Creating a Manager for Multiple Threads_翻译
The previous lesson showed how to define a task that executes on a separate thread. If you only want to run the task once, this may be all you need. If you want to run a task repeatedly on different sets of data, but you only need one execution running at a time, an IntentService
suits your needs. To automatically run tasks as resources become available, or to allow multiple tasks to run at the same time (or both), you need to provide a managed collection of threads. To do this, use an instance of ThreadPoolExecutor
, which runs a task from a queue when a thread in its pool becomes free. To run a task, all you have to do is add it to the queue.
A thread pool can run multiple parallel instances of a task, so you should ensure that your code is thread-safe. Enclose variables that can be accessed by more than one thread in asynchronized
block. This approach will prevent one thread from reading the variable while another is writing to it. Typically, this situation arises with static variables, but it also occurs in any object that is only instantiated once. To learn more about this, read the Processes and Threads API guide.
Define the Thread Pool Class
Instantiate ThreadPoolExecutor
in its own class. Within this class, do the following:
- Use static variables for thread pools
- 将线程池声明为静态变量
- You may only want a single instance of a thread pool for your app, in order to have a single control point for restricted CPU or network resources. If you have different
types, you may want to have a thread pool for each one, but each of these can be a single instance. For example, you can add this as part of your global field declarations: - 为了对有限的CPU资源或者网络资源有一个单独的控制点,你也许需要为你的应用设置一个线程池的单例,如果你有不同的runnable类型,那么你也许想要为每个这样的类型搞一个线程池,比如,你可以加入作为你的全局域的声明:不同的runnable类型是指由下载任务,有解码任务等。每种类型的任务都可以有自己的线程池来执行。
public class PhotoManager {
static {
// Creates a single static instance of PhotoManager
sInstance = new PhotoManager();
...Use a private constructor
Making the constructor private ensures that it is a singleton, which means that you don't have to enclose accesses to the class in a
public class PhotoManager {
* Constructs the work queues and thread pools used to download
* and decode images. Because the constructor is marked private,
* it's unavailable to other classes, even in the same package.
private PhotoManager() {
}Start your tasks by calling methods in the thread pool class.
Define a method in the thread pool class that adds a task to a thread pool's queue. For example:
public class PhotoManager {
// Called by the PhotoView to get a photo
static public PhotoTask startDownload(
PhotoView imageView,
boolean cacheFlag) {
// Adds a download task to the thread pool for execution
Instantiate a
in the constructor and attach it to your app's UI thread.A
allows your app to safely call the methods of UI objects such asView
objects. Most UI objects may only be safely altered from the UI thread. This approach is described in more detail in the lessonCommunicate with the UI Thread. For example:在构造器中初始化一个句柄,并且将这个句柄附加到你的主线程中。一个句柄允许你的应用能够安全调用UI对象的方法,比如View对象。只有UI线程才能改变大部分的UI对象。例如:
private PhotoManager() {
// Defines a Handler object that's attached to the UI thread
mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) {
* handleMessage() defines the operations to perform when
* the Handler receives a new Message to process.
public void handleMessage(Message inputMessage) {
}Determine the Thread Pool Parameters
Once you have the overall class structure, you can start defining the thread pool. To instantiate a
object, you need the following values:一旦你对类的结构有一个大体的了解,你可以开始定义线程池了。为了初始化一个
对象,你需要下列的值:- Initial pool size and maximum pool size
- 初始化线程池的大小和最大的线程池大小
- The initial number of threads to allocate to the pool, and the maximum allowable number. The number of threads you can have in a thread pool depends primarily on the number of cores available for your device. This number is available from the system environment:
- 允许分配到池中的线程个数,以及允许的最大分配个数。你在一个线程池中拥有的线程的个数依赖于你的设备的核数。这个数字可以从系统环境中获取。
public class PhotoManager {
* Gets the number of available cores
* (not always the same as the maximum number of cores)
private static int NUMBER_OF_CORES =
}This number may not reflect the number of physical cores in the device; some devices have CPUs that deactivate one or more cores depending on the system load. For these devices,
returns the number of active cores, which may be less than the total number of cores.这个数字也许与实际的核数有出入。一些设备的CPU会根据系统的负载来熄灭一个或者几个核。对于这些设备,
方法来获取,这个方法获取的仅仅是激活的核数,而不是所有的核数。Keep alive time and time unit
The duration that a thread will remain idle before it shuts down. The duration is interpreted by the time unit value, one of the constants defined in
.在一个线程结束前的空闲时间时长。这个时长由time unit值来解释,这个时长在TimeUnit中定义,是其中的一个常量。
A queue of tasks
The incoming queue from which
objects. To start code on a thread, a thread pool manager takes aRunnable
object from a first-in, first-out queue and attaches it to the thread. You provide this queue object when you create the thread pool, using any queue class that implements theBlockingQueue
interface. To match the requirements of your app, you can choose from the available queue implementations; to learn more about them, see the class overview forThreadPoolExecutor
. This example uses theLinkedBlockingQueue
类。该类实现了BlockingQueue接口。public class PhotoManager {
private PhotoManager() {
// A queue of Runnables
private final BlockingQueue<Runnable> mDecodeWorkQueue;
// Instantiates the queue of Runnables as a LinkedBlockingQueue
mDecodeWorkQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>();
}Create a Pool of Threads
To create a pool of threads, instantiate a thread pool manager by calling
. This creates and manages a constrained group of threads. Because the initial pool size and the maximum pool size are the same,ThreadPoolExecutor
creates all of the thread objects when it is instantiated. For example:为了创建线程池,调用
就已经穿件好了所有的线程。private PhotoManager() {
// Sets the amount of time an idle thread waits before terminating
private static final int KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = 1;
// Sets the Time Unit to seconds
private static final TimeUnit KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_UNIT = TimeUnit.SECONDS;
// Creates a thread pool manager
mDecodeThreadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
NUMBER_OF_CORES, // Initial pool size
NUMBER_OF_CORES, // Max pool size
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