

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; public class TreeNode { public enum TreeNodeType
} public string name;
public TreeNodeType nodeType = TreeNodeType.Item;
public TreeNode parent;
public List<TreeNode> children = null;
public bool isOpen = false;
public static TreeNode _instance = null; public static TreeNode Get()
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new TreeNode ();
return _instance;
} public void InsertNode(TreeNode node)
if (this.children == null)
this.children = new List<TreeNode> ();
children.Add (node);
node.parent = this;
} public void OpenAllNode(TreeNode node)
node.isOpen = true;
if (node.children != null && node.children.Count > )
for (int i = ; i < node.children.Count; i++)
OpenAllNode (node.children[i]);
} public TreeNode GenerateFileTree(List<string> list)
TreeNode root = new TreeNode ();
root = GenerateFileNode ("", "生物/", list);
OpenAllNode (root);
return root;
} public TreeNode GenerateFileNode(string parentFullPath,string path,List<string> list)
TreeNode node = new TreeNode ();
string[] segment = path.Split ('/');
if (segment.Length > )
string name = segment[]; = name;
node.nodeType = TreeNodeType.Switch;
string fullPath = parentFullPath + name+"/";
List<string> allChildrenPath = list.FindAll (s=>
if (s.StartsWith(fullPath) && s!=fullPath)
return true;
return false;
List<string> dirList = new List<string> ();
for (int i = ; i < allChildrenPath.Count; i++)
string childPath = allChildrenPath [i].Remove (, fullPath.Length);
string[] childPathSegment = childPath.Split('/');
if (childPathSegment.Length > ) {
string childDirPath = childPathSegment [];
if (!dirList.Contains (childDirPath)) {
dirList.Add (childDirPath);
TreeNode childNode = GenerateFileNode (fullPath, childDirPath + "/", list);
node.InsertNode (childNode);
TreeNode childNode = GenerateFileNode (fullPath, childPath, list);
node.InsertNode (childNode);
{ = path;
node.nodeType = TreeNodeType.Item;
list.Remove (path);
return node;
} }


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; public class CreateTreeList:EditorWindow { private List<string> list = new List<string> ();
private static TreeNode root = null;
private TreeNode currentNode;
private static CreateTreeList _instance = new CreateTreeList();
private int treeIndex = ;
private static CreateTreeList window; // 自定义窗体 [MenuItem("H3D/构建树视图")] static void Init(){
window = EditorWindow.GetWindow<CreateTreeList>(); // 创建自定义窗体
window.titleContent = new GUIContent("构建树视图"); // 窗口的标题
_instance.GetAssets ();
_instance.CreateTree ();
// 创建树
} // void Awake()
// {
// Debug.Log ("Awake");
// } void Start()
Debug.Log ("Start");
} // void Update()
// {
// Debug.Log ("Update");
// } private void GetAssets()
list.Clear ();
list.Add ("生物/动物");
list.Add ("生物/动物/宠物/猫");
list.Add ("生物/动物/宠物/狗");
// list.Add ("生物/动物/野生/老虎");
// list.Add ("生物/动物/野生/狮子"); list.Add ("生物/植物");
list.Add ("生物/植物/蔬菜/白菜");
list.Add ("生物/植物/蔬菜/萝卜");
// list.Add ("生物/植物/水果/苹果");
// list.Add ("生物/植物/水果/橘子"); Debug.Log ("获取数据完成");
} private void CreateTree()
root = TreeNode.Get ().GenerateFileTree (list);
Debug.Log ("生成文件树完成");
// ShowFileTree (root, 0);
// Debug.Log ("显示文件树完成");
} private void ShowFileTree(TreeNode node, int level)
string prefix = "";
for (int i = ; i < level; i++)
prefix += "~";
Debug.Log (prefix +;
if (node == null || node.children == null)
for (int i = ; i < node.children.Count; i++)
ShowFileTree (node.children[i], level+);
} private void DrawFileTree(TreeNode node, int level)
if (node == null)
GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();
style.normal.background = null;
style.normal.textColor = Color.white;
if (node == currentNode)
style.normal.textColor =;
} Rect rect = new Rect(+*level, +*treeIndex,*, );
treeIndex++; if (node.nodeType == TreeNode.TreeNodeType.Switch) {
node.isOpen = EditorGUI.Foldout (rect, node.isOpen,, true);
if (GUI.Button (rect,, style))
Debug.Log (;
currentNode = node;
} if (node==null || !node.isOpen || node.children == null)
for (int i = ; i < node.children.Count; i++)
DrawFileTree (node.children[i], level+);
} void OnGUI()
treeIndex = ;
DrawFileTree (root, );



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