
 import sys
import time
import binascii
from PySide.QtCore import *
from PySide.QtGui import *
from scapy.all import * # Every Qt application must have one and only one QApplication object;
# it receives the command line arguments passed to the script, as they
# can be used to customize the application's appearance and behavior
qt_app = QApplication(sys.argv)
global_pkt_list = [] # Try to redirect hexdump()'s output, but failed!Why? T_T
class redirect_output:
def __init__(self):
self.str = ''
def write(self, s):
self.str += s
def show(self):
return self.str class Sniffer(QThread):
pkt_arrive = Signal(str)
bGo = True
filter = None
iface = 'eth0' def __init__(self, parent=None):
QThread.__init__(self, parent)
# self.pkt_arrive.connect(OnPktArrive) def run(self):
# self.emit(SIGNAL("pkt_arrive(str)"), "pkt")
while (self.bGo):
p = sniff(count=1, filter = self.filter)
self.pkt_arrive.emit((p[0].summary())) def go(self):
self.bGo = True
self.start() def stop(self):
print 'Sniffer got exit message'
self.bGo = False class PktListItem(QListWidgetItem):
def __init__(self, pkt=None, num=None):
self.pkt = pkt
self.num = num class MainWindow(QWidget):
''' An example of PySide absolute positioning; the main window
inherits from QWidget, a convenient widget for an empty window. '''
number = 0
def __init__(self):
self.setMinimumSize(800, 500) # set layout
self.main_layout = QVBoxLayout()
# edit and btn
self.layout1 = QHBoxLayout() self.Label_Iface = QLabel("Iface", self)
self.TextBox_Iface = QLineEdit(self)
self.TextBox_Iface.setPlaceholderText("Choose network interface")
self.layout1.addWidget(self.TextBox_Iface) self.Label_Fliter = QLabel("Filter", self)
self.TextBox_Filter = QLineEdit(self)
self.layout1.addWidget(self.TextBox_Filter) self.layout1.addStretch(1)
self.Btn_Start = QPushButton("&Start", self)
self.layout1.addWidget(self.Btn_Start) self.main_layout.addLayout(self.layout1) # List to show packets
self.List_Pkt = QListWidget(self)
self.main_layout.addWidget(self.List_Pkt) # Tree to see pkt's detail
self.Tree = QTreeWidget(self)
self.Tree.setHeaderLabels(['Key', 'Value']) self.setLayout(self.main_layout) # create signal and sniff thread
self.thread = Sniffer()
self.connect(self.Btn_Start, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.Sniff)
# self.connect(self.thread, SIGNAL("pkt_arrive(str)"), self.OnPktArrive) Connot work!
self.List_Pkt.currentItemChanged.connect(self.On_ItemChanged) @Slot(str)
def OnPktArrive(self, pkt):
print 'received pkt arrive signal' #p = Ether(pkt) #only Ethernet now, 802.11 may be crash!
item = PktListItem(num = self.number)
item.setText(str(self.number) + '\t' + pkt)
self.number += 1 @Slot()
def Sniff(self):
print self.Btn_Start.text()
if self.Btn_Start.text() == '&Start':
self.thread.filter = self.TextBox_Filter.text()
self.thread.iface = self.TextBox_Iface.text()
self.thread.stop() def On_ItemChanged(self, curr, prev):
print curr.num
p = global_pkt_list[curr.num]
root1 = QTreeWidgetItem(self.Tree)
if (p.haslayer(Ether)):
root1.setText(0, 'Ethernet:')
child1_1 = QTreeWidgetItem(root1)
child1_1.setText(0, 'dst')
child1_1.setText(1, p.dst)
child1_2 = QTreeWidgetItem(root1)
child1_2.setText(0, 'src')
child1_2.setText(1, p.src)
child1_3 = QTreeWidgetItem(root1)
child1_3.setText(0, 'type')
child1_3.setText(1, hex(p.type))
p = p.getlayer(1)
if (p.haslayer(IP)):
p = p.getlayer(1)
if (p.haslayer(ICMP)):
elif (p.haslayer(TCP)):
elif (p.haslayer(IPv6)):
root1.setText(0, 'Not Ethernet')
root1.setText(1, hexdump(p)) def _SetIPTree(self, p):
root2 = QTreeWidgetItem(self.Tree)
root2.setText(0, 'IPv4')
child2_1 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
child2_1.setText(0, 'Version')
child2_1.setText(1, str(p.version))
child2_2 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
child2_2.setText(0, 'ihl(Header Length)')
child2_2.setText(1, str(p.ihl))
child2_3 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
child2_3.setText(0, 'tos')
child2_3.setText(1, str(p.tos))
child2_4 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
child2_4.setText(0, 'len')
child2_4.setText(1, str(p.len))
child2_5 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
child2_5.setText(0, 'id')
child2_5.setText(1, str(p.id))
child2_6 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
child2_6.setText(0, 'flags')
child2_6.setText(1, str(p.flags))
child2_7 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
child2_7.setText(0, 'frag')
child2_7.setText(1, str(p.frag))
child2_8 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
child2_8.setText(0, 'TTL')
child2_8.setText(1, str(p.ttl))
child2_9 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
child2_9.setText(0, 'protocol')
child2_9.setText(1, str(p.proto))
child2_10 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
child2_10.setText(0, 'checksum')
child2_10.setText(1, str(p.chksum))
child2_11 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
child2_11.setText(0, 'src')
child2_11.setText(1, str(p.src))
child2_12 = QTreeWidgetItem(root2)
child2_12.setText(0, 'dst')
child2_12.setText(1, str(p.dst)) def _SetICMPTree(self, p):
root3 = QTreeWidgetItem(self.Tree)
root3.setText(0, 'ICMP')
child3_1 = QTreeWidgetItem(root3)
child3_1.setText(0, 'Type')
if (p.type == 8):
child3_1.setText(1, 'echo request')
elif (p.type == 0):
child3_1.setText(1, 'echo reply')
child3_1.setText(1, str(p.type))
child3_2 = QTreeWidgetItem(root3)
child3_2.setText(0, 'Code')
child3_2.setText(1, str(p.code))
child3_3 = QTreeWidgetItem(root3)
child3_3.setText(0, 'Checksum')
child3_3.setText(1, str(p.chksum))
child3_4 = QTreeWidgetItem(root3)
child3_4.setText(0, 'ID')
child3_4.setText(1, str(p.id))
child3_5 = QTreeWidgetItem(root3)
child3_5.setText(0, 'Sequence number')
child3_5.setText(1, str(p.seq))
child3_6 = QTreeWidgetItem(root3)
child3_6.setText(0, 'Data')
child3_6.setText(1, binascii.b2a_hex(str(p.load))) def run(self):
self.show() if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create an instance of the application window and run it
win = MainWindow()


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