap;">
<span style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width:105px">
<p id="myPalettep" style="border: solid 1px black; height: 620px"></p>
</span> <span style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width:80%">
<p id="myDiagramp" style="border: solid 1px black; height: 620px"></p>
This sample demonstrates the ability for the user to drag around a Link as if it were a Node.
When either end of the link passes over a valid port, the port is highlighted.
The link-dragging functionality is enabled by setting some or all of the following properties:
<a>DraggingTool.dragsLink</a>, <a>LinkingTool.isUnconnectedLinkValid</a>, and
Note that a Link is present in the <a>Palette</a> so that it too can be dragged out and onto
the main Diagram. Because links are not automatically routed when either end is not connected
with a Node, the route is provided explicitly when that Palette item is defined.
This also demonstrates several custom Adornments:
<a>Part.selectionAdornmentTemplate</a>, <a>Part.resizeAdornmentTemplate</a>, and
Finally this sample demonstrates saving and restoring the <a>Diagram.position</a> as a property
on the <a>Model.modelData</a> object that is automatically saved and restored when calling <a>Model.toJson</a>
and <a>Model.fromJson</a>.
<button id="SaveButton" onclick="save()">Save</button>
<button onclick="load()">Load</button>
Diagram Model saved in JSON format:
<textarea id="mySavedModel" style="width:100%;height:300px">
{ "class": "go.GraphLinksModel",
"linkFromPortIdProperty": "fromPort",
"linkToPortIdProperty": "toPort",
"nodeDataArray": [
"linkDataArray": [
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Process Flow</title>
<meta name="description" content="A simple process flow or SCADA diagram editor, simulating equipment monitoring and control." />
<!-- Copyright 1998-2017 by Northwoods Software Corporation. -->
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="../../gojs/go-debug.js"></script>
<script id="code">
function init() {
if (window.goSamples) goSamples(); // init for these samples -- you don't need to call this
var $ = go.GraphObject.make; // for more concise visual tree definitions myDiagram =
$(go.Diagram, "myDiagramp",
"grid.visible": true,
"grid.gridCellSize": new go.Size(30, 20),
"draggingTool.isGridSnapEnabled": true,
"resizingTool.isGridSnapEnabled": true,
"rotatingTool.snapAngleMultiple": 90,
"rotatingTool.snapAngleEpsilon": 45,
"undoManager.isEnabled": true
}); // when the document is modified, add a "*" to the title and enable the "Save" button
myDiagram.addDiagramListener("Modified", function(e) {
var button = document.getElementById("SaveButton");
if (button) button.disabled = !myDiagram.isModified;
var idx = document.title.indexOf("*");
if (myDiagram.isModified) {
if (idx < 0) document.title += "*";
} else {
if (idx >= 0) document.title = document.title.substr(0, idx);
}); myDiagram.nodeTemplateMap.add("Process",
$(go.Node, "Auto",
{ locationSpot: new go.Spot(0.5, 0.5), locationObjectName: "SHAPE",
resizable: true, resizeObjectName: "SHAPE" },
new go.Binding("location", "pos", go.Point.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Point.stringify),
$(go.Shape, "Cylinder1",
{ name: "SHAPE",
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: $(go.Brush, "Linear",
{ start: go.Spot.Left, end: go.Spot.Right,
0: "gray", 0.5: "white", 1: "gray" }),
minSize: new go.Size(50, 50),
portId: "", fromSpot: go.Spot.AllSides, toSpot: go.Spot.AllSides
new go.Binding("desiredSize", "size", go.Size.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Size.stringify)),
{ alignment: go.Spot.Center, textAlign: "center", margin: 5,
editable: true },
new go.Binding("text").makeTwoWay())
)); myDiagram.nodeTemplateMap.add("Valve",
$(go.Node, "Vertical",
{ locationSpot: new go.Spot(0.5, 1, 0, -21), locationObjectName: "SHAPE",
selectionObjectName: "SHAPE", rotatable: true },
new go.Binding("angle").makeTwoWay(),
new go.Binding("location", "pos", go.Point.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Point.stringify),
