假设有这么一个 class

class Date(object):

    def __init__(self, day=0, month=0, year=0):
self.day = day
self.month = month
self.year = year

现在要把一个字符串 11-09-2012 作为变量,方法一:

string_date = '20-16-2017'
day, month, year = map(int, string_date.split('-'))
date1 = Date(day, month, year)
print date1.day

但是每次初始化一个 classinstance 都要重复操作一次。所以,方法二:

class Date(object):

    def __init__(self, day=0, month=0, year=0):
self.day = day
self.month = month
self.year = year @classmethod
def from_string(cls, date_as_string):
day, month, year = map(int, date_as_string.split('-'))
date1 = cls(day, month, year)
return date1
date2 = Date.from_string('20-06-2017')
print date2.day

staticmethodclassmethod类似,区别在于不接收变量。例如在 class 加入一个判断:

def is_date_valid(date_as_string_for_check):
day, month, year = map(int, date_as_string_for_check.split('-'))
return day <= 31 and month <= 12 and year <= 3999
date2 = Date.from_string('20-06-2017')
is_date = Date.is_date_valid('20-06-2017')
print date2.day
print is_date

另外一个使用了 classmethodstaticmethod的例子:

class Employee:
num_of_emps = 0
raise_amount = 1.04 def __init__(self, first, last, pay): self.first = first
self.last = last
self.pay = pay
self.email = first + '.' + last + '@company.com' Employee.num_of_emps += 1 def fullname(self):
return '{} {}'.format(self.first, self.last) def apply_raise(self):
self.pay = int(self.pay * self.raise_amount) @classmethod
def set_raise_amt(cls, amount):
cls.raise_amount = amount @classmethod
def from_string(cls, emp_str):
first, last, pay = emp_str.split('-')
return cls(first, last, pay) @staticmethod
def is_workday(day):
if day.weekday() == 5 or day.weekday() == 6:
return False
return True emp_1 = Employee('Corey', 'Schafer', 50000)
emp_2 = Employee('Test', 'User', 60000) import datetime
my_date = datetime.date(2016, 7, 11) print(Employee.is_workday(my_date))


class Letter:
def __init__(self, pattern=None):
self.pattern = pattern def __iter__(self):
yield from self.pattern def __str__(self):
output = []
for blip in self:
if blip == '.':
return '-'.join(output) @classmethod
def from_string(cls, pattern_string):
# new_input_str = []
pattern_string = pattern_string.split('-')
for i, _ in enumerate(pattern_string):
if _ == 'dot':
pattern_string[i] = '.'
elif _ == 'dash':
pattern_string[i] = '_'
cls = cls(pattern_string)
return cls
# for _ in input_str:
# if _ == 'dot':
# new_input_str.append('.')
# elif _ == 'dash':
# new_input_str.append('_') class S(Letter):
def __init__(self):
pattern = ['.', '.', '.']


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