- from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
- # 引入ABCMeta和abstractmethod来定义抽象类和抽象方法
- """
- version 1.0
- class Water:
- def __init__(self, state):
- self.__temperature = 25
- self.__state = state
- def set_state(self, state):
- self.__state = state
- def change_state(self, state):
- if self.__state:
- print("由 {} 变为 {}".format(self.__state.get_name(), state.get_name()))
- else:
- print("初始化为{}".format(state.get_name()))
- self.__state = state
- def get_temperature(self):
- return self.__temperature
- def set_temperature(self, temperature):
- self.__temperature = temperature
- if self.__temperature <= 0:
- self.change_state(SolidState("固态"))
- elif self.__temperature <= 100:
- self.change_state(LiquidState("液态"))
- else:
- self.change_state(GaseousState("气态"))
- def rise_temperature(self, step):
- self.set_temperature(self.__temperature + step)
- def reduce_temperature(self, step):
- self.set_temperature(self.__temperature - step)
- def behavior(self):
- self.__state.behavior(self)
- class State:
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.__name = name
- def get_name(self):
- return self.__name
- @abstractmethod
- def behavior(self, water):
- pass
- class SolidState(State):
- def __init__(self, name):
- super().__init__(name)
- def behavior(self, water):
- print("当前体温: {}".format(str(water.get_temperature())))
- class LiquidState(State):
- def __init__(self, name):
- super().__init__(name)
- def behavior(self, water):
- print("当前体温: {}".format(str(water.get_temperature())))
- class GaseousState(State):
- def __init__(self, name):
- super().__init__(name)
- def behavior(self, water):
- print("当前体温: {}".format(str(water.get_temperature())))
- def test_state():
- water = Water(LiquidState("液态"))
- water.behavior()
- water.set_temperature(-4)
- water.behavior()
- water.rise_temperature(18)
- water.behavior()
- water.rise_temperature(110)
- water.behavior()
- test_state()
- """
- # version 2.0
- class Context(metaclass=ABCMeta):
- def __init__(self):
- self.__states = []
- self.__cur_state = None
- self.__state_info = 0
- def add_state(self, state):
- if state not in self.__states:
- self.__states.append(state)
- def change_state(self, state):
- if state is None:
- return False
- if self.__cur_state is None:
- print("初始化为: {}".format(state.get_name()))
- else:
- print("由 {} 变为 {}".format(self.__cur_state.get_name(), state.get_name()))
- self.__cur_state = state
- self.add_state(state)
- return True
- def get_state(self):
- return self.__cur_state
- def _set_state_info(self, state_info):
- self.__state_info = state_info
- for state in self.__states:
- if state.is_match(state_info):
- self.change_state(state)
- def _get_state_info(self):
- return self.__state_info
- class State:
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.__name = name
- def get_name(self):
- return self.__name
- def is_match(self, state_info):
- return False
- @abstractmethod
- def behavior(self, context):
- pass
- class Water(Context):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self.add_state(SolidState("固态"))
- self.add_state(LiquidState("液态"))
- self.add_state(GaseousState("气态"))
- self.set_temperature(25)
- def get_temperature(self):
- return self._get_state_info()
- def set_temperature(self, temperature):
- self._set_state_info(temperature)
- def rise_temperature(self, step):
- self.set_temperature(self.get_temperature() + step)
- def reduce_temperature(self, step):
- self.set_temperature(self.get_temperature() - step)
- def behavior(self):
- state = self.get_state()
- if isinstance(state, State):
- state.behavior(self)
- def singleton(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- instance = {}
- def __singletone(*args, **kwargs):
- if cls not in instance:
- instance[cls] = cls(*args, **kwargs)
- return instance[cls]
- return __singletone
- @singleton
- class SolidState(State):
- def __init__(self, name):
- super().__init__(name)
- def is_match(self, state_info):
- return state_info < 0
- def behavior(self, context):
- print(", 我性格高冷, 当前体温: {}".format(context._get_state_info()))
- @singleton
- class LiquidState(State):
- def __init__(self, name):
- super().__init__(name)
- def is_match(self, state_info):
- return 0 <= state_info < 100
- def behavior(self, context):
- print("我性格温和, 当前体温: {}".format(context._get_state_info()))
- @singleton
- class GaseousState(State):
- def __init__(self, name):
- super().__init__(name)
- def is_match(self, state_info):
- return state_info >= 100
- def behavior(self, context):
- print("我性格热烈,当前体温: {}".format(context._get_state_info()))
- def test_state():
- water = Water()
- water.behavior()
- water.set_temperature(-4)
- water.behavior()
- water.rise_temperature(18)
- water.behavior()
- water.rise_temperature(110)
- water.behavior()
- test_state()
- C:\Python36\python.exe C:/Users/Sahara/PycharmProjects/test/python_search.py
- 初始化为: 液态
- 我性格温和, 当前体温:
- 由 液态 变为 固态
- , 我性格高冷, 当前体温: -
- 由 固态 变为 液态
- 我性格温和, 当前体温:
- 由 液态 变为 气态
- 我性格热烈,当前体温:
- Process finished with exit code
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