

state 1

  • absent
  • accessible
  • accordingly
  • accuracy/accurate
  • acquaint/acquaintance
  • adequacy/adequate
  • advisory
  • ancient
  • ancient
  • annoy
  • anticipate
  • anxiety
  • anxious
  • appetite
  • applause

state 2

  • appliance/applicable/applicant/application
  • appropriate
  • appreciate
  • approximate
  • artisitic
  • assert
  • assist
  • associate
  • assure
  • attempt/contempt !differently
  • attorney
  • authentic/authoritative
  • auxiliary
  • awful/awkward
  • banquet

state 3

  • barrel/barrier
  • basically
  • basin
  • behalf benefit
  • balde
  • blast/explode
  • blow
  • bouncebound
  • brake
  • bow

state 4

  • breadth/width
  • breeze
  • bridegroom
  • brilliant
  • bucket
  • brow
  • bulk
  • bullet
  • bureau
  • bugone
  • bypass
  • cabin
  • able
  • cage
  • careless/ceaseless
  • cargo
  • carpet/blanket
  • cassette
  • cart
  • castle/cattle
  • sentury

state 5

  • cement
  • chalk
  • charity/clarify
  • cheek
  • cheque
  • chimney
  • chop
  • church
  • clap/claw
  • clay
  • climate
  • clue/tip

state 6

  • coarse/crude
  • coil
  • collapse
  • colleague
  • collision
  • colony
  • commencement
  • commit
  • commitment
  • comparable/comparative
  • compensation
  • compete
  • competent
  • complaint/complain
  • complicated
  • compose
  • conceal
  • comprise/contain
  • concrete
  • condence/compress
  • confess/frank
  • conquest

state 7

  • consent
  • considerable/considerate
  • contempt
  • cpmtamination
  • constract
  • convention/conventional
  • cooperate/corporte
  • cord
  • corresponding
  • counter
  • courier
  • creature

state 8

  • crowd/crown/crew/chew
  • crust
  • cultivate
  • curricula
  • curse
  • curve/cave/carve
  • dedication
  • density
  • destination
  • democratic
  • devotion/devote
  • diagnose
  • diplomatic
  • disastrous
  • disfigure/figure
  • disruptive
  • discrimination
  • discover/discovery
  • distinct/distinctive
  • distract
  • diverse/diversity
  • division/department
  • due/due to
  • dreadful/awful

state 9

  • demestic/demesticate
  • dominate
  • downsize/downfall
  • town/downtown/hometown/ancient town/old town
  • earnest
  • economically
  • elastic/plastic
  • effective/efficient/sufficient
  • elaborate
  • elementary/primary
  • emigrate
  • encounter
  • enforce/force
  • engage/engagement
  • enormous
  • entertain/entertainment

state 10

  • entrepreneur
  • environmental
  • equivalent
  • essence
  • estimate
  • ethnic
  • evaluate
  • evaporate
  • evolutionary
  • evolve
  • exclusively
  • excursion
  • execute
  • executive
  • exemplify
  • exert
  • exhausted
  • expectancy
  • exploit
  • exposure
  • external
  • fabric
  • facilitate

state 11

  • faculty
  • faint
  • fascrinate/fascrinating
  • fault/faulty
  • feature
  • feasible
  • fertile
  • fix 决定
  • lash 闪光
  • flaw 裂隙,缺点
  • fleet 船队
  • flesh
  • flock
  • fold

state 12

  • fond
  • foreseeable
  • former
  • forth
  • foster
  • frank
  • frog/fog
  • fruitful
  • frontier
  • furniture
  • forthermore
  • gay
  • garage
  • generous
  • genetic

state 13

  • germ
  • glimpse
  • glory
  • goods
  • granted???
  • gratitude/grateful
  • grape/grasp
  • grave
  • grief
  • gross
  • habitually
  • harsh
  • hatred
  • hazard

state 14

  • headquarter
  • hedge
  • heel
  • heroic
  • herd
  • hillside
  • hollow
  • horizontal
  • horn
  • hospitalize
  • humble
  • identical
  • identify
  • identity
  • illliterate
  • ignorant
  • immigrant
  • implement
  • implication
  • impose

state 15

  • inadequacy/inadequate
  • indication
  • indifferent
  • inevitable
  • inform
  • ingredient
  • inhabitant
  • inherently
  • inquire
  • innovative
  • insight
  • instinct
  • insufficient
  • intake
  • integrate
  • intensely/sincerely

state 16

  • interference
  • intermediate
  • interpret
  • intimate
  • invariably
  • involve 潜心于
  • jet
  • jury
  • knife
  • lamp
  • laborious
  • landlord
  • landscape
  • lane
  • laser/loser

state 17

  • lest
  • leather
  • lean/leak
  • laundry
  • lavatory
  • lawn
  • liability/liable
  • liberal
  • lime
  • lid
  • lively/liver
  • lodge
  • longevity
  • lump
  • magnetic
  • maid
  • manual
  • march


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