{ alignment: go.Spot.Center, textAlign: "center", margin: 5, editable: true },
new go.Binding("text").makeTwoWay(),
// keep the text upright, even when the whole node has been rotated upside down
new go.Binding("angle", "angle", function(a) { return a === 180 ? 180 : 0; }).ofObject()),
{ name: "SHAPE",
geometryString: "F1 M0 0 L40 20 40 0 0 20z M20 10 L20 30 M12 30 L28 30",
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: $(go.Brush, "Linear", { 0: "gray", 0.35: "white", 0.7: "gray" }),
portId: "", fromSpot: new go.Spot(1, 0.35), toSpot: new go.Spot(0, 0.35) })
)); myDiagram.linkTemplate =
{ routing: go.Link.AvoidsNodes, curve: go.Link.JumpGap, corner: 10, reshapable: true, toShortLength: 7 },
new go.Binding("points").makeTwoWay(),
// mark each Shape to get the link geometry with isPanelMain: true
$(go.Shape, { isPanelMain: true, stroke: "black", strokeWidth: 5 }),
$(go.Shape, { isPanelMain: true, stroke: "gray", strokeWidth: 3 }),
$(go.Shape, { isPanelMain: true, stroke: "white", strokeWidth: 1, name: "PIPE", strokeDashArray: [10, 10] }),
$(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Triangle", fill: "black", stroke: null })
); load(); loop(); // animate some flow through the pipes
} function loop() {
var diagram = myDiagram;
setTimeout(function() {
var oldskips = diagram.skipsUndoManager;
diagram.skipsUndoManager = true;
diagram.links.each(function(link) {
var shape = link.findObject("PIPE");
var off = shape.strokeDashOffset - 2;
shape.strokeDashOffset = (off <= 0) ? 20 : off;
diagram.skipsUndoManager = oldskips;
}, 100);
} function save() {
document.getElementById("mySavedModel").value = myDiagram.model.toJson();
myDiagram.isModified = false;
function load() {
myDiagram.model = go.Model.fromJson(document.getElementById("mySavedModel").value);
</script> </head>
<body onload="init()">
<p id="sample">
<p id="myDiagramp" style="border: solid 1px black; width:100%; height:500px"></p>
A <em>process flow diagram</em> is commonly used in chemical and process engineering to indicate the general flow of plant processes and equipment.
A simple SCADA diagram, with animation of the flow along the pipes, is implemented here.
The diagram displays the background grid layer by setting <b>grid.visible</b> to true,
and also allows snapping to the grid using <a>DraggingTool.isGridSnapEnabled</a>,
<a>ResizingTool.isGridSnapEnabled</a>, and <a>RotatingTool.snapAngleMultiple</a> alongside <a>RotatingTool.snapAngleEpsilon</a>.
The diagram also uses the <b>loop</b> function to animate the links by adjusting the <a>Shape.strokeDashOffset</a> every 100 ms.
<button id="SaveButton" onclick="save()">Save</button>
<button onclick="load()">Load</button>
Diagram Model saved in JSON format:
<textarea id="mySavedModel" style="width:100%;height:300px">
{ "class": "go.GraphLinksModel",
"nodeDataArray": [
{"key":"P1", "category":"Process", "pos":"150 120", "text":"Process"},
{"key":"P2", "category":"Process", "pos":"330 320", "text":"Tank"},
{"key":"V1", "category":"Valve", "pos":"270 120", "text":"V1"},
{"key":"P3", "category":"Process", "pos":"150 420", "text":"Pump"},
{"key":"V2", "category":"Valve", "pos":"150 280", "text":"VM", "angle":270},
{"key":"V3", "category":"Valve", "pos":"270 420", "text":"V2", "angle":180},
{"key":"P4", "category":"Process", "pos":"450 140", "text":"Reserve Tank"},
{"key":"V4", "category":"Valve", "pos":"390 60", "text":"VA"},
{"key":"V5", "category":"Valve", "pos":"450 260", "text":"VB", "angle":90}
"linkDataArray": [
{"from":"P1", "to":"V1"},
{"from":"P3", "to":"V2"},
{"from":"V2", "to":"P1"},
{"from":"P2", "to":"V3"},
{"from":"V3", "to":"P3"},
{"from":"V1", "to":"V4"},
{"from":"V4", "to":"P4"},
{"from":"V1", "to":"P2"},
{"from":"P4", "to":"V5"},
{"from":"V5", "to":"P2"}
解决JS组件bootstrap table分页实现过程中遇到的问题
- JS组件系列——Gojs组件,前端图形化插件之利器
前言:之前分享过两篇关于流程画图的前端组件,使用的jsPlumb.这个组件本身还不错,使用方便.入门简单.轻量级,但是使用一段时间下来,发现一些弊病,比如组件不太稳定,初始进入页面的时候连线的样式有时 ...
- js正则表达式图形化工具-rline
github地址:https://github.com/finance-sh/rline 在线demo: http://lihuazhai.com/demo/test.html 这是一个js正则表达式 ...
