本文翻译自官网: Time Attributes   https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.9/dev/table/streaming/time_attributes.html

Flink Table Api & SQL 翻译目录


  • Process time 是指正在执行相应操作的机器的系统时间(也称为“挂钟时间”)。
  • Event time 是指基于附在每行上的时间戳对流数据进行处理。时间戳可以在事件发生时进行编码。
  • Ingestion time 是事件进入Flink的时间;在内部,它的处理类似于事件时间。


本页说明如何在Flink的Table API和SQL中为基于时间的操作定义时间属性。


Table APISQL中的基于时间的操作(例如窗口)都需要有关时间概念及其起源的信息。因此,表可以提供逻辑时间属性,以指示时间并访问表程序中的相应时间戳。




val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment

env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.ProcessingTime) // default

// alternatively:
// env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.IngestionTime)
// env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime)






val stream: DataStream[(String, String)] = ...

// declare an additional logical field as a processing time attribute
val table = tEnv.fromDataStream(stream, 'UserActionTimestamp, 'Username, 'Data, 'UserActionTime.proctime) val windowedTable = table.window(Tumble over 10.minutes on 'UserActionTime as 'userActionWindow)



class UserActionSource extends StreamTableSource[Row] with DefinedProctimeAttribute {

    override def getReturnType = {
val names = Array[String]("Username" , "Data")
val types = Array[TypeInformation[_]](Types.STRING, Types.STRING)
Types.ROW(names, types)
} override def getDataStream(execEnv: StreamExecutionEnvironment): DataStream[Row] = {
// create stream
val stream = ...
} override def getProctimeAttribute = {
// field with this name will be appended as a third field
} // register table source
tEnv.registerTableSource("UserActions", new UserActionSource) val windowedTable = tEnv
.window(Tumble over 10.minutes on 'UserActionTime as 'userActionWindow)





可以在DataStream到Table的转换期间或使用TableSource 定义事件时间属性。

在DataStream 到 Table 的转换期间


将 DataStream 转换为 Table 时,有两种定义时间属性的方法。根据指定的.rowtime字段名称是否存在于DataStream的结构中,timestamp字段为

  • 作为新字段附加到结构
  • 替换现有字段。

无论哪种情况,事件时间时间戳字段都将保留DataStream事件时间 时间戳的值。

// Option 1:

// extract timestamp and assign watermarks based on knowledge of the stream
val stream: DataStream[(String, String)] = inputStream.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(...) // declare an additional logical field as an event time attribute
val table = tEnv.fromDataStream(stream, 'Username, 'Data, 'UserActionTime.rowtime) // Option 2: // extract timestamp from first field, and assign watermarks based on knowledge of the stream
val stream: DataStream[(Long, String, String)] = inputStream.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(...) // the first field has been used for timestamp extraction, and is no longer necessary
// replace first field with a logical event time attribute
val table = tEnv.fromDataStream(stream, 'UserActionTime.rowtime, 'Username, 'Data) // Usage: val windowedTable = table.window(Tumble over 10.minutes on 'UserActionTime as 'userActionWindow)



请确保由getDataStream()方法返回的DataStream与定义的时间属性对齐。仅当定义了StreamRecordTimestamp时间戳提取器时,才考虑DataStream的时间戳(由TimestampAssigner分配的时间戳)。仅当定义了PreserveWatermarks水印策略时,才会保留DataStream的水印。 否则,仅TableSource的rowtime属性的值相关。

// define a table source with a rowtime attribute
class UserActionSource extends StreamTableSource[Row] with DefinedRowtimeAttributes { override def getReturnType = {
val names = Array[String]("Username" , "Data", "UserActionTime")
val types = Array[TypeInformation[_]](Types.STRING, Types.STRING, Types.LONG)
Types.ROW(names, types)
} override def getDataStream(execEnv: StreamExecutionEnvironment): DataStream[Row] = {
// create stream
// ...
// assign watermarks based on the "UserActionTime" attribute
val stream = inputStream.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(...)
} override def getRowtimeAttributeDescriptors: util.List[RowtimeAttributeDescriptor] = {
// Mark the "UserActionTime" attribute as event-time attribute.
// We create one attribute descriptor of "UserActionTime".
val rowtimeAttrDescr = new RowtimeAttributeDescriptor(
new ExistingField("UserActionTime"),
new AscendingTimestamps)
val listRowtimeAttrDescr = Collections.singletonList(rowtimeAttrDescr)
} // register the table source
tEnv.registerTableSource("UserActions", new UserActionSource) val windowedTable = tEnv
.window(Tumble over 10.minutes on 'UserActionTime as 'userActionWindow)


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