# 代码

public class App {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Depot depot = new Depot(100);
Producer producer = new Producer(depot);
Consumer consumer = new Consumer(depot); producer.produce(60);
consumer.consume(40); }
} class Depot {
// 仓库最大容量
private int capacity;
// 仓库目前容量
private int size; public Depot(int capacity) {
this.size = 0;
this.capacity = capacity;
} public synchronized void produce(int val) {
try {
int surplus = val;
while (surplus > 0) {
while (size >= capacity) {
int incre = (size + surplus) > capacity ? (capacity - size) : surplus;
size += incre;
surplus -= incre;
System.out.printf("%s plan to produce (%d), actually produce (%d), depot size (%d) \n",
Thread.currentThread().getName(), val, incre, size);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} public synchronized void consume(int val) {
try {
int surplus = val;
while (surplus > 0) {
while (size <= 0) {
int desc = (size < surplus) ? size : surplus;
size -= desc;
surplus -= desc;
System.out.printf("%s plan to consume (%d), actutally consume (%d), depot size (%d) \n",
Thread.currentThread().getName(), val, desc, size);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} class Producer {
private Depot depot; public Producer(Depot depot) {
this.depot = depot;
} public void produce(final int val) {
new Thread() {
public void run() {
} class Consumer {
private Depot depot; public Consumer(Depot depot) {
this.depot = depot;
} public void consume(final int val) {
new Thread() {
public void run() {

# 输出:

Thread-0 plan to produce (60), actually produce (60), depot size (60)
Thread-3 plan to consume (40), actutally consume (40), depot size (20)
Thread-2 plan to produce (90), actually produce (80), depot size (100)
Thread-1 plan to consume (100), actutally consume (100), depot size (0)
Thread-2 plan to produce (90), actually produce (10), depot size (10)

# 有四个线程参与了这个过程,两个生产者,两个消费者

# 时隔多月,我们再来考虑一种业务场景,假设要求是,生产的时候的条件是:要么全部生产,要么全部不生产;消费的条件也是:要么全部消费,要么不消费;此时,实现的代码可能如下:

public class Common {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
Depot depot = new Depot(100);
Producer producer = new Producer(depot);
Consumer consumer = new Consumer(depot); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
} for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
} }
} class Depot {
// 仓库最大容量
private int capacity;
// 仓库目前容量
private int size; public Depot(int capacity) {
this.size = 0;
this.capacity = capacity;
} public synchronized void produce(int val) {
try {
if (size + val > capacity) {
size += val;
System.out.printf("%s produce (%d), depot size (%d) \n", Thread.currentThread().getName(), val, size);
notifyAll(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {
} public synchronized void consume(int val) {
try {
if (size - val < 0) {
size -= val;
System.out.printf("%s consume (%d), depot size (%d) \n", Thread.currentThread().getName(), val, size);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} class Producer {
private Depot depot; public Producer(Depot depot) {
this.depot = depot;
} public void produce(final int val) {
new Thread() {
public void run() {
} class Consumer {
private Depot depot; public Consumer(Depot depot) {
this.depot = depot;
} public void consume(final int val) {
new Thread() {
public void run() {

  - 运行一下,你会发现仓库中的数量会出现负的情况,如果你改变生产者和消费者的线程数,还有可能出现超过仓库容量的情况,这该怎么解决呢?

  - 其实解决方法很简单,把wait()方法的判断语句由if换成while即可;

  - 我们来深究原因,以消费者为例,if的情况下,消费线程由wait状态切换到运行状态的时候,不再去判断仓库中的现有的存储量是否满足消费,此时该消费线程有可能由其他的消费线程唤醒,而其他的线程早已经把仓库消费完了,该线程再去消费,仓库自然就变成负的了。而while则不同,判断条件为while时,每次消费者线程被唤醒,均会做一次判断。

  - 其实在jdk文档中,对这种情况已经作了强调说明, 如下图所示

! 多读官方文档,多读源码!  手动笑哭。。。


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  6. Java 学习笔记 使用synchronized实现生产者消费者模式

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  7. java使用synchronized与Semaphore解决生产者消费者问题对比

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