# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys
ans = [1,2,3,4,5,6] def operate(fun): a = ans[0]
b = ans[1]
c = ans[2]
d = ans[3]
e = ans[4]
f = ans[5] if fun == 'R':
ans[0] = d
ans[1] = c
ans[2] = a
ans[3] = b
elif fun == 'L':
ans[0] = c
ans[1] = d
ans[2] = b
ans[3] = a
elif fun == 'B': ##上
ans[2] = f
ans[3] = e
ans[4] = c
ans[5] = d
elif fun == 'C': ##下
ans[2] = e
ans[3] = f
ans[4] = d
ans[5] = c
elif fun == 'A': ##顺90
ans[0] = e
ans[1] = f
ans[4] = b
ans[5] = a
elif fun == 'F': ##逆90
ans[0] = f
ans[1] = e
ans[4] = a
ans[5] = b if __name__ == '__main__': while(True):
args = raw_input()
if args == 'q':
map(operate, args)
for e in ans:
ans = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Python CODE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> #define INPUT 60 void L(int *ans);
void R(int *ans);
void F(int *ans);
void B(int *ans);
void A(int *ans);
void C(int *ans);
int getlen(char *test){
int c = ;
while(*test++ != '\0'){
} return c;
} int main()
int ans[] = {,,,,,};
char inputs[INPUT] = "";
int i = ; while(gets(inputs)){ for (i = ; i < getlen(inputs); i++){ if(inputs[i] == 'R'){
}else if(inputs[i] == 'L'){
}else if(inputs[i] == 'A'){
}else if(inputs[i] == 'B'){
}else if(inputs[i] == 'C'){
}else if(inputs[i] == 'F'){
for (i = ;i < ; i++){
printf("%d", ans[i]);
for(i = ; i < ; i++){
ans[i] = i + ;
return ;
} void R(int *t){
int a = t[];
int b = t[];
int c = t[];
int d = t[]; t[] = c;
t[] = d;
t[] = b;
t[] = a;
} void L(int *t){
int a = t[];
int b = t[];
int c = t[];
int d = t[]; t[] = d;
t[] = c;
t[] = a;
t[] = b;
} void F(int *t){
int a = t[];
int b = t[];
int c = t[];
int d = t[]; t[] = c;
t[] = d;
t[] = b;
t[] = a;
} void B(int *t){
int a = t[];
int b = t[];
int c = t[];
int d = t[]; t[] = d;
t[] = c;
t[] = a;
t[] = b;
} void A(int *t){
int a = t[];
int b = t[];
int c = t[];
int d = t[]; t[] = d;
t[] = c;
t[] = a;
t[] = b;
} void C(int *t){
int a = t[];
int b = t[];
int c = t[];
int d = t[]; t[] = c;
t[] = d;
t[] = b;
t[] = a;
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