- JS图形化插件利器组件系列 —— Gojs组件
阅读目录 一.组件效果预览 二.初次接触 1.Gojs简介 2.使用入门 三.综合效果 1.自定义流程的使用 2.工业流程图 四.总结 正文 前言:之前分享过两篇关于流程画图的前端组件,使用的jsPl ...
- js前端使用jOrgChart插件实现组织架构图的展示
项目要做组织架构图,要把它做成自上而下的树形结构. 需要购买阿里云产品的,可以点击此链接购买,有红包优惠哦: https://promotion.aliyun.com/ntms/yunparter/i ...
- Windows Builder(图形化界面的利器)For Eclipse 3.7
工欲善其事,必先利其器——孔子(春秋)<论语·卫灵公> 今天闲逛论坛的时候,发现了Eclipse 的很好的插件,是关于做图形界面的. 如果想做桌面应用软件,交互界面有点复杂的时候,自己手动 ...
- 26-python图形化插件 wxpython安装时的问题
最实在而又最实用的的安装方式pip,且必须习惯使用的方式,会同步安装相关的依赖包: pip install -U wxPython 总是包超时的错误:于是更新了pip 之后还是不行,于是改为了下面的命 ...
- [Erlang07] Erlang 做图形化编程的尝试:纯Erlang做2048游戏
用Erlang久了,以为erlang做类似于As3,JS的图形化界面是绝对不可能的,多少次,多少次想用erlang做个炫酷的图形游戏.终于:折腾出来了结果:纯Erlang也可以做到! 因为以前接触过W ...
- 最好用的js前端框架、组件、文档在线预览插件
这里收集的都是个人认为比较好的js框架.组件 js前端ui框架 此处列举出个人认为最好的几个框架(排序即排名),现在好点的框架商用都需要付费,以下几个也不例外,但是由于组件丰富,都可以作为企业应用的完 ...
- 优秀的gdb图形化前端调试器
目前我自己最喜欢的还是 ddd . gdbgui 和 vim-vebugger插件或vimgdb插件 三种. You could try using Insight a graphical front ...
- HDU 3131 One…Two…Five! (暴力搜索)
题目链接:pid=3131">HDU 3131 One-Two-Five! (暴力搜索) 题意:给出一串数字,要求用加,减,乘,除(5/2=2)连接(计算无优先级:5+3*6=8*6= ...
- POJ 1012:Joseph
Joseph Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 50068 Accepted: 19020 Descript ...
- 10. ZooKeeper之搭建伪集群模式。
转自:https://blog.csdn.net/en_joker/article/details/78673456 在集群和单机两种模式下,我们基本完成了分别针对生产环境和开发环境ZooKeeper ...
- “焦点图/幻灯片”“Tab标签切换”“图片滚动”“无缝滚动”仅需一个SuperSlidev2.1
官网:http://www.superslide2.com/index.html 1. 标签切换 / 书签切换 / 默认效果 2. 焦点图 / 幻灯片 3. 图片滚动-左 4. 图片滚动-上 5. 图 ...
- 【例题 7-2 UVA - 11059】Maximum Product
[链接] 我是链接,点我呀:) [题意] 在这里输入题意 [题解] C语言for循环练习题 [代码] /* 1.Shoud it use long long ? 2.Have you ever tes ...
- Android RxJava基本流程和lift源码分析
基本结构 我们先来看一段最基本的代码,分析这段代码在RxJava中是如何实现的. Observable.OnSubscribe<String> onSubscriber1 = new Ob ...
- 【2017 ACM-ICPC 亚洲区(乌鲁木齐赛区)网络赛 G】Query on a string
[链接]h在这里写链接 [题意] 让你维护字符串的一段区间内T子串的个数. [题解] 因为t不大,所以. 暴力维护一下a[i]就好. a[i]表示的是S串从i位置开始,能和T串匹配几个字符. 用树状数 ...
- OVS中对于用户层和datapath层的多个通道利用epoll进行控制
这里先临时记录下代码流程,有待完好. static int construct(struct ofproto *ofproto_) { struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto = o ...
- html实现返回上一页的几种方法(javaScript:history.go(-1);)
html实现返回上一页的几种方法(javaScript:history.go(-1);) 一.总结: 1.javaScript:history.go(-1); 二.方法 1.通过超链接返回到上一页 & ...
- 基于深度学习的人脸识别系统(Caffe+OpenCV+Dlib)【二】人脸预处理
前言 基于深度学习的人脸识别系统,一共用到了5个开源库:OpenCV(计算机视觉库).Caffe(深度学习库).Dlib(机器学习库).libfacedetection(人脸检测库).cudnn(gp ...