! [remote rejected] master -> master (shallow update not allowed)


As it seems you have used git clone --depth <number> to clone your local version. This results in a shallow clone. One limitation of such a clone is that you can't push from it into a new repository.

You now have two options:

  1. if you don't care about you're current or missing history, take a look at this question
  2. if you want to keep your full history, then continue reading:

So, you want to keep your history, eh? This means that you have to unshallow your repository. To do so you will need to add your old remote again.

git remote add old <path-to-old-remote>

After that we use git fetch to fetch the remaining history from the old remote (as suggested in this answer).

git fetch --unshallow old

And now you should be able to push into your new remote repository.

Note: After unshallowing your clone you can obviously remove the old remote again.


比如从网址1(github) clone一个repository,但是repository很大。过了一段时间,可能git后台回收了一部分objects,太久不用的。



那么需要git fetch --unshallow github

然后再git push osc

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