1Z0-053 争议题目解析502



502.A database is running In ARCHIVBXXMS mode. It has two online redo log groups and each group
has one member.
A LGWR Input/output (I/O) fells due to permanent media failure that has resulted In the loss of redo log
file and the LWGR terminates causing the instance to crash. The steps to recover from the loss of a
current redo log group member in the random order are as follow.
1) Restore the corrupted redo log group.
2) Restore from a whole database backup.
3) Perform incomplete recovery.
4) Relocate by renaming the member of the damaged online redo log group to a new location.
5) Open the database with the RESETLOGS option.
6) Restart the database instance.
7) Issue a checkpoint and clear the log.
Identify the option with the correct sequential steps to accomplish the task efficiently.
A. 1, 3, 4, and 5
B. 7, 3, 4. and 5
C. 2, 3, 4, and 5
D. 7, 4, 3. and 5
E. Only 6 is required
Answer: B


7) Issue a checkpoint and clear the log.
2) Restore from a whole database backup.
那无疑是7. 如果执行7能成功,就只需要做一次备份就好了。





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