【链接】 我是链接,点我呀:)






1.Shoud it use long long ?
2.Have you ever test several sample(at least therr) yourself?
3.Can you promise that the solution is right? At least,the main ideal
4.use the puts("") or putchar() or printf and such things?
5.init the used array or any value?
6.use error MAX_VALUE?
7.use scanf instead of cin/cout?
8.whatch out the detail input require
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; string x,y,z,s,ans;
int belong[10];
int maxdep,lenx,leny,lenz,tot; string inttostring(int x){
string s = "";
while (x > 0){
s = (char)(x%10+'0')+ s;
return s;
} int stringtoint(string s){
int x = 0;
int len = s.size();
for (int i = 0;i < len;i++){
x = x *10 + s[i]-'0';
return x;
} void ok(int dep){
if (tot>1) return;
if (dep==lenx+leny){
string v[3];
for (int i = 0;i < 3;i++) v[i]="";
for (int i = 0;i < lenx+leny+lenz;i++) v[belong[i]]+=s[i];
int tx = stringtoint(v[0]),ty = stringtoint(v[1]);
tx = tx*ty;
string tz = inttostring(tx);
if ((int)tz.size()!=(int)v[2].size()) return;
for (int i = 0;i < (int) v[2].size();i++)
if (tz[i]!=v[2][i] && v[2][i]!='*') return;
if (s[dep]=='*'){
int qidian = 0;
if (dep==0 || dep == lenx || dep==lenx+leny) qidian = 1;
for (int i = qidian;i <= 9;i++){
s[dep] = i+'0';
s[dep] = '*';
}else ok(dep+1);
} bool dfs1(int dep,int nex){
if (dep==maxdep){
tot = 0;
string tans = s;
if(tot==1) {
ans = s;
return true;
return false;
if (nex>=lenx+leny+lenz) return false;
char temp; temp = s[nex];
s[nex] = '*';
int cnt = 1;
if (s[nex]==temp) cnt = 0;
if (dfs1(dep+cnt,nex+1)) return true;
s[nex] = temp; int qidian = 0;
if (nex==0 || nex == lenx || nex == lenx+leny) qidian = 1;
for (int i = qidian;i <= 9;i++){
temp = s[nex];
s[nex] = i+'0';
int cnt = 1;
if (s[nex]==temp) cnt = 0;
if (dfs1(dep+cnt,nex+1)) return true;
s[nex] = temp;
} return false;
} int main(){
freopen("rush_in.txt", "r", stdin);
int kase = 0;
while (cin >> x && x[0]!='0'){
cin >> y >> z;
lenx = x.size(),leny = y.size(),lenz = z.size();
s = x + y + z;
for (int i = 0;i < lenx;i++) belong[i] = 0;
for (int i = lenx;i < lenx+leny;i++) belong[i] = 1;
for (int i = lenx+leny;i < lenx+leny+lenz;i++) belong[i] = 2; for (maxdep = 0;;maxdep++)
if (dfs1(0,0)) break; cout <<"Case "<<++kase<<": ";
for (int i = 0;i < lenx;i++) cout << ans[i];cout <<' ';
for (int i = lenx;i < lenx+leny;i++) cout << ans[i];cout <<' ';
for (int i = lenx+leny;i < lenx+leny+lenz;i++) cout << ans[i];
cout << endl;
return 0;

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