Accelerated C++:通过演示样例进行编程实践——练习解答(第9章)
9-0. Compile, execute, and test the programs in this chapter.
9-1. Reimplement the Student_info
class so that it calculates the finalgrade
when reading the student's record, and stores that grade in the object. Reimplement thegrade
function to use this precomputed value.
9-2. If we define the name
function as a plain, nonconst
member function, what other functions in our system must change and why?
Ans:我们只须要改动函数 compare()的參数类型就可以:将原先的bool compare(const Student_info& x,const Student_info& y)改为
bool compare(Student_info x,Student_info y)
为什么又把 Student_info& 改成了Student_info x?
9-3. Our grade
function was written to throw an exception if a user tried to calculate a grade for aStudent_info
object whose values had not yet been read. Users who care are expected to catch this exception. Write a program
that triggers the exception but does not catch it. Write a program that catches the exception.
9-4. Rewrite your program from the previous exercise to use thevalid
function, thereby avoiding the exception altogether.
9-5. Write a class and associated functions to generate grades for students who take the course for pass/fail credit. Assume that only the midterm and final grades matter, and that a student passes with an average exam score greater than 60. The
report should list the students in alphabetical order, and indicate P or F as the grade.
9-6. Rewrite the grading program for the pass/fail students so that the report shows all the students who passed, followed by all the students who failed.
9-7. The read_hw
function §4.1.3/57 solves a general problem (reading a sequence of values into avector
) even though its name suggests that it should be part of the implementation ofStudent_info
. Of course,
we could change its name—but suppose, instead, that you wanted to integrate it with the rest of theStudent_info
code, in order to clarify that it was not intended for public access despite its apparent generality? How would you do so?
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