
维护一个队列,初始为空。依次加入 n(1≤n≤105)个数 ai(-109≤ai≤109),第 i(1≤i≤n)个数加入到当前序列第 bi(0≤bi≤当前序列长度)个数后面。输出最终队列。


输入包含一个数 n(1≤n≤3×105),表示最终序列长度。

接下来 n 行,每行两个数 ai,bi,表示把 ai 放在当前序列第 bi 个数后面。


输出 n 行,每行一个数,表示最终序列。

样例数据 1


1 0 
2 0 
3 0 
4 0 
5 0






using namespace std; const int N = 3e5 + ;
int n;
#define SZ(x) (x?x->sze:0)
inline void wr(int);
struct node{
node *lc, *rc;
int pri, sze, val;
inline node* upt(){
sze = SZ(lc) + SZ(rc) + ;
return this;
inline void print(){
if(lc) lc->print();
wr(val), putchar('\n');
if(rc) rc->print();
}pool[N], *tail = pool, *root = NULL; inline int read(){
int i = , f = ; char ch = getchar();
for(; (ch < '' || ch > '') && ch != '-'; ch = getchar());
if(ch == '-') f = -, ch = getchar();
for(; ch >= '' && ch <= ''; ch = getchar())
i = (i << ) + (i << ) + (ch - '');
return i * f;
} inline void wr(int x){
if(x < ) putchar('-'), x = -x;
if(x > ) wr(x / );
putchar(x % + '');
} inline int Rand(){
static int RAND_VAL = ;
return RAND_VAL += RAND_VAL << | ;
} inline node* newNode(int v){
node *x = tail++;
x->lc = x->rc = NULL;
x->pri = Rand();
x->val = v;
x->sze = ;
return x;
} inline node* Merge(node *u, node *v){
if(!u) return v->upt();
if(!v) return u->upt();
if(u->pri < v->pri){
u->rc = Merge(u->rc, v);
return u->upt();
v->lc = Merge(u, v->lc);
return v->upt();
} inline void Split_k(node *u, int k, node *&x, node *&y){
x = y = NULL;
if(SZ(u->lc) < k){
Split_k(u->rc, k - SZ(u->lc) - , x, y);
u->rc = NULL, u->upt();
x = Merge(u, x);
Split_k(u->lc, k, x, y);
u->lc = NULL, u->upt();
y = Merge(y, u);
} inline node* Insert(node *u, int k, int v){
node *L, *R;
Split_k(u, k, L, R);
node *res = newNode(v);
return Merge(Merge(L, res), R);
} int main(){
n = read();
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++){
int a = read(), b = read();
root = Insert(root, b, a);
return ;


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