
1. Windows 2008
  Microsoft recently implements VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) which allow an administrator to make
  filesystem snapshots while the operating is running and writing to current backuped files.
  Here is a way to backup NTDS.dit file while a domain controller is running:
  #activate instance ntds
  #mount {GUID}
  #copy c:\MOUNT_POINT\WINDOWS\NTDS\NTDS.dit c:\NTDS_saved.dit
  #unmount {GUID}
  If AD server hasn't the "AD DS role", you have to use dsdbutil.exe command in the same way.
 2. Windows 2003  
  On this version, VSS has been implemented but not NTDS-type snapshots.
  But you can use ntbackup tool, here is the procedure:
  - Launch NTBACKUP gui
  - Use backup wizard (advanced)
  - Choose to save system state only and choose output filename
  - Wait some minutes
  - Use restore wizard (advanced)
  - Choise your backup, click next and use advanced button
  - Choose to restore file on another location (c:\tmp\ for example)
  - Choose to overwrite everything and next uncheck all restoration parameters
  - Validate and wait some minutes
  - Open a command shell to "c:\tmp\Active Directory"
  - We need to repair the database with this command
  #esentutl /p ntds.dit
  - Validate warning and wait some minutes
  ntds.dit file can now be used with quarkspwdump.


#activate instance ntds
#mount {GUID}
#copy c:\MOUNT_POINT\WINDOWS\NTDS\NTDS.dit c:\NTDS_saved.dit
#unmount {GUID}



ntdsutil  snapshot  "activate  instance  ntds"  create  quit  quit
ntdsutil snapshot "mount {GUID}" quit quit
copy MOUNT_POINT\windows\NTDS\ntds.dit c:\ntds.dit
ntdsutil snapshot "unmount {GUID}" quit quit2 v- p5 I2 O E
ntdsutil snapshot "delete {GUID}" quit quit


QuarksPwDump.exe --dump-hash-domain --ntds-file c:\ntds.dit

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